
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ What's new? to Babaji, Mahavatar (MB) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

"I such as I myself to express my congratulation to all that seated chart that we gather in the same room, and TODAY its my greatest pleasure to introducing you our new colleague, the Mathew (that side) of a very special colleague of mine. Its that through the tolerance and benevolent we form a family, TOGETHER, and through that thick bonding structure of a family we come accolade that special memory in our TREASURE, and through all that belief and all that up or down, I given my blessing to this Ronan and his current wife Storm, and through that couple (therapy) and trial and error in life, (look), we given our best courage and gratitudeness in all hands that involve in this. And through everyone and every Kingdom of my Heavenly (sorry, the Heavenly Father), we give our thanks and in everything through this Ronan Keating, we welcome his existence as he takes his first born step walking forward to today, the full branding of that Ronan Keating he himself, and through that up or down every tribulation, we sincerely wish that all blessing marriage couples be in united, and thick through that every veil, we belief, its a meritorious nature how we human evolve to this far degree."

I edit....

"In this special occasion, I have gathered (AI) my acts and the talk to all these seating diagrams we all put it together in the same room to rejoice this event. Today its my announcing my new colleague a cordious friend of mine, a very special person through my networks. What we strive to work at its the universal family belief so through that tolerance and the kindness, this greater team and collaborative efforts we serve together and in that strong belief we endow to create this bonding between the brotherhood, I given my blessing to this XXX and this couple together where in every future set points in life, we give our best nature and the gratitude to that God above our head, and holding hands we go through some of that trial and error no matter what that is. In the join seated everyone, that our Kingdom to our Father, we give our sublime nature in thanks and with this person XXX, we welcome this whole accalade leadership as he takes forward that first step how we be lead and one day the fruition comes. And through that every wind and tide, we wish all well and be united, and through that thickening veil that we believe, that is the human nature, we finally evolved."

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