
Hugh should be at 3C again, and where is here.....

Anything medical examination?  The guy or the girl, or the family want to come in the future?

There is a typhoon just form, I say 3 line up just now this noon. This one will be 20th arrive to land, which land.  Typhoon news in 2 days. Ky mi ...凱米 Tomorrow form, next Tuesday and Wedn would be....near Taiwan, Something about a big twirling north up this typhoon does. No, stay indoor that 2 days. They arrive the land in that Earthquake place.  Arrive means? = The eye arrives and steps up to the land, that is the landing means.

Okay, cooking that is Olivia (and Hugh)

You talk about it, you don't need to hurry to cook, right now? Finding the Family Mart or 7-11 idea.   The light soup, because you going out a lot, those are a decent plate of the food. For the local, that is expensive, but for the Western all world, you all can afford, those portions they give the correct one meal like you eating outside in America or in Europe. So your fiber, the fruits or the vegetable intake, you have to believe, that is your priority things to do when you are away from home. I am sure when you are home, you have a way to manage all that. You decide where you would be shopping, correct. The 1 week when you get in the freezer or some grocery to look, even the night market. You all don't need to get in there, really. 

Are you planning to go out a lot?  Sometimes I am so sleeping inside my own room, I just keep sleeping, right now. The bathroom is EVERY morning, you believe that kinds of routine? At least once a day, the morning or any time of the day, if you run out fast. The bathroom time. That kind of the bathroom?  And the beginning to the end of one lifetime, for a guy? Be a nurse, a physical therapist, or a MD? Like the poo or the pee, or the water dripping on the ground, the wet bedding, how to turn the body, exercise, you saying you care or you love this someone, providing that? I meant one lifetime, I didn't mean 20 years that kinds. Ever talk about it?

I had only one mother, and that nick (the Buddhism the disciple or the Asian their watching over stuffs), so just me and Shane. - one lifetime all those talk? Not those talk?  Which things he cares about it? You have to take care of all that? The close people?

The whole Cosmo, just 2 or 3 people. That is the true reality, everything around I say,.....not much is real in the real life, you understand? The capitalism means, not any religious branch to walk in, and saying the branch all those things? Shane....he has that, he will tell me that. I don't get involved anything of that. That sound strange? Interesting, right?

Shane used to be thin.

Nick is thinner than we just met. He is about to die. Sorry, its not 3 people. Its me and my mother.

Meaning Shane is a celebrity, if he likes a food, I have never seen how to make, he needs to bring me there to see it, and know the Youtube, and I make it once, and he eats how many times per week or per month? He wants that life, or he imagines he .....eats per hour would not be too full to go to sleep? Napping.

America has that Thanksgiving.

England has?

How long does that take, and is that a trouble matter to boil an egg, open and cut in half? 1 hour, 1 food? That in cold fridge? The plastic wraps up, without the leaf decorating?  So I say no cooking. You are in Asia, many people don't need to cook. 

You both have to run that schedule - deciding here, when you are talking and chatting, and more stabilizing. You both know the baby coming that day's life, that kind?  He has to go back because he has the Gods son, and I think they need to all go to Maryland or Japan for sometimes, all those things included. All of that is your new family? 

This is not one of those days....

Re-done means, me and Shane in front of you two, I order, I say jump, we jump, I say land, we land, I say run, you both run? You all must have a reason to get here.....its the Japanese Disney Land Resort like these Youtube video must be.

These are you 2 real life? My real life....

With the in-laws, living near by?

The renovating, is that....on the way? Its next by my neighbor !!!!

I am tired all the time, so I don't really know if that is a reality to be with any guy, to be honest. I don't know how real for many people to many things. But we have to build that communication throughout all the time. 

The home made food can exhibit many different colors or the flavors, every kinds of the smaller home you all going to in Washington D.C or next by Maryland, including Japan or China, if that is on the agenda, or even in Europe. That is the reality life, or that is partner's life, so do you both needs to prepare the food, or near by the parents to learn some of that, before that time comes?

okay okay.

The brussels sprouts or the cauliflower in that one farmer's market ( in the central governmental, DC, not BUFFALO, I observe, as well as in Maryland, there are the farmer's market), is that an important to know between the local to the central government idea, or that is outside the England idea?


If every girl takes one guy, that is a happiest whole world in peace. One of those World Peace talks.

