
Hugh - titanic and K?

You wrote the notes or you got a secretary best friend included back home? 

Sometimes you get 2 or 3 best friends to go exploring and have fun and all that 1997 re-lives….

Shane has 4, Brian got 4, Nick got 5, Justin got 4 + the entire early Disney program. 

Gha bon beb (like Bebe branding ) = eat yet ? Only the south they always do that. Most Western English nor 7-11 or the grand hotel no one will use those language expression. It’s an expression. 

Like good day !

gha ba beb 

Gha bon?  

You have the charity zoom interview with 15 people. Your own charity it’s on your fan account. Your best friend. That’s not looking like you’re traveling best friend with you? That is? With Olivia in wondering together in NYC, he is the one? And South America ? You tell both them now before Maryland ~~ literally speaking !! In my face ~~~

You and Prince 1 + the father and the King to be supposed to ?? Speaking French? Other than US or there will be an UN or UNISEF.

When I learn those language by listening, that doesn’t mean I literally learning it. My mother only know the Taiwanese by hearing too and speak some. You guys go to France to live ? 

Dosa you know it’s the Indian food? 

Doo sha = thank you.

Pi say yah ! = so sorry. = pi say pi say.

The motorcycle bump the mirror next by when you coming out each other the car. 

Some of these I know very little, by intuition …

Do you like the sports medicine ?

The local food when you look at them, if not those supermarket, you will those soft texture, my mother likes it. It’s called like the turtle in Mandarin or kneeling. Gua…Kui (Kue). 粿

so why don’t you be careful ….the vegetarian vendor in green that thing rounded. ). The signature wall right below the second, 3rd store. That’s all vegetarian. 

暇咪  what  = sha mi

暇咪歹己 what’s the matter =  sha mi dai gi

To that parrots…..

Shrimp, blind. 蝦 = 瞎 = the same sound. Y that pillar before the massagists / handicap. 

(台灣)肉圓 = Taiwan 肉圓 = ba wan 

粽子= ba zsang = slap the face 巴掌

The sweet and sour glasses jar usually a very thin sale product, for both. The palm hold size, slap the face that kind height and width it’s a coin lid diameter.

You look like …join the groups of all those people.

I am seeing …those right ? You learn French in the school and you are not super connected to end up in French other than Japan or here one of those days? I think I saw the French song somewhere. 

Your classmate or my classmate ? If were ? You imagine a life again ? Only this life.

You have !! I think …other than that NYC him and Olivia each your side. One backpack. I was in a horror, if you keep doing this!  You and their age that much difference ?

No, my classmates need…

  1. How to laundry
  2. A detergent Wal-mart or Target purchase with that cart better. 
  3. Before their parents die 1 to 1000 things including how to change a battery whatever that is. 
  4. America too much debts or debtor, that’s very bad. 
  5. The immigrant gives a very distinct sensation than passing through a lot more white area America. The girl’s outfit all that the sensitivity I can see very distinct this Hollywood and not too far back to more of the America land culture. 
  6. For the time yet to arrive that classify, the local is very very rid of none-American. 
  7. The air. No one pays tax on-time, that’s why these video look so worsen in the End of Time. Lies in front of all my faces for. 


The tumor on the right behind head, upper. All of them. 

I don’t know what that means, though.  If it’s one person, why not Tina. So I say all of them. 

Do I know anything about the brain tumor? Of course not.

My neighbor slam the balcony door twice . - 2

The elevator engine up, -10

You see the lie detector to this 1) High tech begins their eye lids  2) 4 limbs absorb more and more water cannot do without - no more public appearances 

The consequence of the dying hunger. I know it all. 

Fear is not enough, what the competition they all wish to be a better human than they used to be, all of them. And so…( 2) this is where getting worsen, and no one knows.

Worsen means only my will without that Ronan, haha, a dead meat Yogananda 200 years 1950, guess….eternity whom did that ? 2015 Chapitti. Nothing but hatred !! Their organization can all live in the fantasy … a group of his friends dares to show up. That color to his ….white all tutee, he knows exactly all that outside white women means. 

Funny, their own guru did it for all of them means and for his wife’s.

(My mother dish plate sounding metal)

I think it was his living choice at those 1930 dead time technology, it must be his original masters book called the holy science - the electric age brings backward the spirituality …or whichever things must be the Queen or this Titanic or Tesla was a Lica, and all those ship up or live on, or now on….both century and he alone knows.

( The neighbor facet so loud in the wall again !)

He probably has every other thing but one thing when he at his original job at those things, he didn’t need the IQ how ruin all that was.

( The neighbor facet water running …when do they use that space ? Only when annoying me?)

It’s getting worsen his patience or …I was too late.

When you all finish ….k or all of that, and can open your mouth, tell me Rosy red cheek each brush to the painting face alive. What’s more cruel can ever be?

You Hugh alone knows.

… no. We never talk about it.

I was in my seat, everyone celestial was on their seats, that Earth-celestial commander is sex that women ??

I describe it again.  (Cannot)


So many 🦅 or bees at his faces ….

We each …cannot talk that England 1893 Lord, he does that a lot ! You know whom he is much older too. 

Next it’s 6 ? I didn’t sleep…

What happen to my computer?

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