Simple ? You find out few important, taken out, the rest BTX sort. But technically you might be given a better direction how to sort that 25 years. You and the 18+ are the brand new world. You adhere my instruction, go to school, finish your service, more lean at the capitalism whichever context of this monitization, literacy, talk clear, presenting some YouTube art, your family, friends the facebook, the university and graduate school.
BTX is not God, but it’s a mission impossible 2 like I told you million times.
Until the Heaven truly visible …this pink air space and those space suit Thor those descends the court room; those Zawanna or Kail is a hermit if not the half ghost consciousness. Their responsibility or their practice or the in-between. When a guy is super capable, you don’t need to be with.
The ages, the money, the system. That kinds of the argument: is very simple legally, the age and the system. Never that Kosku whatever that is. They say hell and I say hell, you think …ghostly plays in the hell is a love, hide and seek ?
They come down that day visible, it might be too late saying Flower Thousand Bones meditation to one God Babaji, but legally that time, if do say with those military outside space forces, we, you and me move the human’s freedom away from the constitution. We re-set the Heaven idea that time, like move to another planet these people, you saying it’s a real hell.
Otherwise okay dummy. Every die, it’s a soul before God.
When God given you all fruits in his garden.
Don’t know, don’t see, don’t judge. You don’t know everyone.
If you move the freedom telling me to argue why there is a Heaven, we have to stressful educate why any information had to talk about to wish them Heaven.
I have a perfect life only I exist except they’re or the TV look inside. Many human is not worthy. Passing the 2000, it’s forgotton and better. We are the fresh new air, they all finally be dead dead dead.
⭐️๐คง why my mother talks in English ? 6 o’clock 30 mins pass ? Which mental without a brain can speak in English again ? So angry. No IQ means the language zero or how much math ? The slow snail pace the open book ?
4 ่ฌ?
40,000 US
Similar idea I think. Our minimum is 20,000 NT per month. Not 40,000 per month.
That’s per year in America.
They put some criminal on the screen, I used to hear or the mental. The felony those.
I asked Shane Nicky is from a jail, the hospital shows he is a glass, the metro here shows he is a Dublin police uniform, the stage he pulls out a microphone, so it’s Shane !!!! Save me.
The musician, because you all confuse me. The solo artist is that 1 human whom could write a song to get records and sell the albums. So it’s the main singer !! You don’t need to have a look, so it’s those Lady Gaga or some Australia musician.
The top navigation bar. The last one doesn’t work.
It’s all at the footer. This is 7 posts re-set.
You take 25 years stopping me and Shane = their unlimited jail sentence
King, William, Kate, Mark, Nicky….none stop throwing in the jail. Every person opens their mouth.
Immediately by tomorrow.
20 years later. We talk about what’s the first meeting the last goodbye.
China every train starting ended in the sea. Next 40 days.
Bump, hit, run off, do not stop the speed.
When I exist, no sound making. Shame suoposes to be next by me together next day, should be here. Stop their every concert in 200 worlds, kills every artist made the sound the last 3 years. 9 generation kill
All bank of their money is under me. Every human trespassing will always be 9 generations the most cruel some method.
All Hollywood, brat putt and Jolie + all kids, Tom cruise Kody upside down +UN 25 years, upside down in the fire, where the fume on their nose to live and breath, the water spread, and 1000 hit hard whip in blood, flesh, drip.
1 week pass, scissor that rope. Head down skull.
All body in City of Hope every office meeting the greatest Bing, Dr Bing Shen W 2 worlds. You are the miracle workers.
Any artist does not stop
Their body upside down in LA fire same treatment
Do not make a sound when I talk.
Here President. Sit in front of him 7 F
It’s only Tina and perfect Pang room exist and my mother. I had no room, remember ?
Anyone after me and Shane together 3 tiers
1st 5 years jail
2nd 10 years jail
3rd 20 years jail
When they do come out 10 miles radius gone no water, no internet all house store slaughter body on the ground.
and 9 generation had to be the most crueleone method kills dead.
Your police will talk …clear.