What I do now, sleeping.....to comment. You cooking for 10-20 people, if were, becuase that COVID 19 is impossible, or the war, or the social news are all very very bad laterly on our news here.  Let's say ONE meal, that is 10-20 people, you gonna do? You, one Olivia.

The every household idea, I think there is no more true love in the regular citizen in the average world. Most kids are selfish, everyone knows that. I think its only the Uber world anymore, so I never say cooking?! Saying the TV, or saying the Flower Thousand Bones. I told people that's my conclusion. Its well wishing, but the average....situation.

They still have the family will be the family to be in Washington D.C all area, to conduct the family cooking, to end up someone's home in cooking, all that?

Too fat.

Everyone youth are very harsh, screaming, or the knife stabbing, or not stable. It will NEVER NEVER NEVER be an MD. They UB will never be a MD, that looks normal, acting normal, conducting some clinic things normal. I am not sure that each and every generation will have anything anymore going on, seriously. I am very very very quiet about anything none advertising, so this world will becoming the brand new. When all of that WWII die out, this world will no more having one word, talking about me, through me, to me.

They fallen I can careless one human being to be decent or not.

The average joking, the joker, the cancer talk, in front of that 54. (Simon's name). And all that is forever and ever, ever. This is the correct time to be forgotten this AD 0 til 1999, and that's great. This is really perfect. 

Too lazy, too painful the period, the mentality is down, the distance is too far. The oil or the gasoline, or the money.....everyone is on edge. I say sit, I say lay down, I say drink your bottle water, I say here is every Family Mart. Give me one instructor repeat every word I say, again and again. So these 194 countries, they can make it entering upon HERE.  I am waiting, waiting.....waited.

The average citizen, their marriage life 1 ends badly many.

They die. We don't because too many people. But this Cosmo, you say mercy, you say genuine, a lot of time becoming the ending torture or torment, when it means to people the love, or the attention or 40 years live together....2 ends in the senior home. It doesn't look anything because they could continue living. But.....one did say, or near by, that living near, it means to that person. They are just the ordinary soul.

Most of your side of the world, few will never be the average, quiet life only have those very small ex bf or ex gf, it will never be the front page cover. Where you say God's mercy, God's respect, God's compassion - every single life on Earth.

And you, are ordinary? 

The classmate year book brought up, its on my monitor video here.

This is the conversation, you starting this first one renovation to get one location right

First renovation in the foreign country. Preparation of the life you both shared + 3C + TV + a sofa and a couch. Not a bad life. Talk, discuss, eat and make it. 

My neighbor is on and on and on this wall digging never end. 

I think these people whom live on the deck is very very very heated life. Too hot to breath, the sea deck.

Taipei has an American school, lattitude

To Costco / Hola

And you seeing the American Embassy latitude on the map.

My head is hurting, they never stop digging ....

All kinds of the home cooking food on my here seeing, the ice cream, the ice + the red berry and the potato cup with the bacon in it + the cheese.

That is what you mean the home cooking......

Ronan is an Irish

They like Japanese food, I think all of them.


Do you guys decide the hospital where if you can get the health card, or some name cards you acquire to asking for some dental or some walk-in service for your teeth cleaning, or the skin cares?

How do I meet Shane here, waiting the bus here he arrives?

No, I take the bus to the airport to wait him. You scared if you do that by yourself?

The water, the soup, the food, the little things in his life makes easy.

You mean the Family Mart? 全家便利商店

You can put the 10 eggs in one bag. Inside? Right.

The hot water you can keep re-filling any cup? Yes.

Like the Coco Powder, Yes. You eat at those table? Yes, and you can leave too. 

Any kind of the rice cup, the instant noodles, the spicy those? Yes.

They don't think you eat spicy and all that? Of course not. 

You can get 10 bags for Westlife, and that is 10 US dollars? .... Yes.

You can buy 100 things with that card, if you fill up? Yes.

If you lost the card? You lost the money, correct.

I don't think....they all show up together, there ! Wallace those restaurant in the TV. Reservation those. But I always ensure he gets something with him, or Westlife. 

They are good ! Yes.

Next- I am eating my mother's dumpling from the noon. You say....you two lives together the PC world and that Netflix black box here.....that is not making a food for me, or alter to Ronan, one of those?


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