
I go to nap

Babaji: Go

Why I cannot go to nap again?


No, I know the difference when you say %, our news? Here. The children' encyclopedia talks about it, you. 

There is a different card in America, the debbit or  the credit. That is what the most people do in life. That is not normal to me, probably I never exposed to the simple thing I only know, that kinds. My brain is simple. UKFCU I would meant the other way around, the children's encyclopedia idea, not those written on your banner. We have a "Land Bank", at the very end of the Amazing Road, imagine....I knew every looks of it. The land owner probably at the southern parts. On the other side of the bank road.

The news .....no you have the cash flows, none of that is talking about "only the doctor or the lawyers can settle one property in Taipei" or else they go home best, the real estate says that on the news about last year. (for 20 years to estimate). 

So, let's say....its an ordinary life. Susan's Show (90s), that will 13 months principle + 1 ( 12+1), one extra payment other than .....you have a %, its a formula. Of course, its added the interests, what you used for, right? 

(1+  %) ....something I don't remember.

  • When you provide, is different
  • When other people make, that is....also different.

Is there a reason I cannot talk about the children's encyclopedia?

I am talking about you bank.  Can I go to nap.....their somebody over the rainbow, something got them going looking like those Panda, or touring the Northern parts of the Buddhism Modern (architecture). You know where that nears to? 

Yesterday was the commercial on my short clips, the Eastern Area.

I keep seeing them in the Breeze 南京店, seriously exactly like the Panda does, so I thought I go to sleep, they just keep talking there. 

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