
Shane they cried on Loosen Women

The Ireland local TV


You have a TV used to be, and turn on the channel, for sure you all living in England? You ...would be looking at the circuits Ella Enchanted inside?

We Taiwan also had these local Taiwan funny TV, we called them "combine talents" show, but sometimes its more of the talk show later on like the last 20 years, after the 90s. It was the governmental regulates only 3 channels in the 80s. When they evolved, its those talk show very similar to America, except not 11 oclock. Its a lot more the celebrity their real life, the real literacy inside their personality, and you like about this celebrity. Like a guest show.

These we know they are the millionaire in our community around here the real estate. Probably that would be true in Ireland or in England neighborhood. 

You are the Super Wonder Women, not 1984.....

Babaji thinks you Middleton cared about. I explain to you. 

No, I don't know why or what you cared about. I listened twice. Its Ireland, that is not in England. And even CNN Asian edition, you know what that means? Its the whole timezone here the geographic, and not only that....when you go to the bookstore they have those BAZZAR magazine stands. The editions.

Is this the third time I seeing Shane, or 5th time I kinda says?

No, I don't know.

They tell me what, I explain. I understand that is what I would say, not I know clear why I am saying that for. To you, I assume. 

No, I know Westlife is not that ....Shane you mean.

My wall is engine, re-direct or ...what is the English word, renovating. Your God son? Is he someone's God son?  oh my God, how his mother thinks she has 3 or 4 kids with 1 him.

That movie I watched it this month twice, I suddenly realize ....you asking me about Shane or asking me about the money better at? Westlife has those concert 2000 after. You like them?

Were you origin from Europe? I know where Jordan is from, as you grew up knowing it how the Europe their main land, because Ireland and England might have a very very localize resource and the "culture" on their own. England would be France, or even Russia or China with America as the 5 Super Power in UN, you....that used to talk about or will continue to pay attention, or? 

The merchandiser .... its not the actual Power this World all stood.

"Does those Power make the money if not through the corruption?"

"Similar to some kinds of the fan clubs, or the structure to dedicate to the citizen or the humanity welfare. It should have something but I won't know that. But correct....the rumor is they are a lot required to be clean or they got sent to the jail like our news in this 2 weeks."

"So isn't the 'circus' idea better, so they hurting people? When they were in the 90s or 2000 on? "

(Look at Nicky or Shane, Westlife all)

"Your one lifetime doesn't make the money or the business....I think so its probably you mean if they hurting your image? No. That is Laura, and then one day Girls' Revolution to Tim Cook he doesn't know where he comes from, a sister looks like and I believe that a very particular Buddhism past history were very political marriage, was reincarnated in England that side or Ireland, North West, not sure where."

"3 people looks alike?"


"You don't think it looks like....me?"

"Never. Laura has a very particular personality. She is like Lee."

"Can we combine to sue....the movie industry in the end?"

(Look at...any them including the King.)

"You believe a lot of the things in life where people have to tell you, or conveys to you. Many time there is a position taken into that, you as the victim, meaning you got victimized as you grew up as the minor or even earlier marriage and all that, to lead your life to be more calmer setting to raise up a stable family, 1 to 3 kids until you realize that is all the faces count on you. You won't know that meaning until later....

In my life, if I met Westlife earlier, I would listen to their interviews, or those known speakers other than now, what does these guy's my age, or older, or too old and die...how they make a wealth in life because I no longer have anyone around me in America. That life was ....airy, and limited. But my brain always go go go. I didn't even think as I was a lot younger.

Westlife or Backstreet Boy...that American that all side including the female solo artists and all that, they starting very very early on to make their family counts on them. I am not sure they really had any background. It might be none, so everyone had a very little supports and making it in the real life. I think they are all like that. I am guessing someone could say, if they fix the teeth or the plastic a bit, all those medical fees, they "gamble" on their look and say put through the efforts when they were so much younger.

Everyone in the Western world like England or America, its a lot more that side "you can do anything" and be successful other than the system data.

Meaning...whatever I drew out, no one in the real literal sense of life, to think what that is. Not even saying they had seen what that is.


"You seen what that is?"

"No! "

"But you got shown."


"Do they believe you that kinds of the stuffs, its just a very simple diagram.....we have tour around like Westlife, the interview or the talk, or the public appearance. We think of this 1 piece of paper and all that..."

"CD they sell, not the interview they sell themselves, no."

"I mean you. That is 1 sheet, 2 sheet....you mean 1 diagram. Or okay, I understand that in a few frames together moving pictures. This can do what?"

"You mean someone grew up confidently in life, and imagine the Revolution Girls opening, because those are not the literal sense. That person must be the hell of the confident how to per sheet counts on blessing per diagram all separated stories. Its not complete, that is what you mean."

"Its....not a real story I understand."

"Okay I understand what you are saying. No, that will... ...


you want to ask Prince William?! Maybe you all talk about it behind. Is that more nervous you coming in alone here, you know you going back for sure? You want to worry about that entire world settlement the next 5 years, you believe you gonna get home, right? With him? "

"Can I get something....these cartoon? All looking like me."

"I understand where you can see that from. I start to seeing that, too."

