
Ella Enchanted, No. Laws, yes.

I don't like this movie, or I try to understand? (earlier)


The structural human is what we see, and touch, and love each other by God's decree. The society made of the gender's equality that allows the career heighten after 40 is encouraged to the minority, given the freedom of the speech without the guy, and without the kids raising up.

None of that is Ella Enchanted.

If you wish to talk about the formats that Washington DC accepting files, that will sound a lot more like the boyband they all might be the political driven other than the disease persuasion I have no idea what happened the last 2 posts.

What I explain to the Chinese?  I bar down the door gate, don't bother me, don't talk to me. Its our world here, I am talking about Taipei. Just where these family idea grew up and why or how. Not to make them worry and give them some future prospect how things can be moved towards the Washington DC.

This is not about I didn't pay the legal fees, what does that mean? I didn't take any matter to the court room?

I didn't take any legal action, I didn't do anything.

Written that? That is not how the normal human written that through the lawyers, that is my business, not yours? 

So long ago, I don't even remember what I tell them....

Are you imagined to go and join the round food table or the long table to eat, and how you gonna phrase you going there to do? The end results is to achieve about? No, like....why you join in there to? Getting a budget, or getting through your lawsuit?

So why don't you appeal until its the Supreme Court in the DC calling you?

You never going to those table.

You ready to join those table because....THAT is that you will repeat to tell them? The local court not the supreme court near by them? Its the National Archive, or the Library Congress?

Me? You articulate enough when they asking you why you are there?

It must be the girls, not the guys? They are clear on the flow charts?

Being the doctors, or the professionals are no longer in all your mind? That kind? How you gonna survive to sit in and there is no points in your langauge? Where is the money for the rest of your life how to live and breath to going back to the DC? You gonna get it done in one round trip to the Washington DC, and keep the contacts? The 2nd time or the 3rd time? How long? In the interval of the 5 years? You going there 3 times? Do you think about it?

When I need to think, I think....I articulate how, that is my business when I speak in Chinese.

(Hey, that is I am fine, I am fine, I am fine, 4 times he says movie? Orlando ! His name is Drew! )

You break down a clear points. You going to the DC for the justice or for the money?!

Which procedure getting you there? The correct flow charts?

No, do you understand what is the Washington DC made of? To do what in the DC? Those table to join in? Whom would present there? Whom are they, what the details things they run, and why people want to go only American Washington DC? What kind of the money background or the family background will be there, and to do what? Your case will be visible among them? You know the congressman, whom?

So if you step out your fix schedule how to be a professional job, that is you all gathered or separated in a different time, and the scheduling date at where? The court room door, or the dinner table? Someone has to invite you, or you get the call, they all go together to where?

TO WHERE to listen for what such as the environment act? So do you know anything about preserving the Earth in any procedure carried out the environmental act that save the water usage, or the trash waste, how to turn the waste land to more agriculture furtile, like chemical waste in the land, whatever is in the land? What happened to the land, how to survey, how to find out, how to team WHOM to go in and find out? That is BEFORE you written a paper and submit it in, that entire process, so you hire a lawyer to do the debate.

You knew this concept inside and out? Clearly? How to 100%, front to the back until the lawyer to get on the stage to debate, you done all the difficult works before that?

Are the animal parts of the environmental protected act? 

YES, but the written paper is NOT the motion picture added to the animal talks to the human langauge all that to say the universal truth. But if someone has a point, they do process those to the extreme, but the local court can handle that. 

You don't lose your career to get on 1 lawsuit, right?

That job is important to you, not you stepping in and stepping out, they treat you like the VIP? They see the family background, not they owing to you, to sit there talking to you, and none of you carried a Washington DC arguments or the connection to go hear, or join in a debate, you understand the conversation what was said on the dinner table. You laugh, or you cover your mouth NOT to laugh?

You are in a hurry, I want to know why you are in a hurry?

For love, for cut in, for being argumentative, or just agreeing to the circumstance and find some ways, its to argue with them?

I would never never never never NEVER care that much.

If I slam my door in a city that is a several million people freedom to go, even just across me, to pretend my neighbor, you ever seen a super giant fat women next by Spider man, don't say hi, the curtain down, we never say hi one word, that is the CITY definition. So no one knows what I am on my PC up to, to write, to think, or saying what nature of the file-ing is different. I sleep first, I wait. I eat. I be fat.

And get out of that person's eye sight. Sometimes you just really care about that person that much.

We are not in America anymore here.

Meaning, close door, don't hear, don't know, don't get in. Wish other people well, given them needed things, and don't bother in the real reality, not near, not calling, not inquiring. Sometimes you wish them well like that, so I can focus only just this near few people that means to me the family. 

When you grew up, I can only be a kid up to 10 years old or 12 years old

You know that? So one day I get to 30, then 40, I can no longer to be a kid. I can be my mother's kid, my look, my finance, or the way we talk or the communication. "You come back? I saw it."

If I want to present myself to the public, meaning 30+, the language to the attire, or the presentation to what things be heard, inside the head...there is a reason everyone wish to be a lot more mature and reliable, even if ALL my facebook wish to go to the DC, I will explain once, I explain twice, and I keep explaining three time, not to get agitate, they speak to a girl one extra word, one extra phone call, or the guy, or the girls, they cannot find their true love, so I wishing them well. LONG time ago I already wishing every one of them well.

