
💖💝 I heard, Harry.

You have someone to talk to in Japan, that's good! 

1) You didn't know any of this 20 years ago.

2) They all living together with you 26 rooms, if everything goes?

You don't go back to the court room.

They can live on the seasonal vocation mansion. The one you never gone to.

You don't feel your load too heavy, Harry? I going in and out the movie Scoob.

You and Meghan sits down a meal BBQ family room, or the kids you take care, or making a plan, or you two don't speak anymore. Or text message, or this shining palace where you ....feeling these people you talk to are too important, that kinds?

I am a girl so being with Shane or Nicky. Shane ~~~ its our life not to make a whole world complicate in some way. Two people indoor, holding close, or making each other what it means to Shane things, he be happy....I don't have too many things.

Given the world their responsibility sometimes, its not all on me. You.....have one of those you think, you feel, you reason, your face cannot lose, or 1000 questions until you get your way, or too many run about, you cannot rest properly to think? 

Meghan is career right now. 2 kids are growing right now. Your brother's family is took off, his father, and him gradually. You....want to focus a lot more correctly. Your brother is too important so he cannot stay with Kate. You and Meghan can stay together, but right now its the Cinderella? You make a plan for her one lifetime?

Her whatever reason, the money, the finance, the kids future?

Plan for her, asking for her, what do you think....per monthly, per account, per will, or per health insurance. You look after yourself very good. How was your last relationship, were you married, anyone plans for you, we are all the selfish guys no matter what?

"500 per kids, per monthly, and you add next by and you might imagine a huge money but not steady, you care about it? That is 500 x3 = 1500 per monthly on saving."

You don't do those talk at the beginning?

The health package in America

Like no matter what money, but sometimes you say as long as you don't spend in your bank.....but what if like we have this senior 65, the minimum, so I really need to put the money in. Or both here and America has this health insurance package. We have the magazine. I read it.

Then you can do the saving.....like until 65 years old. I don't know what we got, but that is the minimum, you plan for yourself, and literally put down a math. Tell the people you have the back-up, tell the people the math, tell the people per item list, per fluctuation goods, tell that what is required, the ID, the prove. 

To me won't matter this Nicky or Shane ~~~but I am trying to understand until the day they arrive. You all show up from the otter and the panda. 

Like to the longevity, or the insurance to invest after 65 years old ...

"What if I as long as I lived?" 

"This is for the hospital per check list like your website says, do you have a full booklet." 

"I literally read every line, what if your company disappear? As long as I live?"

Yeah, she is not a stranger. You don't want to communicate that much, so you pretend you gonna expire out of her life....so you do some those talk to ensure anything of that, for whatever reason, when you two be put together, its wish her well starting now, this household its you Harry cared about it with the 2 kids.

Plan that saving, always talk about it, write the math to show her, tell her this is important, making the organization tool box, make a clear, you stay home or whom called whom when we step out of the house. This movie does affect us, or whatever that understand or I don't understand....we make an effort, then make something a lot more on the money talk, rather than all that anything the movie or the news, or the other people chat talk.

You do a math in front of her, or a talk, a write-out

1 years is 52 weeks, but that is only 12 month, you know that. Every morgaged house is 13 because that  is + 1 on the interests payment other than the principle. But that is not our issue....

We grow old, or we grow apart, this 65 years old to wait or after, everyday its whom die on whom all that, so here is the writing, we put forth some efforts from me side. There are the kids involved, the kid's education, the kid's health plans, the all that.....on and on and on.

Do I know why you has a shade eye glasses on, the sunglasses sitting on one chair and a suitcase holding it on the chest, I describe to you like yesterday?


They show you but you won't be knowing why? 


Do they all worried anything I saw, I say, being validate your behind people seeing you all doing what things in each other's behind, that kinds?

I am a girl, so I can tell you I don't like any of this. Nothing at all ....I understand not I like it anymore something I have to make it in my life, and having all these scene. I got hurt is one thing, the medical world can help me. But, you all gone where when I am away ....that is one thing I cannot control. 

When you grew up, now you grow up?

Do you ever use the money concept, like other than your parents given you the money, when you attend the school, you don't need to use the money?

Saving, I mean.

Saving to talk about, saving to literally sit down, write, go to the bank, check the statement, know the mail, know the utility of a house, its your father covers, or whom burden, or is that the e-statement, the tax, the American tax, not the England tax, all that?

You feel stress, you feel staying home to sleep. The food, the food costs, or your driving license, or you going back to UK with Meghan. The news.

Do I talk to Westlife about the saving?

They are far beyond over the saving parts. 

You think I need the saving, that kinds? By what you see?

I am the one seeing or writing the high tech says or someone else pass the image, all that saying in combines. I cannot verbalize well, to determine anything else legally I already say on everyone else.

That means what?

I am talking to you to sound a light talk on both you or Meghan, but you can try, or you gonna tell me its already over, not the otter says.

You would do those talk like 500 dollar per month with Nicky or Kian, those kinds, or Shane....per month those talk?

NO! Not with Westlife.

What do you talk about?

Anything but 500 dollar per month, you mean saving. But I talk about something either in the public I forgotten it was with Westlife, its with the public.

Why it has to be 500 dollars?

The small tiny thing to know your math, I need to know if you are one of those I used to know a past. 

You know what is a financial adviser?

I heard about. 

And you know the consulting....all that?

