You have 3 maids you can talk more open, not this please please please not to tell your father stuffs.
Mark LORT, you packed? You feel calmer? Without this one luggage list,....for the rest of your life, you gonna die, you told them that, those are the military with you all your life.
I need 10 mins.
Will fall asleep, its your Friday night, that's good. They can shut off the light after you sleep, you can tell them that, they sit outside. They have the notes, without the table and the flower those. They can talk to each other outside. (I cannot see, only 1 and 1 chair? Interrupted a lot.)
Mark, your "JC" is an older shadowy....figure. Those you called them the entity. You want to use your towel, on your right cheek to your tempo down, the warm hot water from the tap facet coming out....NOT I keep looking at your left tempo cheek line down.
Your tempo, not behind your head. The RIGHT side, cheek line down, put on your throat. The hot warm towel. Then dry with another towel of that side.
Its your luggage?
The tissue paper with you in your hand shaking, lean to your right, lean to the fake wall, this is the end of my peripheral. Your right side is not a wall.
When you shift your peripheral in the natural trees the forest, the air you breath, the cloud and the sky, you will shift your vision and the eye sight just outward, not inside the red and black. You keep your eyes open to the natural wind, the air, the sun. Can you do that? The next 2 or 3 weeks. Shaking your 2 hands holding the 1 tissue paper. You want a box of the tissue paper and the a dozen in one package? You want to lawsuit?
You both are very similar, can you wait til everything disappear and you sleep up to 6 months, that is the order. My life here is a chaos, people shock me with this traffic light walking the birds say, or not saying, yes or the AI say if I have to go out, it has to be 13th of the Friday, that was yesterday. So....its the traffic second to diagonal ...
Hugh goes to Japan, or he has to go to the aerobic, one of those combine.....his father is here.
No, I don't think I will ever get married.
The things you asked them? Those boybands they are the celebrity worlds. A certain thing is ilegal, I say that about the thousand times. Not a glass on the stage, its in my hospital, seriously.I don't really know what had happened. Or unless he has a position similar to each other again. Another you Mark, named Nicky. He was a polio, or it was the car accident recovery.
That is ilegal, I say that about the thousand times. And correct, everyone has the money reason, I am very sure this morning, my first news was Korea and this Pacific Asia which General. He got promoted, or I cannot see his face with this hat. Our news channel here on my channel. I check it every once a while. Training, or follow the classify material like Square is my cousin....and..... Yeah, a news, we local can subscribe, so....I have to get back to this region, this line.
You what?
The right eye
The right tempo
The right cheek, the right jaw line, the right neck, the full neck, your whole nose (do you have an asthma? )
Can you turn on every light in your room and the bathroom light, that is just one You have your Christmas light on that corner, what thing you cannot get the table, or your merits runs thing your miltary told you that, you have that kinds of the vocabulary, that is for your water to get on the folding table with the rectangle container to keep the jar gallon pouring in, so everyday you access your water easily. You want them to hook up the Christmas light for you that corner its....RIGHT.
The warm towel means the towel soaked in the warm running water, the hot water, NOT twisted. A little bit dripping your head over your facet.
NOT twist the towel. I WANT the soaked hot warm water on your entire right side of the FACE down to your throat.
When you done 5 mins, you get that wall mounted tall towel, you just throw your face on that DRY towel, DRY your entire right side face your head in it.
Not the water on your body. DRY.
You tell them to get 4 by 6, 6 pieces to....I cannot? Your keyboard is about 4 by 12.
4 inches by 12 inches.
|_______| Your water boiler, a rectangle container, behind or below water gallon.
That is 5 piece, the 6 its behind lower tier, you want the diagonal, or a straight horizontal left to right. Your mud can go stabilized there.
The dollar store has those..... what?
The web looking dry, stop slippery rolls those you cut and paste for this 4 by 6 surface your mug goes on top of it. That is 2 piece, or 3 you want the top ....that is 3 tiers, you know that?
You can get just one tier behind the water boiler (right), you put your extension cord on top of that, then your water boiler is using that plugin, and that extension cord to the room wall electric plug-in.
You are not going to lose those things every single time, you just re-make them !!!!
4 by 8, you getting the long folding table, 2 of them or just 1? 1 you can folded behind the door.
The bird came.... You want a vertical ? Why don't you get 2 of that 4 by 8 behind the first tier and the second tier? AT the lower side, your mud can push in. Its not hanging in the middle, at the base line.
No, oh, are you British or Irish?
Westlife is Irish. No, the American we have an Home Depot, a measuring tape and you usually go to the end of the Home Depot, its free or almost free wood. If you know your measurement, they cut it for you like 10 of that? You keep the rest of that. Your military done those things is a piece of cake. What talent they all have?
The cutting is free, the Home Depot staff stands there, near those people ....behind, those pick-and-choose, almost cheaper wood. But your case....these military have anything else to do, so you ask them. Maybe they can make it one for you.
You worry about the future?
When you get home? You get the cut done wood, you find a garage human opens his garage, near by where you live, or somewhere more stable that Mark, you just ask him, if he can make a 3 tiers, you pay him some money with it.
oh NO, you don't need to paint that things. You throw that in the garbage can and re-make them every single time.
Something back? You mean if they coming back? NO !
Those are entity. It might be a very physical brain cell, or your face fissure, or some bone lining all these right side....
You collapse means you physically, or you have a white towel dripping on your face on the bed, you need the hair dryer to dry all your sheet?
1) The white towel dripping on your face on the bed, before we start.
2) You are inside your bathroom, and you collapse.
Can you open your eyes and turn on your light in your bathroom, in front of the mirror, no one can see you?
Will, can you put your left arm inside your bed, under it. near your hip, touch your hip.
The left arm that is shaking, not outside, not bend your shoulder. Keep your 2 legs straight, 2 arm straight, inside the bed, next by your pants, straight. Keep that posture,
Breath with your nose face up. Breath 1 breath 2 breath 3. You feeling your chest going up or down. If you facing it up, you looking it up, Will. If you seat up, your left arm has to shoulder point out? I need that near to your breast torsal that side.
If they have the rope, they can tight your body up, you know ....
Mark, you don't need that eye glasses pn your face from your right side pocket front? You have the pocket front on the right. I need you see nothing but that towel warm and hot, on your right face entire face fissure lines, jaws, neck throat, warm and fuzzy.
I said, the soaked, warm, water on your empty face without the eye glasses, you don't need to see, but you turn on both lights, and you just walk 2 steps back to your bed, can you just not wet anymore your shirt, and change a shirt, you are full of the water, on your arm pit.
I SAY, your face, your jaw, your thorat.
HE, doesn't have the waist line below.
Do you mean you tell that military personel, he starts to vanish from the foot up, all the way to cut his waist bell like my photo here that hand is the cut direction, exactly (on his left, on your right, in front of you)
Do you mean he is vanish all the way to my photo here, his eyes cut to nose down to the hair?
Your lip tight, looking down with the eye glasses 2 oclock, looking it down zip lip tight, to 8:30 angrily.
You have something to do ....
I am busy today. You all go sleeping.
That old man doesn't talk like Kryon !!!
He is shadowy looking to you behind with this black and red background
You want to look at the white sky, the blue cloudy, or the green forest?
You don't need to care about his height, it doesn't matter. HE IS NOT A HUMAN FORM.
Which Westlife video, is that matter? MARK? Your name is really Mark? The sunglasses ! They are not beating up your stuffs. NO!
Peyon is a kid, he just is in the university study with his father MD, that is his Intern his own foot, Do Little.
Go to sleep?
You want to get an IPad?
There is one frame before, the lower.....body parts.
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