"Like in my belief, people staring at the stocks, or the table talk where people gather in a different world.... ...... ..... ..... ...... ... "

"Maybe you ask Prince William, how people address him to you, as your husband or Prince the upper world you all gathered?!"

"Does Shane believe you these....sheets? I am thinking too. "

"I know. American they too."


"You don't think Westlife used to talk to you, these?"


"Okay, so Nicky, they thinking the business like.....what this Ella Enchanted if I won the lawsuit, I get some capital and what I gonna do after, I did think."


"You don't think there is any...."

"A lot of the girls thinking a whole lot like you, really. That is Laura and she will meet Kelly those, but...not Lee."

"Does Westlife care about this, like holding it, and then I go to my desk or sit on my desk, or watching the stocks, that is everyday, nervous break down."


"And this sheets....You just think out of the box if people say, those are the data diagram forming, that kinds? The statistic and the stock markets, or the finance professor, those Rich Young, the Crazy Asian, they must all be doing that and the real estate. No one heard about or reading this sheet."


"I heard you say, so that is the book to study, so everyone knew its the bookshelf let's say we imagine the Warren Buffet, or the Bill Gates, its the book or the software engineered parts, all that."


"Does these sheet like the first time you drew up, it means to you?"

"Instantly? Yes."

"But if people focus on the real estate, that is the newspaper, or the TV, or the news; if that is the Wall Street like Wing's that side, I look at it the movies, so....we analyze. You require to use your brain to analyze this?"

"No, I know."

"Like you lost... the whole things to a very bad guy."

"I am not you, to cry on it if were you, and you vocalize that is not justice and there is this sheet, if were you, how to use this sheet and all that? "


"Like you occupied your all thoughts and worried in the front lobe head, that space and then....everyday you need to be careful and all that, and so one day or some day, you coming back to this sheet. Its not relevant....so that's good, you keep your life busy."

"I mean everyone kept that life busy, these are very few frames of sheets."


In the market trend to where the e-commence worlds of these merchandize warehouse storage per 6 months invoice saying 1 year to where the seller and the buyers commodity is not the world trend 30 years ago through a catalog or the mail order. To where the distribution of the finance or the economic structure that goes in the international forum or the database, some people seek out that monetization outside the business worlds, saying for instance they have a major business and seeking out the other means, so that the finance or the world economic were the table chat talk or the books to research and learn studying at. The Wall street finance indicator or that daily currency exchange was a stock heard investment such as the energy renerable or the bio fuel, and other than the high tech trend, if not the insurance policy that I don't understand, its the stock we buy in the Wall Street, that operator in the daily morning gone to work, and yell out that their head they see and heard, and phone number back to Sotheby. NYC will know all that driven of that daily, it was 3 worlds timezone to say...the currency isn't the commodity driven, nor the stocks ideas but all through the portal other than paypal, it means the credit cards or the trade account, or you saying how this operators would be station in, that short or the long term investment are the endless charts through the inflation of that region or the local, to spell a particular consumer and the supply diagram, that is the economic, but not limited to say, its the learner's digest, it will be more of the what the Warren Buffets capable to do inside his brain space."

 Leo's ability power


"That is not the money, but I understand what you say in English."

"I used to ...right now King's channel TV has a movie, there is those art book. He throws away the robots in front of him, or that book when he was a kid....no one exists those time when he was that young. My mother helps me, I started to remember very little bit how my interaction with my parents before I leave home. I will tell you these movies...although its not near, but anything inside sometimes, I did put that inside my life to learn. One of that is the art cut and paste book similar to the Devil Wear Prada the opening. Not King's those expensive art auction painting....

That was the Hunger Game, bread starting, the first time I was very happy to starting in Jame's home, I try that, the first time I cook, or learn the American bread, no one bothers me. All the joy or all the freedom is focus that. I like that.

Some several things like that. Tina buys a lot of those stationary, I never get used to like Dean right now or any those UB guys, I remember....it was the first time I learn how to organize a table drawer in James' house. It was very hurting to my head.  "

"I am not originally from America, I probably should always insert some parts of that in the conversation when...this cut art books throw away scene where someone to picks up. Like when Shane was young, he falls asleep...on those he buys too big chair for himself. I am not sure that is real, but I went to tell Shane. The breeze at those window air or.... and he won't remember probably any of that."

"Like originally if were like my brother's age, or like Wing's age, even the pride of Tina or Erin, their seniority, they will be saying like ABC nor that SMCH. These things as you all King and Queen one day, that will mean to them the most of those terms and the words, including the faces or the religion or the church curtesy to spell those ...as long as the present to that fake things everyone ends in hell, right now. The slow snail makes the progress pride to be lesson saying hurting their feeling. Because...their originally will never be from America. All of them.


The Ireland local TV stream channel cable.

The custom of the street feeticia, fe-esta....the water season of those sun breeze to golden brown tones to the skin burnt sensation my face is red on those photo or the TV thumbnail image. Very red. Me.

The blister peel off my back, the sand beach here is always the room temperature, I have never seen the cold beach or saying the cliff beach I know of, or something where....I will scream, because I know the 7 Wonder and one is in America I know those rumor book, to ends up the movie: Up.

I am not originally from America, nor speaking in English.  " 

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