NO! I know the math, to that every words the economics ~~other than the third party you mean depends on whom has the family background those, I have ZERO family background.

Why you would tell me to do what, like that?

Some people put every eggs in a different basket, and some put all in one basket. That is the ancient Chinese always saying that.

So you know your math, or you know your options or saving, meaning a different revenue.

You mean the income as the revenue.

No, I mean....

Can you see anything with your eyes open?

(wave wave wave)

You know you are young right now. If you be very very careful like every year, per month gravity yourself down, and literally make it very clear that someone else understands, to them, they care about you and your brother. Because when you are older, and getting really old, these people die out. You will have no more people planning for you, other than now. They hear about it, no matter, what you are their prince.

If I make a mess on everyone else profile, they will hurt me?


I don't want that.

You have a personality is everywhere, you know that.

How long you using the legal power to imagine if you 1) to get 2) or hurting somebody?

25 years? 


Being a family man because it is once of the lifetime. I know more about this court room overall, and what you could do to stand alone. All they UB did, and they probably will keep going back, as far as I say something.

You want to play that authorize power through the judge to kill everyone else and then on judge. So are those UB illiterates if they keep doing that.

And you know about that?


You fear nothing but us, or me, or those UB?


You could do nothing and keep repeating /writing to these lawsuit profile not everyone else stolen and then this year this per line statement you written, you think those writing has a meaning?

If my brain dead walking over my dead body, that is not the England slang.

No girls will be that confident and got beaten, and still get on more and more on the stage to ensure those human gets kill because she is not afraid of those terrorist power.

You really believing in those things.

And why you don't? Like now, or the court room in America, what if I succeed or they succeed.

The exact Tina's face could be....I wonder how that had happened and turn out.

You have no prove any of this high tech image they sent you.

I could be keep talking on blah on that must be truly amazing someone confident like you or like me.

You are so sure I cannot get on the court room power to kill the judge or you, right?

Your intention or your assumption ....its one of those if you "are a real Kingship they must entitle to you", that kind? So you can kill ALL the judges, that imagination?


It will never happen.

You don't let that happen or they won't let that happened?

Both of they and me won't make that happened. I am not really in that formula this life.

But you could?




(hysterically smile)


You are not afraid, or you are afraid you don't tell ....

You walking in walking out of the court room until when ? 

Never ends.

Just to check on the judge if they know you exist, or you go there to threaten them no matter what? Or you are helpless to go, you feeling to obligate to go, or they told you you better go?

Neither, just....somewhat responsible, why they leave those things on the TV. 

You should just not let your heart going up or down, drop all that and staying home with your suitcase. 

(Mad, roar, screaming)

You cannot pull your face down, or your ego so high, you need a lot better face than that....so for one thing is curiosity, for second, its "again" why they doing that to you, you didn't even watch the movies?


You feel as long as you walking in, and stand there, that file-ing someone will get hurts?

Is not?

... ... all right, you always just insist doing that another 40 years, I think, you always are like that, you didn't find out if you can hurt someone literally.

You would help me, if I want to hurt someone correctly? Legally?

You actually...not really doing anything by doing that.

You know that for sure, or I cannot roar to the judge, you feel unfair?

Roaring is not always a more clear method to do that, you really want to yell at the judge?


I am asking you, did you? Like those lion loud sound in horror?


You went to screaming at the judge's ear going very near to the judge, or smash those profile on the ground, all those acts? Did you?


You cannot control yourself. If you take some medicine, to yell at the doctor, you will sound like you doing it year by year to know what's going on with you yourself.  If you doing that, and determined to keep doing that, you should tell that to Meghan, to behind England. How many times did you do that....literally speaking.

They won't find out?

No. Unfortunately.

I want them really really really really scared by me.


Well, (innocent face), when you cannot go through the legal system, this way they will listen better, the big and the small all world anyway. They know that, I know that. I make sure they knowing that. 

Did you tell someone to help you?

(giggling) No one will believe me my method, even you won't.

Everyone all did something on their own term.

Only you won't. (giggling), you think you going somewhere, just by mild, and talk like this, looking mild, talking mild. No one will listen to you what those classify world probably won't, I know them. I watch their movies.

Westlife is probably like that, UB is probably like that.

They walking out the court?


You worry, you hurt, you knowing this so much....have fun? Without them how can you survive in Asia, all of this craps everywhere?

All right....its late for your Japan time. They don't do this every single time, they roaring not like you Harry, not to walking in right to the judge's face and the judge's right side get on there, or anything of that kinds.

(shred in, drugged brain), they don't?

In the correct time of this materials being received, I would like to inform you the reason how I have arrive to this court room overall time, I have working on this case for a number of reason that I came forward at this hours, that would be ______  _______  ________  _______

to that the justice of the proper conduct and to that unsaid of the Date or Time in heaven, this is an important time for all of us to reflect, and that frustration has been heard, and the worsen situation might have escalate. One of those sadden things would be the vocabulary that we carried or I did, will not justified the research time and the materials to where writing all this will sound like a prolong hour other than spending time to those of the "come together" to discuss about this, and for this forbidden right here, I may. Its I forbidden that myself at this time to believe something, that is truely horrified in this materials come forth. I would have no doubts on that.... 

This will work?

I give enough the sample writing, seriously.

Good night, to everyone. Today is close your window time, the wind is sipping through, the autumn wind.

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