
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Yesterday....afternoon I was talking to the boyband those things ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The real and the none real things.

Anything on my channel video, none of those are real.

I am not in the real real worlds scene for a very very long time.

The only thing that is ever ever real - its I have arrived, that title might be very very real. So when the upper gives that, to where I gonna make it (my IQ is clear), not necessary its the Black Ops' issue, its the Heaven knows, that is a piece of cake to someone like me.

So want to sit down, front to front talking now, what is real and what is not real, for real.....things in each person's life. When you are born, you born in the world that is mostly populated with White, some sad, some pump, but you know its white in America.

In Toronto, you will find these should be England or anyone dream about the Europe, or Hugh met some of those giant mansion people whom live and breath the day they born, they go to those sports car, and interior design has this yellow color, and they are the high corperate family. These are what you called the wealthy in the mundane worlds, that has some political driven, some emotion, some serene, some nobility, some good manner, some good language and higher literacy, and on the average, its the nobler idea to that humanity. 

It will never be the Prince of Persia, it will never be tribulation, it will never be the End of all Time, it will never be 2 time direction. All of this difference on the legal trial, its all freedom act under the free will. 

It didn't associate with the Heaven, its a mundane world belief, and they give out the charity like the Queen, and they didn't need to have the contact to the outside world through the classify, any sunshine world. They support the technology to strive, or they research, they mid-night oil burn, or they being educated. The good person when you meet them.

And you all boyish....boys, when you were in the middle school, you didn't grow tall yet, remember this worsen looking of the Da Vinci Code, the handicap, the manner, without the diseases? They have the butler, or the Food Networks affordable the food for the family gathering, you all going to escorting? 

You might be coming without a background, just a street artist, inside your life, you get to immerse that music fields to find your own talents, you realize, that public image and through some networks, you can success, right? You and the rest of the girls or the boys, whichever collaborate, none of these required to say, it has to be money geared from the initial family. Some is, some are not, I don't really know. But you know already, the artists life in that real formatting the entertainment worlds is a plastic one, right?

So you succeed, and tell me again...between you and me, I know or you know, or you all know, what I really know how this Avenger or Iron Man, all of that coming from? 

It didn't last those public image at 30 or before, right?

Your correct jobs shouldn't need me to remind you, understand?


In the police surveillance world, unless its a World Peace, and the long distance travel isn't issue, those hermit to retreat, to gain the quiet solitude to meditate, still very real to many humanity's heart. I don't need all that, but I know what that is. 

Ronan's best place is Pope, and when the legal notice coming it down, those things be pamped, will be less and less from my part to these access of all worlds, each leadership has to gain back to their original position, whichever this TV or the movie indicate "I am All That", including the AI targeting this position, whomever that is making his mood up or down, or her, not sure.....what this AI supposes to targeting the Earth because of this overall movie concluded. If they found out that to be true, correct....they will find out how I get up there, to get down, the legal world will sort all that, when that days come. Its NEVER should be an AI targeting to "use one person" becoming everything on this Earth.

No, I don't know.

Ronan may not have any notice. He can email the Pope and have a talk, or like UB Dean those calling up the president to memorize the page 1 to page 300, and no calling back. No one's reality got affected, what they always believe in - its not the TV makes you special, its the responsibility or what things you have done, that if the crime involved, you yourself knowing that the most. 

I personally not interested to know. Too many things ....

So a lot of this things aren't real. The behind....the youtube, right. Those might be very very real, the Youtube and me, that parts can be real, that is correct.

But this title, or through the TV, so I demonstrate to crush down every TV, because I know what it means, so there is a click into required, the "universal knowing" from the general public, its a cruel factor, the regular citizen cannot fake that. Its real from my side, but its not real on the senior rank, my age is not real. No one claim those or daring what those say, my age.

I force these image methods, to give the Youth so lift, that is also not real.

They click to feel comfort, and behind Youtube, those clicks are real. Their team leader or they themselves need to rise up and lock up my video to say "comfort", and lead up that world when they grew up. They lean on the wrong side of the scale.

( Uploading the video.... Hugh, the facebook, the birds talking, you looking for the dog's pet doctor? )

Do I need to ....No, I am not required to see anyone, not SMCH, not that groups, not any of this initiated disciples, its not related. 

The paper works, that will be that judge and the book keeping is real, correct. 

JC and Mathrew, they can know each other because its all near the Hollywood, but I am not required to know whom they are, not really.

The presidents calling you all, if he does that, then he can see whom is whom better, or someone research for him, or check for anything, but he gonna comes down. So 1 year pass or sometimes if they gather you all the entire SA from Ireland to American Iand, then he or she can ask you some individual grouping efforts, or that history. I will hear nothing, because, I am not in your groups. You can pick and choose inside your mind, but not the reality, when you efforts for 30 years long, going in and out of that groups efforts or the leadership, Shane, Justin, Brian, Nick.....= that entire groups of the boys or the girls included, all are real. Not just 5 Avenger those, no. The whole group is the only thing real.

