
Good night, Ronan !

I seeing these clips.

In Buddhism, I think the Japanese Zen, or a lot of those spiritual meditating people, they woke up at 4 or 5 o'clock, or 3 o'clock to meditate. With our groups, their Taipei people have to work, they make 4 hours by in the morning 5 to 7 and then another 2 hours after they get off the works, No, the requirement is 2 and half hours.

Those were a claim technique. The Quan Yin methods, the same to Beas (RSSB).

No, the prayer doesn't have those lengthy communion, they called that with the church practice.

Before you go to sleep, or when you wake up, those state of the mind is very easy to fallen into....asleep. But usually that is not a lot more awake state.

We hardly say enough.

It shouldn't come to that day He says. And these are your yearly round about singing competition everyone could see, its a concert tour.

I didn't mean that the MD is options for all spiritual leadership to say, its a career, but too many these video on the creative art, but I think as the 5 Major Religion....even just take 1 patient in, and make some adjustment of that one person's life. It didn't need a lot, just talking or make a connection and these animals never stop talking....one of those days.

Do I ever think I ask the religious those people, me and Shane?


This is not the baseball....did they say something about the sports news somewhere on the front coverage latterly?

Is that difference he makes the goli and dodge below and down...touch down? Its not the foot.....its becoming the side bar Iron Man? Do they mean Harry Potter sports? 

Something about these Gods, and the Godses, and Jesus is coming back, and these Universe talk


Are they going to put back those COVID 19 done harms to the humanity? 

That is one thing could ask, right. 

But does the soul coming back like the TV or the movie?

What if one day I end up in Heaven still the same mood like today, Ronan?  The most humanity sunk in their gloomy mood a lot, not eating healthy, not enough vitamin, not enough the temperature, not enough talkative environment, even seeing a 7-11 where people bind to people, to talk....

And then they tell you, these spiritual merits work on the whole collective, it won't matter which human live or die of the next Eon's evolution starting here - the Digital Era.

What you gonna do? Doing a debate?

No, no one contacts me.

Like if I above the 5 Major religion top. I think I am on the Top of every religion every universes, what you gonna do? No more 5?

No, those followers or the disciple is you carrying their karma those....no, you don't have any of that. And no, I haven't seen anyone talking about you. But I seen anything, your priest, or the nun Order those, like Yogananda's biography, them? No. The general public they talk to you on your facebook, no, I never read it. 

Its just me and Shane's face-to-face life, and I tell everyone almost every step I did.....when they lighten up some stuffs, I can shift to Shane immediately, so I told him my plans, that is with his parents in the picture.

Do I think these are real?


Do these people care about the spiritual merits in the counting methods? A literally sit down to meditate or to pray, or some mathematical saying, or the lineage power, you don't have any of that? To say preaching I mean ....

I try to mention to you about 2 or 3 times already. At least they know I repeated that about 3 times...what else can I do? If I wasn't pick and choose to talk about it? 

Usually you take a shower at night? And you don't bang your head at those closet inside when you design your bathroom? The alcohol mix with the prescription drugs, Ronan?

Relax, and open or close your eyes, sitting at your headboard? So you feel the room is quiet and all that?


Maybe this is not you. You just delete this video.


The hiss animal


They did find those ways......behind.

If they ask about me? I mean behind your facebook.

I will not tell them a thing, Ronan! I tell Shane...and discuss with him. Its your public reputation. Usually no one leaving me one message, too many things they can all go behind asking their God.

Good night, Ronan ~~~!!! We did talk ~ these Jesus things aren't too pressing with too many of these God & Godses (Queen). 

That is....3 panda without that little girl eating in one line, Ronan.

Good night ~~

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