
Panda (那隻鳥講台語) - that bird talking in Taiwanese

Full of Danger ( your father and you )  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9_fieDWLfpI

The sandwitch making: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/aF13noWVY0I

Hugh, you all somehow whom is whom God father, all that? (Good Morning). Our TV right now:  Here (2:50)

The parrot 鸚鵡

The birds say you Prince William what? (Middleton is 后) gay = 給.  

  • The last word is the curse word: F word. (Taiwanese). 
  • 后后 = means 好好 in Taiwanese = good good (on the phone) = ho ho (before the gay)
  • (台語候候 )
  • Queen = 后  (no, one word), its Taiwanese. 

台灣是提倡台語的 (本土文化)

Taiwan is promoting the Taiwanese (the origin culture)

Don't mind these animals, tell them to SHUT UP! 

我叫他們不要去理這些動物,你們通通給我閉嘴 (小鳥~~去 !)

Ni si kon sha mi  (你西供蝦咪 ), 小鳥 ~~~挑ㄨ 波~~ 挑波

Shut up ~~~

The garlic + the oil


You use those big oven, you just slightly put that on the side, if like the lunch preparation is too massive, so everyone leave by 4 or 5 oclock. You at least your husband or ex, or that friends visiting you the gf all that, or whom has one more food to eat, if you don't eat that much. A simple bread dipping.  Its the same oven, on the side.

The parrots


He says The Honorable Superior next by that lady, her mother is pretty !! hahaha....

The violinhttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/I59trN9KpSg


You all diary: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/yq0gJ_jslI4

Spanish? 西班牙文? The princess 公主 ~~~~~

One Direction, they were from England?


The white parrot get mad and screaming : https://www.youtube.com/shorts/G7ucFphcjnU

On Live, right now. Good morning~~~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y5TUI8kqQY

You guys all go and watching. They sent me the parrots now? 

The cat is on the tree. 2 are near the water. (1 in the water along the edge keep going, 1 stop on the concrete top)

"Walking cross way." That is Mark's song ~~~~

No, its a song they....select. Ordering a song. Pick a song.

uh..no, they know. Mash, or cash...one of those.2 different words sounds.

They want a commercialize commodity, your 2 otters, or every otter does, right now. They know what is a corperate idea. They are doing it, ....they get a better option, those that keep screaming. 

T-shirt, key chain, Iron Man, all idol worship. Those, like Westlife.

You give them a ball, they do joggling, right.

a small ladder on the table, taller to you, or similar height.

Bye ~~~~

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