
Its a ...movie.

I spell that wrong. Bubble bee.


I remember now this Nominji's position. Camouflage. They use that words in America, the clothing fashion. Sorry, the grammar wrong, its the clothing without... the fashion.

英文:國王的新衣 The Emperor's New Clothes.

You probably a lot taller than I think. I saw the yellow car, Connie's beattle's car and red blue jacket in Ocean Clooney and Brat Pitt. The movie was already started....

  • Shinyi you know whom that is? Astor's company
  • But 新一 he is...the opposite with the brown tone skin: 服部平次
  • 588 bus 

Cooking sometimes in something light, you by yourself hobby like I used to. Its a collection of the recipes books, but not touching your hands wet like this movie to the electronic appliance in any wood cabin, those seeing the interior design, because the kids when they grew up....or your hair, or your hair blower. But it will not be the screw driver anything of a heavy metal box hanging on the top of the shelf, and never fallen when you sitting it down on the concrete floor in any garage backdoor....one of those family home in America.



(Stare), William does that a lot looks on his faces, I always wonder what's wrong with him last post. But let's say, you focus on these dish and plates display on the table, and for the kids to purchase, or the trash can tie up, some handy things.....busy in the home, not necessary to go out, and get to sleep. Not you....would phone or text someone on your own? This is not the court room walking in, you thought about your 1 person with the kids 1 or 2 or 3 all together you raise them up? Other than going to the legal term, so many people spin into those story plots?

That is the famous 16th century the world domination ....ferry....feather...pen sign,..insigma, ...the steel pen (Chinese way we say that), to.....a princess in the ship with the lieutenant as the Royal Navy sail to the End of the World.

(Stare up, I am too short)

Are we going to write this across the table, you all stand up your waistline up, we the judge panel looking up, you are all too tall human, not this bumblebee in length width....heights.

Does Prince William thought that movie was his pride too high at his nose, those? 

Spider Man 2 with the longer name. The airplane old man shut down the software program out fainted in the airplane seats. The Amazing Spider Man 2.

That is an older women, I didn't see it now, I saw it.

The graduation, behind the mask. This is the guy !

He is your son's Russian, his height taller. 

關 don't be with 關 ?! That dancer looking like 關穎珊.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpmQ8MZFaOg


His mother's on the phone with Harvey to double shift?

Its an American restaurant - Harvey Burger. Sorry, in Canada. Its always that logo. 

Is there a way, they don't believe I say, or they believe in it? 

Only the water pipe and all that 5000 people in the phone line, someone meant they are really just just just only the governmental staffs? So the royal don't speak to them about their own property mansion? 

Only stare at them, talk to them, at least all inside that England, I never checked....I took some other law class in the UB, except the real estate. BUT....this structure are nothing but the lawful idea for the government. Not the historical heritage, you cannot have every wall I thought...what happened to that place, nothing but the drug infused indoor?

Why don't you spread the water with the drug powder in it all outside from the roof top to the side by windows, the entire wash up?

These monitors in the space, which one...

The monitor is the coordinate, the top right.

You William        Him

     England                                           Her

Moscow is very North if you rotate the Earth from us here map? Their border?

You Prince has a job? What is that? Shake hands those? oh ~ like Mably !!!

Can somebody lock them all up in that one housing plan they ever have?

She is on his left,....this movie was first on his right and turn where, a TREE? And they are not continue, a freaky shows up down down there....down where?

I want to go to sleep......

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