
你們有事情找我嗎? You looking for me ?





我以前在 SUNY 學校整合裡,提娜在 CUNY, 就是通通在紐約州,那個 SUNY 很多學校找工作,社交團體那時候是說,以後找工作,可是隔年有發現的時候,我就順便不用工作了,在學校打工,那些不在我臉書上。

I only did what, my classmate, the professor, my mother, Westlife and the other boyband. I look at them, not I did anything.  I have checked a bit my sibling, and some family relative.

Has some fame, one Anan, a few Royal England, my mother mainly, the rest is my classmates won’t be here, the left right neighbor, I lives here 

You study abroad classmates ? My university and the Master’s degree classmates.

On my facebook. 

I used to be in the SUNY overall, Tina in CUNY, all in New York State, that SUNY has a lot of the university to look for a job, the social media that time, the future to look for a job, the next year discovery has, I by the way no more looking for a job, just part-time in the school, those were not on my facebook. 


Those were in fact Dutchress's military personnel, I am not the military people.


They are also not my stuff, they are ing's stuffs.


My family is busy.

你們沒有覺得人生簡單點比較好? 台灣我爸媽也是跟他們同學,講話呀 ! 相處呀 ~變老了! 

You all don't think the life simpler in life? Taiwan my parents also go with their classmate, talking, get alone ~ grow old !

人有時候自己躺在家裡,那種逍遙的人生,不是太多麻煩,學校同學有時候就是簡單,每一個人回家照顧爸媽呀 ! 有時候男孩子很多很多,每一個人都煮飯在美國這樣 ...電視上的東西沒有那麼重要,既然有學校,既然有社交媒體,既然有通訊 (有電話),有 email 等等等,這社會制度有一種捷徑,學校,有那種夏天冬天放假呀 ~固定的,以前在學校早上自習到傍晚,這種固定的小學一年級到高三,這種環境,有一天你說做教授,學生就是最簡單的面對,夏天冬天放假這樣 ! 心智固定,收入,環境固定 ...

Some people lay at home, care free life, not too many troubles, the school classmate is simple, and everyone goes home and takes care of their parents ! Sometimes the guys have a lot a lot a lot, and everyone cooking in America that kinds....the TV stuffs aren't that super important, there is the school, there is the social media, there is the communication ( the phone), the email etc etc etc. The society has a short cut, the school, those summer and the winter vocation ~ stable. Before in the school the very early morning to afternoon late, this kind of the fix K1-K12, this kinds of the envrionment, one day you say being a professor, the students are the easiest to confront, the summer and the winter on vocation! The mind stable, the income, or the environment stable....

所以當我沒有那樣,就是躺在家裡,那就是簡單的事情,拿一兩個,就沒有東西了 ! 社會責任 !

So I am not like that, just laying at home, the simple thing, take 1 or 2 things to do, then there is nothing there ! The social society responsibility. 

像說我看到電視,台北婦女協會,我爸以前他在乎的東西,的下一代,都是女孩子就 13 的女孩子,然後說我媽跟我弟弟在我媽的女孩子朋友,誰誰誰,我弟弟那個時候玩遊戲的男孩子,長大等等等....這沒有台北協會,但是我有講出來,講出來就是社會責任,好跟不好就是你們去看!

這社會責任有地理,我家附近我可以去的警察局的建築物 ~~等等,那也是社會責任,直到建華他哥哥,你們也相信那是他哥哥的警察局~

Like I look at the TV, the Taipei women association, my father used to he cared about things, the next generation, they are all women, there are 13 girls. Then my mother and my brother (my mother's girls friend), whom so and whom, my brother that time playing the video games those boys to guy growing up, etc etc etc....this Taipei doesn't have the association, but as long as I talk out, that speaking out its the social responsibility, good or no good, you all go and look at it.

This kinds of the social responsibility has a geography, my home near by those police station building ~~etc etc, that is also the society responsibility, until Wallace's his brother, you all believe, that is his brother's police station ~~

煮飯、躺著、買東西,講出來我覺得,所以這煮飯因為是看到以為,電影講簡單的英文,所以我只會做我知道的事情,就是這大概是電影講的 ! 

Cooking, lay down, buying stuff, speaking how I feel like, so the cooking is because I can see, I thought.....the movie talks about the simple English, so I say I only know how to do that, then that is roughly what the movie means and say !


The movie says the laws, so I know what they say


So a lot of the things I cannot make it, don't know, roughly done a similar, I need to make money with those are okay !


社會公正: 就是我同學一百個x 10 或是在x 10 或是 2.

罪犯公正: 所以我說有一百人的照片在電視上,我比誰誰誰跟名字,跟這些照片,

動物就是你建議在社會平台上,像說 Youtube,任何溝通,有時候這種 Web 2.0 概念,幫助他們,幫助動物,建設一個未來的捐款,或是帶給他們一些觀眾群,讓照顧他們的人跟動物快樂 ! 30 隻水瀨+ 5 個熊貓 + 5 個紅色熊貓 + 20 小鳥。

This social justice, the criminal justice, the animal preserved.

The social justice: my classmates 100x 10 or x 10 or 2

The criminal justice: so I say 100 people's picture from the TV, I say whom whom whom and names, and these pictures.

The animal is just you input on the social media like the Youtube, any communication sometimes those Web 2.0 concept is helping them, helping the animal, and establish to the future donation, or brings some viewers, make the care taker or the animals happy !  30 otter + 5 panda + 5 red panda  + my house 20 birds

這個城市在建設,我家人提娜有兩個小孩,Hank 有兩個, Irene 有一個,元元有兩個

This City is building up, my family Tina has 2 kids, Hank has 2 kids, Irene has 1, and Square's brother has 1.

你不覺得 Hugh 跑了很多地方,那有人要會住在這城市裡面呀 ! 有家人,或是他有家人,他做了什麼,問他新婚你們在幹嘛 ! 有時候講講話,多一個人,多一群人這樣。

You don't think Hugh runs at a lot of the place, that is because someone is living in this city ! Has family, or he has the family, he does what, asking him newly got married, what are you doing?! Sometimes talk, 1 extra person, one extra group of people, only that.

煮飯,你有 50 食譜,組織+照片,你做成 100 張照片跟乾淨的煮飯

這文書作要加起來總和,1000 +,這組織跟書詪、文書,或是案例寫成,或是文書工具



Cooking, you have 50 recipe, that organization wise + the photo, you make 100 pictures and the clean cooking.

The paperwork's in combine, that is 1000 +, the organization and the book, the paper, the cases written, or the stationary.

The discovery, that is on waiting or you make a clean clear say what are we on waiting.

The military, when the movie turns real, 10 rudimentary subjects. I think that is more than enough.

在家裡的感覺就是想幹嘛就幹嘛 ~這通訊工具是說,網際網路在台北有對國際、對世貿展、對家長、對親戚、對國外弟妹的發展,教育呀 ! 郵寄行李,看醫生、醫學系他們等等等。

Staying home that feeling is doing whatever I want ~ this communication tool is saying, the web internet in Taipei has some kinds of the international saying, to the expo, to your parents, to your relative, to the foreign sibling development, the education ! The post mail or the luggage, or seeing the doctors, or the medical school, them etc etc etc.

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