
Prince William, your panda that kid and the mother short clip

They sent in these video by their selection time?


Is that now? 4 mins ago. 1st post is 1 min ago.  Jog, not jag. odo = Dean dentist?

Maybe they mean those girls to cook is a virtue, to be honest, that side the gigantic human population, no one cooks. Hooter's food. It isn't that many girls already, to say stay slim, stay health, and even to cook a meal, that saying. 

They don't think the guys got draft in the real life without the notice, one of those?

Maybe they didn't think that was real, the National Emergency House.

The stupidest things I ever heard, the heaven what ......

You are not....ever to reach anywhere in life, so in any degree faith to say, the guys carried the sand bags for the flood, or the shore anything drifting, they manually remove those things in the coastline. They carried the dead body from the hospital, or the war, probably exactly like I got told. That is what they good for. 

Of course not, they don't talk like that, or I never ask them. I got told once, right.

This panda next video they upload 1 min ago.


She is trying to kill him.... 

The otter keeps screaming, and PC games.


etc etc etc....

The boys they always fight on every little things.


The european girls also love doing that too, together. Joann those. Erin got push and hits the head, you all together to turn into more like the Europe ideas.

No, everyone is innocent, just she died. Right.

All the time? Yes.

But that is one person death? you can have 3 or 5 people dead and no appearant reason, just...too hot, one got diarrheas to the hospital from the car accident prior, and one got stroke, one fighting and another one falls out of the windows by accident, the wood cabin those river side houses, you all love it how to kill, keep counting on the blood, it makes your head, soul mind becoming zealous the believer, how to put that straight forward thinking inside your frown eye brow, the more you believing it, the more you will become, repeat it after me. One day you will ever be, at all. 

It would be me similar looking, but very very loud, not my soul this. + Shane, the good looking couple in the police cabin file. They are very loud speaking, rude, or poking the guys, or literally use the body arm to touch another person's shoulder, or the arm, those.

Touching, or neck massage, or something something I don't know when they were pleasant what they do. Talk too much about something and get into a certain very loud nature. Those are in the police cabin file. 

1. I don't actually cry, you know that?

2. I don't skip the class.

3. I don't usually go to a meeting to argue.

4. All too taller than me, and I am in Asia. 

5. I never weight lift, or what are those ropes, or strings, or....thread I know. Something pull, or you have the strength to move something. Now I understand, I scream. But we didn't have that culture in the school. I didn't learn from the school, I never know what that is.

6. Talk back to the guys to on purpose saying the opposite.  You want to argue, or that is the interaction in life to make the love sweet. 

7. You go to the police cabin file (all European)

The cute couple. They fight constantly, verbally, and very loudly those. Me and Seth but you have to switch my face to every expression or the language I use. I never hear those language, I seen the shadowy fade photo moving, they fight or the glasses or the chair on someone's head, and that person dead.


You just be a human, not those Master's talk. 

You mean Shaman those?!

No, go near the medical board especially the America ones, they suppose to be correct.

No, you vow to, not me. But you vow to the American medical board, for the eternity life, you will do all your might, given up every native or Shaman, those cloth whatever scenery, it may not need to be the capital sleek like here, those Old Navy, or A&F, American Eagle, all of them are fine. All of that. Not tonic, not tincture, not tea tree oil. You can have a methodity in your cooking sleek....they want you to know that is the part of life. But your motion is too slow in 24 hours to count 10 years efforts, they got no one around. That's about right.

Every life, every single life, you vow, forever and eternity, its the American medical board standard even just a low paying jobs doctor if not the board members those, but correct in practice. You vow forever and ever with them. Every life, every single turn, only they be your will. Only that.

No, the TV didn't say that, correct. 

The modern world is not supposed to be anything else funny, like the bad TV other than the human. You will be safe with them, I won't be here every life.

I am not interested in those things. Other than the human. 

No, I don't know.

No, I am not even interested to ask.

No, not even the Master. If Babaji finds his way back to his seat, I already don't care about this TV, because I see my revenue and clear on this, this one planet, I can clean up, or near by. He doesn't even need to worry that far away, anyone is his friend, or just a stranger. I live long enough to knowing that.

Drop that those

I will cut off the entire humanity if I would, but this is a part of the society including the outside.

Snape or Ancient Chasez those hippie looking 17 years old, if Zawanna never were Dennis type to one day becoming whom he is right now....ever.
A cabin hippie long black hair, got hurt like a flower inside. Not that flower...okay, the birds quack quack quack.

They stay away from the military. Weak and feable, and hesitate a knife cut, or a life to terminate that life included. 

Hesitate, slow, to critique the good side of the humanity other than the only military domination through the physical universe or the Central those metal sleek, in high tech.

You don't judge that physical dimension or the heaven forceful method, you followed the order, because that parts have other people watching over the ladders by the ladders. 

Babaji so mad this guy, too.

Mark slide show:  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/H5Pnd1x3ovM

Its not like that, but just drop those Master's talk......whatever 2012. It is passes already.

A literacy to talk in scientific, IT, medicine, and the laws. The ending of that Movie: Fugitive, every world just switch to staring at how the human evolves only into that stage performances.

No, those are not the military, sorry. No, not those. 

Sorry, me is them. Me = them, that way. I am a little bit dizzy, too many things today.

ASMR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw9UDGZm4oQ

They all eating the food, everyone eating the food, correct. I got too carried away inside my brain, some of these scenery, Its 5 Star Hotel fine dining. If ....well, no I think its the normal cooking. They all have the fine dining, all the correct interior design. 

I want to sleep early. 

Maybe just me passing it through the high tech. But even for you, never imagine those things. Whatever you imagine or concluded for me, not those things. Of course, never those things.

I have a parents, I have all those family background like the TV says. Never seeing them, but not for me to cut off the last thread, coming it back best. And no, not those imagination any of them were the friends or not the friends. It supposes to be the uniform those normal. That supposes to be the only sleek. I seen Babaji, that is the normal sleek, the modern.

Anything else, I put those away, right. Drop any of those best, right. You will never get there, and you don't belong there neither, all those discussion talk, or the mind decide you yourself the fate, be the extremists with God. Stay at the medicine those side. 

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