That is Tina's hair brush, the little guy was saying.
The otter
Tina has those junks on the back, you seeing how to "ball" the ballroom, the hand coff purse of that hard handle, that this pursue is made not to be the feet coff, and she was.
The panda
Nick never says he was the money mule, other than that blue car....his legand reason as marking a name to the youngester, as his memory doesn't remember all that well. If one day meeting someone, to say love, and then all this life cannot afford, was those meat, the fish and the wine. Then, the conversation cannot last to make me understand, or else I immediately cut him off. Anything bio, or the chem will never all belong to the UB parents and their kids issue, the zoom talk, or the social meeting of another 1 hour or 2 hour over 20 hours in flighting mode. Its not near.
So the money mule issue would be, coaching is a process, "other than." Did we explain this?
You can have every conversation other than getting near 1 decision me just in front of my computer never stop my works, not even look at him, not looking at her. Imagine you are old, and broke, and the family broken....but nick is a psycho, she has the normal brain. He actually done those riding the car to make the wind feel the theater at the sunset outdoor.
1. Don't look at them, make them feel, they will never be a part of your life, your friends life. They will do on purpose, including getting near, just close the door right at their face. You follow exactly like I said. Every door she tried....meaning she thought its the time to get a conversation going.
2. Cut it off every single time this old people does.
3. They are scamming group with the kids cannot cope the university school trying to suicide, or the none stop drinking issues, to keep suiciding they themselves.
4. You just leave when they cannot get to the younger people to manipulate one decision, that will never be a coach to say, that person can get any money paid.
5. When there is no paid, the methods becoming very very cruel.
6. Slam every door right at the face, exactly she calculated, meeting at the hallway, and coming out, its the door close. Every single time. They have no worth while carrying a conversation other than a maid job until they are homeless and die on the street penny zero.
7. Make them truely understand it will only be a maid job, that is where they belong. It will never be a coaching session. The real money mule is him, not her.
8. But that is a maid job supposes to be, not the Elsa blue jacket to go to the center to say Jesus today was 7:56, Nick counter 22 to pick someone in June 12, her married date on the phone last week. So today she doesn't need to wash the cloth, she says.
Meaning washing "like the outside washing the floor", donating to the center. = washing hands.
Just give her 1 month these washing stair money like 1600 US dollar, when everything clean out here. That is her worth. She wants to use this criminal charge methods to make "one conversation" sound right, that is never the money mule the original how they doing that. Its you just keep slam door at her face.
Close it, every young face close the physical door, she will have those chulby, the fat, the disease, the surgical, at more age 68 69 70 85... the center can no longer check in after 75. That is where nick was.
Imagine if you are the 60 years old, and broke, and no money, and seeing this 20-30 years playing these Chinese drama taller youth guy, and they are vibrant to its girl or the boys those age limit, you think those groups talking to the older lady, screw it up with every man, or every job, or every kid, or every road to be on the street?
So look at this people, the ancient Chinese drama, that is a younger guy.
No, it was done 25-30 years ago.
You know what my father does those inviting his brother to poker game, before or during that smoking business to end up in China? That was our middle school still playing those PC game 夢工廠 we found a pack of the cigarent in the drawer those. He was so into those numbers none stop, every number, every strings those TV effect. Like I think the police tear him down.
We start this Green Card process at 1988. They have those 天安門 Square revolution, the China put the tanks on the students' body, that is when Amy sponsors us to go to the America. Britney Spear, Amy. The blue hair Amy, the Sailor Moon.
So that time American seeing every immigrant, probably want them all get killed. Everyone of them, and they did. The police found out, so they got tear down about 1998/1999/2000....I have to finish my high school here during 911. Without those Rebecca, Loving the Silent Tear, that snake hair lady.
So they done that very very early on, 25-30 years ago exactly I said.
Hong Kong returns in 1997, the prophecy was not referred to July, it was 1998, the 2 double August, and then the Y2K in 2000. You don't know that, China didn't have a leap until after 2000, we are now in 2025, they are so much different but still developing everywhere. Their land is big.
