
Can I get ....


You fear staying indoor, every sound bothers you the inanimate makes a sound? I have that, too. You running outside, you cannot stay indoor keep drawing this thing. A police came by.

You feel "pressurized", that is a little bit like dimensional space all around. You cannot describe that. Its all the way at your brain, you can feeling the most, not just your body. Can you describe your body feel, not inside your head, like the gravity. Is that pulling behind you all the time heavy heavy?

When people talk to you, do you hear the echo, like your ears all around so heavy gravity idea pulling down, pulling you behind. If you laying it down, its very gravitative you and you look up, its heavy down down down down down? Your 2 hands, the ceiling not moving, but your head behind you, feeling very very very dense heavy? You always feeling nothing but that in your life?

You are taller, Shane, if you lay down, you have the support from the bed, not to walking all over, you are not custom to go outside running around like your entire space all around you is "echoing", can you hear someone talking to you without these distortion field?

Do you want me to find someone illuminate your ceiling around lights brighter, its that the darken felt and ceiling has no light, you feel your entire heavy drag drag drag drag dense down down down? If the house has the sound, are they too loud, echoing in and shock you?

Shane, I found some help from you.

Somebody, I need a literacy, or the reference chart

                        The degree 8 

The increment of this distance, yesterday the date its too strong.

                    sunk down to  9

But that is the intensity, a lot darker sensation the head entirely conscious sunk feeling (visible toward me inside ) like 5 increment cm, I don't know how to describe them. Its an immediate distinguish right inside the head. His X-ray, or that is neither nor ....

Its not sunk, but is highly gravitative, and drag, darken, only like distort, he lays down just only the head, everywhere else he doesn't need to worry. Just the head.

Shane ~~!!

Tell them both.

As the girl, you ever saw me?

The doctor says if she is not a she, she ever screaming at you. Screaming? She might be a man. What does this man look like to you?

Its a man with the helmet on the picture, have you seen it? 

oh no, he will know everything you done was wrong in the past.

You killed a girl in the red wine barren on the ground, the grass near and has a tree.

If I pull between the 2 stone, you will becoming 2 times size of a very hairy beast with the tail man with 2 legs, one lion head.

The iceland mental institution where the outside is like the snow castly...window yellow light you can seeing outside all white white white glow glow glow, inside its all yellow light nice and mild. You feeling better not the darkness outside windows?

Its a girl sounds, "Do they believe what they say?" You describe to the doctor, that felt like you, but you think its funny. Is that coming from you, or someone saying in the space, you are too occupied in the space, everyday those sensation, the gravitated distorsion, all dense color all around, and the road shaking, and everywhere is shaken if you move, you cannot walk straight, or collapse near the wall for 2 mins. 

You say, that is the girl sound, its not often you just say it. Its coming out, but no one believes it too many things to sit down listen to me. The sequence is like she is my thought, its her sound all my life.

You have to always tell the different doctor, you cannot stand up straight. You keep shaken, your entire road in front of you, just standing, its keep shaken, you run shaken more but you cannot stay indoor. You cannot breath indoor. The light, no one is with you.

Are you talking to the doctor right now, or you lean on the wall to read the phone? If your head is shaking with your eyes open to see, I am shaken with you. I need to lay down... but if you close your eyes and stop moving, you hold your hands on the wall, I won't be able to see anything anymore ! 

Every time....change to a different hospital, the floor reflects the outside light coming in the windows.

( oh my God, screaming )  Where I am?

Shane ~~~~

You need to describe to the doctor, every time its your eye lash, open and close as if per second breathing with your nose consciously, breath heavier, its none stop shaken all road per second, if they run, they understand their head keep up or down, those shaken, the entire road is shaken.

I am ....dizzy !!

Does she have a name?

Viola.  ( She screams like the movie, you know that.)

If she leaves, you will have no more money, Shane. Is that mutual how it works for you as long as you ever lived? Tell her, don't talk through my conciousness here to me. They all do that to me, at my conscious so she can 24 hours interfere any conversation like the birds or the ghost....etc etc...on this planet, you+ her, me, and the animals have the 3 party prove, there is no one else.

No, I don't fall when I walk. Of course not.

You cannot have me fallen, you get up, you fallen, I get up. They saying that.

One side planet, another side of the world.

1) The Iceland, raffle theirs finding, the belt that real Shane

2) Looks like Annca, the head on the wall in the doctor's office, too taller. (She left), 2 or 3 nurses wake him up in front of the doctors.

The old lady on the wheel chair, the outside light inside, got found in the hospital and dead.

3) Gloomy Shane on a phone near the wall, no light, where.

Which one?

( Is that legal you put that kind of the Shane on the stage keep walking so means he won't fallen every 2 second? On the ground. England guard just fallen.... )

Is that legal, they are chasing the sea? or the airport?

(Drink some water cup up, turn around, walk 2 feet, held up the closet wall.)

Why is Nicky chewing a gum? Your friend !


Just stay away from it, don't stare at it. 

In our world, these scene are very very far away from the human existed built up civilization. Don't look, don't think, don't imagine at it. Like the comic book, or any of the movie, inside you. Any dimension existence, you been to?  Seriously?  You know what those are mentally, physically in this real world like verbalize to describe, you LIVE eternal in any society burden and intelligent wise, will NEVER join the tree?

In the ancient Chinese, 萬物同一體、同氣連枝,樹形、花形、forms.

The universal connected as One, the same Chi connected the same branches, the form of the Tree, the form of the flowers.

In the modern world, you have a such loud mechanic force, the equipment, or the civilization so heighten, you will never never never dwell a second inside your mind, outside your soul, these workers, you look at them, remember office depot, or the home depot? They say hi, they say well, what do you think this....not that?

You love about the human will NEVER love at 1000 stair down or up for flying super hero to be. There is the politics, there is the music, there is the medical freedom, there is the system or without the system, there is the romance, relationship, or casino, go and gambling.

EXCEPT....focus on the formless world, AT ALL. Always talk about it, communicate about it, these mass of world thing, you only vow to the human, you will tell them everything and everyone together solving it. NOT those forms things inside to believe a future death would be the threatening world. 

The Earth is evil, that's the end of the discussion

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