
⭐️⭐️⭐️ We are not China, so media.....when they photography you from American journalist, the climate so hot, you wear a tank....you never seen a human in your life, those world?! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Right, here is not China, its a gossip news magazine for the celebrity, its called 壹週刊. my dentist at that side has it. Not too far.

The tank white is my neighbor downstair dress like that, but he bikes outside so he will dress up in the elevator. And you finding a pair of sandal, I know the longer you stay and knowing the human are no one cares about it your appearance, they are looking at their phone only on the metro. You at least knowing any England and American journalist know the difference here or China. They seize the media control, here is the democracy passport, they can freely entry, your face back to America.....you need to be aware of ALL THAT. But you know tank and the sandal to the outside, you don't do that to go to 101 all those finance where all the bank stood. 

鄭佩佩 (78) dead. No, I don't know whom that is. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Other than the ice cream.....?

These 7-11 or any Family Mart they are in the competition in the busy ones, you seeing ...those road or avenue was that their daily lunch box those microwave like the train lunch box, those? Looks similar? Its daily fresh. Its all loading up that day. The FDA reason. 

You going it down elevator that day, they are just got in that morning. So if you cannot follow these banker like the birds say, their break time would be 12:00 to 1:30 I think. The birds pushing me but you all disrupting me here never stop....they are everywhere.

Outside...the city one day if the police pay something the birds told me every car license plate, the birds flying it down, its one day daily bread making. When my money be mine money? The....uh....that Dream Exchange Games that first guy robe jumping all round, leaping that guy's name is 鬼宿,the birds have a reason to force it....but you all 194 countries, that is impossible they exist right now, I say that 3 years ago? I need to get down the floor soon.

⭐️⭐️⭐️ You want a schedule - the autumn season coming in, if right here?

1) The mode on your body, next by the police station. No, not the hospital. They can all have the private pay, but we use the health card. My brother's bf...Dec. Your autumn month is Sep?

2) Your focaccia + the cookies (you learn how to dial the number and say the correct Chinese words, to order), their pre-order its all behind them. 

3) 6 Star hotel, everything you staring at it. That is not the hotel parts, next by building. Any kind of....those purchase. I am not sure.

4) Niko And....all around.

5) Tom's World next by 5 mins walking, has a store used to be nothing but the perfume.

That is the Eastern Area, you heard about it since 2018. I know you heard all that VS and my photo. That is before 101 all area.

6) No, you don't need to get to Y immediately, you mean you want the immediate things be done, or eat, or buy?! I am telling you the immediate thing you get in the dentist appointment and the skin appointment, that is about 10 mins walking, you have 2 appointment or you calling in, by 2 weeks you get everything done?

7) You have anything else to go to the hospital if that is the health card? Tina and Pang rush that every Christmas per year, one of those things? I am telling you the most immediate things !! 

8) The news, the weather typhoon right now, looks about right like last year, 3 line up again ~~~~ oh my God. You turn on the TV, what do you wish to see the most immediate things?

9) Your mother, or your aunt, or your gf? The face or the massage? 

Its all here.

10) How soon you need a full cake, or just when you feel like? I keep seeing these youtube, maybe you all like those, and they have other kinds of the menu.

No, you don't need to cook - that is probably the most immediate thing, if you care about your eating, and your 3C, and the electronic, and some store, and still electronic 3C building or the store, all that you already hear that from Hugh. Then you go to Japan to whom else buddy, you might already went to cargo things. You have a base here, so you flying around in Asia.

11) Your .... everything else you pass it by all around here, its your all immediate thing when you found out, right. All your walking distance. 

If we have the motorcycle? We can just take the bus at the bank side to Daan Fitness center I say Craig name. The swimming pool and that giant space walking up the stair for....I tell Shane stuffs.

But if he knew ....those road are giant. No, I don't like the motorcycle, we take the taxi, but that will be one thing I wish you take the short distance easy, safe. The road its big, and no one is on it in the morning. The fitness center.


Its the roller blades indoor, and bedminton, you do need to pay something, and....the store and the dining. Want to see that instead?

You go to the shop there, you go to the ....Amazing Road fitness, next by the Star Bucks, or somewhere you find it. That is too far.

The teen's care about = me's swimming suit !!! The girls.

And there is a coffee shop !!!

Swimming suit - more than that.


怡客咖啡 大安運動中心店

Right, a lot of the Western food.

Everything fat, right. I say the store, you take the taxi back. 

You need to learn the writing and speaking and driving skill....to pass their driving license, imagine that. Not sure, Shane will have those things. I just say pretending. Square has the motorcycle.  You will be so dedicating for a motorcycle?

Another place, the King Crab, and that recent Triton & Neo that Mall Breeze, the one I told Hugh them to go. Its on that same road 41, Square's restaurant too. The brown line below. (They are above in the sky), that line.

From here, you and me location

1) Daan Fitness Center (you want to park next by the whole building police station fine, across is the university. Some human doesn't know where...never mind.   2) King Crab below 市民大道   3) That run away Breeze Mall after Taipei Station Y. 

4) You go to those bank Circle, some people use there, my mother across is Paul and behind is Niko And.....probably you mean that towel bank. (The bank Circle), next by has the coffee shop, you can park there. Louisiana Coffee. You care about the motorcycle?

5) You buying things to put in the motorcycle or to your foot? (below your seat?), maybe you just get the taxi, not that thing running on the street to be honest. 

The castle you know where? All there, you get 1234, I get 567. You park your car, 20 motorcycle, and a business logo sound like you put a security camera. But we have no more elevator company or the air-con company, my mother is not using them, so that time I ask her.

You tell someone walking in and counting how many of you to park there.

They are like a security behind, you want to put 20 guys in that building for your business? Most of them are the guys. 

I want to go to nap. Where is Hugh, them? 


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