
Harry, you want to talk about your family?

You and Meghan. You be soften a little bit...she is not fully aware, or she tried to understand, or you know you have to die alone at the Dark Lords curses or spell. Drink something and soften your attitude, and SIT DOWN.

Your father has an issue, your brother has an issue, Kate and Meghan

Then you....so you sit down, pretend, no more moving, thinking, doing anything on your own control. Not to your brain, not to anything anymore.

Harry Potter doesn't mean you have to control the whole school, that will be my UB those none patience human. Your world is where you ought to be in UK, or with Meghan, those are a lot more mild and in your own culture. Not mine side anything on their own. You don't go and put your nose in my stuffs, I know how to handle all that. 

Your father is aging, and he needs to retire, they had a very bad start.

[ Your brother needs to straight up his entire body, other than literally anymore this finger where he puts at, to his own eyes, or to his own ass. Seriously. I mean seriously! ]

Kate and Meghan when they both have a several kids that gonna grew up, they need to be a lot more stable, sleep down, the vitamin, less public sight, to their health, to the longevity, and helping the kids to grow, to be more maturely involved into their life, the education all that.

None of you, plus you Harry, need to be near that William does these 2 fingers inside his own eyes, 2 eyes literally speaking and turn around and fallen, if not too many times, he cannot see the floor tile black and white.

[      ]

Can you understand that is your brother? Yes, or no? You cannot get near no matter what, all of you 3 outside. His father is busy something else. If you 3 really agree, that is super super understanding every word I put in there, just go along whatever you don't need to understand their decision, its a movie, or its not a movie. 

Harry, you understand that one person?

Now, this Nicky or Tina.....if their legs were polio, or inverted....so Tina now can always dress those Asian girls, turn, twirl, or twirling around, if that is something 2 legs, like...when you walk, its straight, something inward curved in, or another form of polio, or Nicky I don't know that was the accident, or something kinda like "glass". That physical therapy can help them and then they find a new world, no one knows their past, and away from the family.....they find their new love or the new life.

UB them, most of them are the science world guys, and the girls aggravating them.

Most of them are the guys from my facebook. When I move away UK, that was 40% vs 60% (women and man), the UB, its opposite or just more guys.

I am very sure they were all rely on my organic chemistry channel video that time. Part of the pharmacy or part of the medical school, all that included.  They are stiff, stiff means....not too many presentation and when they get home, there is no food, there is no organization, and the parents are aging and all that.

Wearing the skirts, you know what it means?

Like outside the uniform, you have those Asian skirt up to thigh, you can twirl, turn, going around, cool, and the sandal, show your legs, and walking light, jumping around.


You don't know that feeling, up up up to thigh, and you can turn around, walking in the traffic intersection lane, you can posture, you can stand, you can make a face, like unlimited photo those. Does it have to be the thigh? Thigh !!


If everyone just controlling, and pamping, and running around, want to do the things they only wish to do, all that, bothers you?

Like I know their past, present and the.....story?

If its one Shane or one Nicky, or that is my mother....I don't have too many space for anyone to say, near by. Just 1 my mother I guess. Shane and Nicky probably together or I have no idea how they evolve to their world all that.

What do you mean twirl and the thigh?

Like 2/3 up your thigh. oh ~ we are very very warm here. The sandal, the capital sleek, the weather is nice, or the city population is in the millions, the food is everywhere, you can eat on the road, and someone came to you to "sweetie."....those street meeting someone with the ice cream.

Our sandal here design have so many so many so many. Its very comfortable. You never had that many the girls shoes in the sandal, just walking out, and the foot massage, and the hard skin remover, and all that. Our intersection here design has this big traffic light, its on the weekend....one thing, if another week day....

There is the pudding sweet here (our 7-11)

There is these tea leaf eggs, you can eat the eggs, the meat, the instant noodle in the public windows like the Star Bucks those windows, and so many people walking by, you can be listening to the music, studying, reading a book. Your middle school all that dreaming and the high school.

Does the girl just hop on the motorcycle in the city?

You wish not !

But if they know each other?

Yes. With the helmet, and all that. 

[  It will never never be vegan, or sit in the meditation, or the yogurt, or the big meat, or the BBQ, or the Mongolia BBQ, or the Asian salty meat all that oily and spicy.

And to get fat, probably. I don't know. A lot of people have a different dream.  ]

Tina =  [     ]

NEVER vegan, always eggs, always sweet, BIG salty meat, BIG oily and spicy, SUPER spicy. 7-11 or anything walking in. Hugh just tour tiny bit around here. The chicken drum, the salty and hot, and the plastic bag, anything like the high school, anything feel like the middle school, the pan fried eggs breakfast.

It would be.....I know where, I am not sure Tina knows everywhere, I am guessing ! 

Her salary can afford those small meat here or there, walking, to keep eating inside her mouth on the road.

No, she is very very like that.

No I eat....

No Tina....Her middle school, those high school away from the school to eat, anything, the bubble tea, and all that carefree. To eat. Probably just anything everything.

Me never talk to them about that, you mean Pang or Tina, those kinds?

Definitely not. She fed Hank very fat, all those stew salty chicken in those giant pot.

No, her middle school, or the high school, those....so far away, or the commute in this city, I have no idea where she gone by, if she can start all over the time return. She can eat all the breakfast with the eggs. every 7-11 or the instant noodle, or the spicy korean chicken, or might be just those sweet ! In Taipei station, she used to commute all there. 

I already said. The middle school, the high school, that Taipei Station all around. Simon Stop, if behind or before.....those place with the first bf, those.

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