No, my mother did do the job was accompany him at those trial process, she keeps flew there, and my brother was left at home, and my grandpa comes near. He was very bad, or he is not aware, so Wayne shows up at Eben those conference the UB saw, that is the guy gone to China, the host father of that Orlando. The Purto Rico. And my father was in the jail the same very year when he got back, and when I return.
My brother grew tall, but he was Ella Enchanted summer, me and Adam gets together, he wasn't tall yet....and that degree, both guys got tear down, they swing, or hit, my mother and my sister die, exactly like how Dream Exchange Games that frames 鬼宿 gone back, one Pang swing like Dumbledore's youngest sister, everyone die in the house. Dumbledore is the school principle.
My brother is Ariana? Yes. Growing too tall like 183 cm, Keanu is 180 cm, or Hailey is 181 cm.
He was very hash in the science Olympia in the NYC, the high school, and when he decides to go to disclose his gay personality in the college essay, that is to talk to the university may be exactly every Harvard, NYU or the Michigan finds that out. I was in UB, and Tina was in Hunter NYC, so our tuition was never required to be worried, its the state. His, my mother put it up some financial strain, but I think she says they found a way, so the tuition was all paid. But he leaves that on the facebook.
The American police tears them down. That would be 25 years ago - my father.
15 years ago, they aim at my brother. The American police.
I think that is what the movie meant, the Pitch Perfect all the girls still intact there. Nick is a shorter guy and he is handicap or staying home those.
Maybe Craig tears that Eben when I shows up both at Eben and his page. I have a name Anna, and Eben does those Lalla things, and Craig they have the 3 people there, or there is a Masterson. I don't know whom tears down with that, though.
I think its the American police they know those were the jobs 25 years ago, or -30 years. So right now, you seeing these, was done long time ago.
Yeah, I think Tina tears that Hank or Slam Dunk DVD was her everything in that living room. That business was not sustain, or she had this Ebay business, she sent me a Tiffany necklace. I don't really know about that part, her ex bf was that cello. I met him or his near by. They don't do crime like a counterfeit like her own father. She knows my mother was very tiring on that.
Does the police tear that Tina, because her behavior.....?
I don't really know, she went to yell at her boss exactly like the China TV drama, that will be 10 years ago before Flower Thousand Bone. And that incident should be about 2005 or 2006 / 2007, she switch to the second company. That was a white boss. That boss will never take that attitude, and now she is in the Asian company, the Citi Bank.
When she commute in the high school, my mother everyday was nothing but her police reports at those time. She gone to my grandpa for money in the middle school. We were in the private school, right next by their house.
So I have never seen my mother, or an email, or a call for15 years at least. 2000-2015.
One time her Virginia those Paul thing, she came to see me, or contact me. Nick told me to go near.
Anyway, I just tell you, I think the American police gets those done about 25-30 years ago, or they know starting in the 80s, the Full House. Something was done a lot earlier to get some of those down one by one.
Can I just shut my mother down?
Right....those AP video like Shyli Mark LOTR, she really got an issue, or ....I am not sure, they say those are the doctor's job. I actually believe that Red Panda, both Nick and WIlliam on their physical therapist, and Nick is about 6 years since 79 years old this year? I can talk funny, not I really believe it funny....they only give me the water to say Mark LOTR. I believe my remote viewing?
His skeleton back, never goes back, I keep telling him.
You know I heard that word, that is in the song, he really called her Shyli?
That is scary for me. I hear the exact words of those said to him, or to the video front? You know how many things I literally hear? That time, William or Hugh because they "zi" a bit, like discomfort, so I know its at their head. It wasn't I could tell by inside. Its they withdraw immediately, their head is sensitive. That is how that happened, I try to find where....I figure it out I heard litearlly ever hear the life video long and then, his own head.....and I say, "Shut it off", and then this National Treasure lady, Abrigil's video.
1) is inside 2) is my life long work. 3) is a Jesus Gospel song, they allow those exist in the music field?
I got shock shock shock, and trying to carry a job I pretend to be a American doctor, that sound every steps right.
I am eating and my news.
I remember, its similar to Mark LOTR's video somewhere.