What is "I do what I want, its the opposite than anything he ever said?"
You are seriously like that, or you just know that is how it shouldn't be? You tear, or you cannot walk on the stair? You put some music and walking normal?
I am busy.
No, that is a slow walking, or you are walking slower and be careful. Looking up, hold it the rim. You tell the security, you tell the maid, you tell your secretary. Your head up no noise, if all that, or you need an Ipod.
Is shu shu shu, like....how do you describe that?
You feel that empty space something is moving, noisy, or static, or something not completely dead silence. You have not know anything that is a dead silence in your whole life.
No, you hold it the rim, and stop the music, look up, you ask someone coming near with you?
You stand there, you just fallen? Not even one step?
No, call your father NOW. Tell your security, someone calls your father now.
Have you listened to the music and walking? Yes.
So you know how to describe all that? Yes.
No, talk to your father, he finds the help for you. Stay or sit on the floor on that stair with someone near by all the time.
Is engine dead silence?
A lot more quiet, the brain space, but your head tension is moving toward the top, up. You had no more someone threaten you, or the ghost idea, someone close a door, or behind you, they are chatting, or there is another life....and you space out, you going in, all that.
You can tell them now, there is a right ear, that near the ear hole, that is bombard right at your brain middle, its always very loud. You say your soul shrinks, now it may not be shrinking, but you are almost 40, you don't know that damage is right now or longer, how to recuperate all that.
Eat hole, right next by....the coming out surface on your right ear, the left side near the face. There is a bump, that inside there, its where it used to be high loud volumn none stop, as if that is an home entertainment studio right at the ear 24 hours. If I am not the deaf only. You can tell them right now, if you remember?
You say that entire area, you lost it. Its the cracking up the giant speakers, and you should say, we say "that is very psycho someone cranking up the music volumn."
Correct, those big ear on your both head side, and you walk again.
Yeah, the hard rocks, the metal rocks, all that. Screaming .....!!!
If you taken that 2 black ears out, and you immediate fallen?
You stay right there, they go and ask for someone to help you.
Yeah, you use your 2 hands touch those wall, move it close to your body, and move it back to your own room, lay down.
No, you cannot go outside. What about the media? Not those 2 black giant ears?
NO! Your father takes cares of it.
No, don't worry about that. Not those 2 black giant ears = the headphone, you come back, or what.....stop all that. You have the whole England MD groups they can sort this.
Isn't you gone to the hospital, everything was fine? That morning, you are in the sun? Okay, maybe I miss it, you done the right side? Just take 1 day per step. Its the physical therapy, they can sort that.
You go back to your room, warm your hands, your bed, lay down, if too cold, crack up the heat, get some water near, tell the maid....the water near, the boiler near, your sock, can you see them on the chair near by, the sandal, or how to make you easy to go to the bathroom, you are dizzy.
Tell them to check on you every hour, can you put a speaker phone somewhere. You want to get to the bathroom.
You might sweat, get too nervous, or you thought it was normal to walk down the bed, and you afraid, and it was easy....its all not. You need those maid be near, every hour someone whom can talk to you.
Tell them get the towel in near by, another table is fine, everything near by.
Some t-shirt, if they can take those out near you, open the drawer, should I leave that open?
To change.
You are the new micky mouse .....I c. Don't worry about it, no one looking at it.
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