
You were what? Other than.....

The orphanage. 

You are in a field, that is a best friend to each other when you grew up together? 

How long you all gonna be best friends to each other, all the way up to Heaven, that kinds?

You all argumentative to each other's cases or busy at your tour, or busy to get home and having some other projects to do, to pay off your all debts that is Shane or that is Westlife? All that commotion I cannot understand clearly. I am looking at the same Shane?

I have this sensation, its not dying off ....its Westlife !!

Shane ~~~ Is that because I have to call from where?!

When you finish busy, my chest this front area hurting none stop pulling towards the loving attention. That is Nicky, not you Shane, or that is vice versa. I just look at you closer and closer. I got scared more and scary. That mansion Nicky lives in is not real, and you Shane is in debts all that.....but I check this news to say where these words to register me....Shane you walking somewhere, I see some human, and that is how you go alone 1 human anywhere, your company dead yet?

Whom did I see?

Shane, I do math is by my head, but I can write it down on a piece of paper, nowadays there are the calculator or the phone.




15x15 =225

One year is 12 month, to that principle its only saying that because you borrowing the money. Its the Ireland thing, not the England, or there is America I don't know how to OU all the way there, Shane?!   The System MD got called to go in and be helpful them, those they thing? 

Is that because you, they all got called?

You gonna tell me Nicky and Kian owns Westlife.....that kinds of the Youtube video, the family surrounding the Christmas tree !

You are an orphan. 

You keep drawing this architecture blue prints on your desk when no one bothering you, because that is your job, Shane. Behind you, and you got scared until someone move something away, so then you have to finish all that your desk behind you - Project artitech 12345678910 rolls of the paper? You got jailed as long as you lived, is that what it is? Moses, killed a man, and that is Nicky?! 

Do I want to know which thing I hear was correct? You mocking Nicky would be....you hurry to get home and finish all those drawing, or looking or writing in those meaningful projects, and the rest of Westlife knows? Its not a singing, its all those rolls of the paper behind you until all your front scene vanish, you have to get back to your works?

All the time. And that is not your hobby, that will be your one lifetime jailing sentence, that kind?

You are the One?!

You have 5 + Ronan's house, each person doing things inside, just one you inside your own houses?! So does everyone moves all of them out of your sight, you going home, and your freedom time is ONLY the rolls of the paper in the artitechure?!

All of you want to make an announcement, you got scared, or you got concern, you had only those rolls of the papers nothing but those...for the benefits of the Ireland people? What happened if you don't finish them? A box is full of the roll paper.

You are not actually really those Japanese capsule people? 

  1.  He has a wealthy parents.
  2. The younger couple has born this Japanese capsule boy.
  3. His ego is very very high, so he cannot be poked.
  4. He needs to leave home, or something happened, so he never show up their Japanese tradition home front scene, they have a yard scene. He has a mother. 
  5. He roaming on the street to sleep in these Japanese capsule idea
  6. Very similar personality like Dean.
  7. He needs everyone to praise him and beg him.
  8. He is highly emotional.
  9. He just.....a type of the Japanese capsule people living only on the street because ....
  10. Its a type of the Japanese capsule people.

My TV news.

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