
Do you like Shane, do you tell your love one every theory, organization box, or experimental results to your spouse?

You really talk like that, or I imagine that is what I heard? Meghan she got the university degree. Nick only had 10th grade, I lost hope and dreams when I met him to be honest, to anything he always say he doesn't understand it. I didn't know it was this worsen. 

You don't want to drive to somewhere CA getting an associate degree, make up your high school grade a bit?


You mean you and her cannot talk, or you don't know how to be at this Christmas and in which table, the eating-out in the restaurant table, or this is the all-you-can-eat, everyone busy to going in and out, the bright super light restaurant, or the dim buffet hidden floor light outside the tall elevator?

No, I want something more magical.

You are not listening one word I said.


What about me and Hugh? 

The food, that is what you given them to eat, you are not in fear?

In Taipei, those are fine. I tell your brother, across where they going, if they did gone to. Hugh like those small tiny world the vegan place, it did exist.  Next by 7-11, its a wall. A boiled noodles and the green vegetable.

Hugh is a blonde hair. I c.


What do you want them to eat?

The burger.

You pay for them? 


There is those hot sizzling iron plate, open and there is the meat in it.....+ the white rice, or the Italian pasta? Some were vegetarian, too.

Not those.

Is this something about movie, again?


Isn't they eat salad? So yesterday they can arrive, not they leaving to Japan, those....and if you don't eat, they cannot eat? Those percentage?


gonnaEAT仁愛店 | 地中海概念 | 原型食物 | 健康餐廳

This is the burger, with many salad + next by the Paul Bakery,

If they cross the left traffic light, 5 mins after the long traffic light, its the Mother's Day cake I did on my video. The right side, going around a bit the very left turn, its right there. Every snack they ever want - the chocolate truffle stick. 義美

What will I feed Shane, his food?

Westlife, or Shane? They are not going to be here soon, I won't even think about it. He tells me what kinds of the food did he really eats, I find it in the city.

Is this the reason inside this High School Musical, that is a singing competition. Not the food contest !?  You tell them not to eat, this entire time?

I tell your brother because he looks tired, not to be going outside wandering about with those food, too much, or too little. With Hugh, Asia we selling those white "fresh all made" thin, or thick, noodles. Its very easy to acquire  1) The thin, thick fresh made noodles  2)  the fresh made dumpling skin.

The frozen grocery store, they might have those more process noodles.

But they don't normally eating that. I just say emergency, there is those spicy mince meat, he doesn't even need to digest, and soon to nap, or sleep a bit, in case he is too busy.

Hugh goes to, that will be some vegetarian mock meat. He can just get both the frozen, or the fresh made noodles, its per lunch, he and Olivia indoor to boil that noodles, some cucumber shredded, some carrots shredded, that can meat spicy, or the tuna salad can from 7-11.  He just added the correct boiled vegetable in the big bowl, that is sufficient for his lunch.

He stays like that, 1 week he has to work indoor, he doesn't even think he is in Asia, until he has to pay the bill next month, walking out and talking in English.

        The white rice, the white noodles, the pasta, the legume, lentil, or the chickpeas. They are all dry food to stock up. These are carbohydrate, similar to the bread. If he is half raw food, then, these are very needed, he will feel a lot safer. He doesn't eat the super amount, but he can cook them. Indoor, he didn't even walking outside.....



Sometimes the destiny can wait, you know ....To the Moon greeting the Dumbledore. Those wolverine doesn't understand you 1 word, that same wolverine. 

These girls, all of them know there is a destiny if you go and collect your late classmate other than they are? "Forward". 

I seeing this much, I agree that is exactly what I see, or that is exactly "forward" destiny? I just saw about 30 mins ago this Bolton and Gabriella

There is no food, very very thin, very very bad situation how they all dead like that.

Looking back, thinking back, this video back back back back back play.

They get their answer correct? 

"Some destiny can wait"

Your father doesn't allow the hidden weaponry or the hidden agenda


I will not let you

I will never let any of you

Imagine you and them the oath. You mean your brother and Kate agrees, your oath makes them? You and your brother and Meghan agrees, sorry. I spoiled the secrets. Your brother doesn't remember the oath. The vow, sorry.

You coming in to make Hugh set a vow, too?!

( The panda is on the physical therapy or ..... )

Do I really gonna be with Shane, that words are bad in Chinese?  All that...you Harry sunglasses never stop wearing. What the otter did? The Harry Potter otter.

Your father is your father, so are that Camilla no matter what. You feel an umbrella you took it for granted, as if the world collapse, its always them will be the end of every tunnel.

I am very very sure your attitude is always like that, Harry. Always. But I see too many things in my life, to say the crying in the tear, if you Harry has the first love, or the middle love, or the oath love. You know you hide behind every agenda you trying to do, having another reason someone else took the blame.

The palace normal food / the church normal food (?) song.

Babaji is not your Lord, I know the words below, correct.

Why there is those whom practice the chiropractor?

You mean everyone is not sure, those....

Those salmon I think in Costco, the big piece like that, maybe.

Anything else are the blender one touch. You keep that recipe clear on the recipe book, print them, and step by step, you can make it home.

You go to Japanese some chef, or the vegetarian chef, see if they can make the pesto sauce. You pay by the pounds they make. Its just you stack them up and have a final touch.

So ...

Chinese they make my food, I think....the chicken soup.

The chick boiled down the water + the white rice.

King and Camilla is on their rising seats.

Your brother and Kate stays, or going back and sort....all that?! I think they make the Kate's documentary to make me believe, then William better just move her back like that film sounding? There is a word on her documentary?! Their future scope?

Dean got his Vita Award things throughout those year
Pang something a joint ceremony.

Ronan or Shane, side by or that Westlife, or Mark even.

About 1 week and half, my diagram shows up ~in front of you and your family. King and your brother, both family.

I am watching the kids, that kinds.

This year is all the basic line to write outside the real paper year.  Me.

None of that was the statues, of course not.
So .....

The otter has a seat on her tail at the end of tunnel......here

The panda, the birds.

Some female artists ~~ Lucy Thomas.

The Chinese female youtuber + Nick Carter's song? The cooking, or they know each other now?!  I should cry those times, each and every time then?


NSYNC they got these running out of the time. 10 years, there is a VS modern, or Taiwan TSMC getting into their position, some other known people included. Today one K in our news here. 星宇航空

+ one right column right up (for the history) to trace back our time. 

(no one knows that supposed to be written up)

+ King's mother is not leaving alone 100 years like the other ghosty.

Taylor Swift's song. You like them the music world, one artist is one artist forward?

Like each person did one thing.

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