Do I ever get scared, like you using your intuitive knowing, and then the love, the family disagree with you, or the sibling or the friends = I need this?

To American, correct. If you could make the DC Congress to almost like the movie, is that what you really really see inside that movie? It makes the biggest name in the community, that kinds?

What do I really want to do in my life ....let me think.

This movie...That is what you girls behind watched?

I used to wear the uniforms growing up with a pony tail. Its ilegal for me to put the hair down, those kinds of the rigid rules in life. I will tell you I never speak in English to be honest. I had a dream it was to save the Earth. But to do that, I have to get to America, or save the den and the beaver. Seriously. The water, the land, the trash. The Earth eco. For real.

I have never seen American before. All these movie scene, you see the bar, how to get a car, how to get to DMV, how to driving license, to say order a ticket to fly in and drive, like getting a GPS, or getting my own luggage, all by myself....the eyes to see, My vision. The family gathering room, I know its....their story. Its the electric stove. For them its a very very lousy and be cautious story.

For me, guess which story was called the one movie of that one night stand means?

I never gone to a party, I didn't know what that is, the ordering menu, the long table or the sit down to eat like a potlock.  Then what if one day this appearance is no longer mine? Someone has to work about 20 years to almost like a family to them, and have to leave, or they have to get up on their own the whole family. You ready to do that, working for 20 years, and let it all goes? Speaking no more English, that kinds?

To the Earth, this kinds of the reflection is not right, because we want to stay in America or the Western world. But then, what if....that God's test trial and error, the Bible becoming real, 1 book. You reflect this movie for a reason, or you always just steal and rub from everyone else. Or I shouldn't have told them for 5 mins. And maybe he or their family won't even remember. You understand?

What if I am a real guy, and you know those mystic tradition, not necessary the high tech, the VERY high tech, but no longer any of this movie at all? You, talking to all of people. Do you have something you promise the God? Whatever something everyone inside to hold?

To reflect in life. 

It will always be the Western world wins, correct. So that is only one direction to America, not coming it back retrieve that long long ago memory, all that.

But if ...I never lied. Where I was, where I been, where that measurement ....my habitat can no longer be. I feel sad, I feel the next exit, I feel when, or how....and no one will be there for me.

Your mentality its to rub from all the people to make a justice, you want it to, I mean you all help them to build the family correctly. So I can exit safe and sound, best well wish to all of the people.

Am I going to do that argument?


So you will never calling them to the court to see each other?

NO!   (look at you)  You wish to see them in the court standing there 2 mins to fly, to travel 1 itinerary on their schedule book per yearly?

What if that is a girl? Not you?

I might be a man, a guy, stop pushing that, I am not planning to become a man.

You don't care about the romance?

Definitely definitely not.

So you gonna tell all the guys you will be a guy, if they are a gay?

Of course not. I am a girl. I am not in the dating mode, I lock the door down just for these write-up, I cannot care about the appearance right now.

You never gonna put the Bible trial and errors those, tribulation those?

Definitely definitely not, one time me 10 years, that is enough enough enough. 

To make them listening to you pain?


They be kind to the girls, a nice talk, a sit down talk.


I have not imagine I will be a blonde girl, next movie is on. I have not imagined.....all these movies to where my own origin points. You know that? Now they show me my brother's origin points....You never follow the TV to chase up the time, what if? You prepare for the whole humanity? Chasing those time up? All things can set for 1 eternity for them to find an exit. Those people are not good, but leave them alone. I am just a girl?

But, but, but...I understand the movie has a meaning.

They already drunk out their mind, meaning for this one lifetime, they won't remember, and they must continue, because nobility wise, they are all already there. Continue the Western all world better force help the minority or the women, or the equality. The family talk, the family and the kids talk, the gala, the discuss panel, all that. That memory must continue.

I need them to be happy, and continue those talk, not my past. You know that?

How to learn about the church, per Sunday, per joint, per prayer bench, or how this bench Bible behind the bench, or the Sunday what or how walking in those.

Like Tamang and Dean this scene, the funeral name how to carve, the flowers to bring, or the ceremony, everyone pray, or what is the Bible leads to, why Western world is better, and all that. We had a different belief, and that belief was my worse nightmare.

The white taller guys as the best friends, as the group friends, or with the Congress group to group, then group meeting to another group meeting, and they can all do something for you, because you are all white, they can certainly help you all.

And I have to look inside my past....alone. This time.

You feel you were lying, all these time you mean, and you let us to rub all your stuffs? We go to hell included?

So many years have passed, and more years will continue and pass. They wish ill for the people, but that is for everyone, they wishing they ill. One of them had a vow, and that vow this time is no longer in restrain, and those things cannot be said, cannot be testify. 

So the movie compensate whom? Both of you?


You believe that, or you telling them that?

I think that is 100% true, I didn't tell them clear why that is, but I think that is compensate both of us. They do that on purpose, of course.

Do you guys require to meet that time?

I am not sure. 

How they pick the 2 side, to hurt, is that royal idea, and we becoming near by those?

I know doesn't mean the court room judge find out a different reason. I was being kind, they are not kind, or genuine, always on their interests.

Does the court cared about the hell those?

No. But these are very very visible. 

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