So if the UB Lee, Dean, Justin got called as that groups, exactly, and that pharmacy CADS tutor next by Lee, he may not meet her, it will be the first time, everyone meets when the president or the Congress calling all of them in.

Its without me there. Its not me.

When you live and breath, that life is real, correct for 30 years. Yeah, it can be up to 150 people if that is how much you guys gone around, your agent, or your manager near by, those are not the people? You put all that through the paperwork and file, you understand? 

The congressional party, maybe those you enter the Washington D.C, you being invited, and you all dress up to go, or Ireland it their PM does, the England is PM does, and the American is the American does, you all each flying through a different route at that seasonal time when you being called upon.

My mother and my father / his current gf or wife, or his brother all combine, the relatives, they are all real to their bracket, it may not be all together, and already separated, They go with Tina and Pang.

I may or may not show up with the president in any sphere here in Taiwan or America (me and them might be separated).

The same file-ing time, and the judge seeing each one by one, the sorting time might be very near, the judge makes that call upon.

Me and the judges will be the longest time, its not party required.

You all.....Taipei, you all, all the victims minds set, your party is all required. JC, you go with all of them too, you have a club in White House 2016 the last time we talked.

You go vent and making some friends, you will be leading to.  Its just too many of you, if the file-ing time its when the President will remember if you all grouping the same time, he has to take it, all of you going in all together, the similar bracket time between 6 months entering upon, the judge makes some calls, because too many around.

The judge says no (1 or 2 months time, so I say 6 months time)

I would think that is the decent thing and the correct thing to do. 

You have never heard the word, Classify before? Ever? So its not your fault. 

No, you don't need to know why they doing this to you, or many. Some people just tag all along, and you all go and joining in the party, if you get called. But it can be just Shane he got called, or Brian got called in a different time.

So for example, Shane put his parents somewhere, he got a call, he goes along, and I stay home. You seeing that chart, Brian is happening to visit him, they go back to the America together, but he goes in, Brian landing only the first stop in LA or anywhere. Shane has to fly in to D.C. Its the leadership if required to go in.

No, they combine is too heavy, VERY heavy on the arm, I actually knowing that.

No, definitely not those food, the Japanese this....flour red beans wrap up, with the stamp iron on top? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0ErcRAl2xdY

The otters have the care taker, when they are born, those are the dearing to them.


They cry, too. I know. I don't know what to do.

You mean Zawanna like those animals whatever they did and jump on me? I think they are giant tall. There is a difference, they meant that, or there is a manifestation of "me" showing up this. I personally don't think its a zoo I gonna see them from the court room.

I check that, if they really jumping from behind, I seen that Happy Birthday ! 

You think I was fake to sort these? Per word, per line, per saying?  Sorting literally and correctly? 

You take the inductive logic class? The fallacy is one of chapters inside the book if the instructor talk about it. North Carolina, or UB, makes no difference.

A laptop, or a desktop in a room. In let's say one morning....I can write 1 or 2 hours. Those file I wrote the whole morning, I don't even remember how long til I lunch before 11:00. So at least 2 hours, doing nothing but typing?! You lived that life before?

I need to sleep afterward, hydrate, and ate a bit soupy, or lay down. You go to the law school, some people will tell you similar like that or really get on a case.

The movie: Clueless, that father is a lawyer. Those are the correct scene like the movie says about some wealthy lawyers family. 

You all are ....more like a singing bug. The music bugs, you seeing in FRIEND Russ gifts to Rachael. You want to check the movie: A Bug in Life. That company whomever produced that movie, there is a sequence of the year, they have some other known works coming out, you are interested?  You heard about would be Disney, Dreamwork, Pixar (When Steve Jobs talk about in the book as well as the early time he presenting that ). They are the animated film, the kids watching them. Disney was no longer the only heard company since....

You cared about this thing?

I am not sure I need to cook, or pet the otters. I charity their money....but, the papers, yes.

You...trying to read a book I was told, or you were reading your favorites novels? Not the actually print out a fallacy, what those looks like to you?

Hey (wave), you know the judge is not the same person as the President or the Congressman or Congresswomen, or the local representative.....You have a procedure to go through. 

Do you mean, you all live where? To eat, to animal, to cook in a big giant house?

I think I live here, this room, the birds write. The food is downstair.

You want to do what? You want to write for classify, you mean me?

You mean Kerry them?

You want to go to those bagel youtuber lady with the front undress those? The bacon / eggs made....the breakfast?


Ronan and you all? The group cooking meal in someone's home?


You want to do something normal other than using your brain, or all of your brain in combine?

I think you take it too seriously !

You like the TV so much, you want to just keep watching it, forget about the logic?

You go to the massage, the sight seeing and the bone doctors in the Washington D.C. They have a science museum, and those monument, the solider with a flag. Do those what makes you happy things. 

Like Nicky and Mark?! One of those ....

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