
⭐️ Movie: Shazam

The Super Villian = super bad luck ! 
After the Santa scene.

Wing is with Middleton.

(I cannot talk)

His name is Bully, not Billy. Kentucky my EF year, a kid looks exactly like him. Like that cafeteria long table with a group of people bully him.

Like Wing on that long not the round table in here, everyone listening to his phone?!

It was about ten feet away, I was probably the corner with the 2 girls from the gym class, our lunch break is after the gym class. 

I got up from the left.
I walked to the center, pass
To that table on the right, and sit down next by that kid. 6 people got up and left.

Probably one of those American commercial line.

One kindness act forward. 

The ending: with the eye glasses, that is Wayne, Orlando's host father. TN, but Orlando and another guy's eyes look similar, but he is super tall, and that shorter guy, maybe that is the eye liner. They were the basketball junior varsity. 

The church business, or he does the business, the radio....or the church.

The shorter guy would be the gossip in that classroom near by that Orlando. The local resident. They....on fire, those restaurant insurance talk. One of those guys, speaking those English.

It would be the cheerleader for them....she joints those beauty pageant. Her mother.

The local KFC, or a brand new hotel. It located similar to valley DOWN  (27 highway road)

So this shouldn't be the water statues?

His new home in TN church, and Orlando got married with Anna/Ana, me and Adam fights over Anna or Nadin.

His church somewhere not the main place, its 5000 US dollar not tie up water dripping in the winter.

BUT mine major, I will tell you if that pipe doesn't loose a bit, meaning one winter passes, that water pipe freezed and breaks.

I think.....his church isn't Prince William takes over his father's job like my video here keep airing. He needs to know that one movie with Lalla, or Boss & Me, the entire furniture got moved away. 

KY or TN that climate, its far away from Buffalo. So most UB doesn't get to Melinda's road, that choice of splitting in 3, And they always always put their road construction winter budget on that road, where the bus will go to the loop and park. Many buses return its at UB South Campus. I think that is the City budgets, it was always that water pipe below there, and that road, with the cracks all the time.

Next movie: Barbie.

Where is that 5000 dollars you say water facet?

1 facet he didn't find in one of those hidden darken light he probably didn't see. The tighten or the loosen.

All these movies, you just believe...

The water pipe, the Barbie's hair.

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