You will get as many name as the family in 9 generation
Input a data base like Obama’s birth certificate SMCH sex sees sex take nick says.
As soon as they reborn as a baby, grown to 15. It’s the same most torment of the human body, upside down, whip hit, blood flesh 1000 times and fire fume, sulfide fume.
Eon is their reborn sentence.
Until One Eon ends.
What’s the first meeting the last goodbye.
Hand it to BTX those kinds. They know what to do.
Don’t talk extra words with BTX, not Hank. He wakes up that day he fixes it, not today.
Anything I deal with it is through the court. BTX we finish talking the last time, we are not interested in on this Earth anything High tech. Most young investors are the short terms buys and sells. Their IQ isn’t too high in life is the Earth trade.
Added Frank, Francis or Venus, I have no words in their Earth here current stocks or their issues bonds. BTX knows my in and out. Per thought degree not moving or I am very clear about it, first time someone supposes to 1000 whips heard my words.
With BTX, IQ is the only thing. Seriously and the bacteria amount in cleaning routines. The alcohol isn’t a data, but IQ matter the brain speed.
Talking age limited set 20+, no more 25+. Per alcohol cup measurement, fail so, fired immediately. Do not get near anything high tech or BTX, only those wine bar cup measures. It’s your classify to do, not so outside to do.
I say one more time, your IQ, EQ are extremely low, the forgotten memory like on purpose, shatter your eyesight like in love a moving objects seeing 2+ human you can recognize faces.
I wonder how long Earth will make it 1 human before BTX?
It’s not a reality you strive for, he is the hollow mouth opens right now.
If we hired the otter….
No, they are not the BTX and they have a universal principle if things been pressed. Most time is not to shatter your most immediate reality. They shatter my reality because I have not met another human in talking in the last 20 years. More than a few sentence. Nick.
My mother is a handicap, so no memory or what not syndrome. One word here there not about we every social since I grew up. I practically don’t like her anything in life when I grew up. So we never talked.
The COVID 19…
It’s a virus like the winter flu, that’s every seasonal year, each and every winter.
Every Feb?
NO, the fall to the winter. The fall tiger.
The vaccine is …
They both are the virus, except the seasonal flu probably has 30 years data on one winter seasonal flu. COVID 19 is to eradicate as their medical profession’s goal 5 years ago, so they probably takes out all worse scenario including killing the human. That’s a … vaccine science must be completely bar down.
The winter flu is just like your regular flu ! In the winter is more frequent occurs when the people live in the closure space breathe that persons air or touch the public metal rim without washing their hands.
The throat hurts those, and some got those fever probably, just the body temperature rises higher.
So it’s not a big deal?
I think I say that video, your throat hurt is painful, your fever too uncared with the coughing, you will be Helen Keller some sort.
No, Shane says, or I saw some backstreet boy guys, they stand here until I move those area new apartment theory to that place. It’s not the otter says but I understand they willing. 20 days, or 40 days after. I check, Europe is IKEA jail furniture, they can crank up the heat better.
You can kill them by yourself but I think it says the seasonal flu. Combine might be COVID 19. The train is the fastest way ending up in the sea. They all done those things before, why don’t you ask them?
Pseunomia is …TB ?
When those Shane groups be veiled except that 1 Ronan, I will send them to the furthest corner of that pink Heaven, quarantine, their medical disease all of that. Except this is all first meeting last goodbye, this one lifetime we never face-to-face a word, here is an interface. I can be Heaven arranged the 2 worlds millions distance away for 25 years I don’t exist on Earth, they found out ? Seriously ?
When I do come back ….if those time and space is me the Heaven endow !! Did you check where we will be ?
So, Ronan is on the Earth plane doing whatever he 1 person feels like or trespassing.
Me and Shane is my pink grander space Heaven. The rest starting their first step, eon I won’t even know they exist with Shane. They do anything in that Heaven sit in, or listening talk.
This life, I am very sure they are the table to say to each other social. I told Shane my mother doesn’t need to be there. I actually don’t want to be in anywhere except leave this place keep hurting my head.
Let him does whatever he feels like that’s Heaven best, except the outside star travel on him own when he lives here where the American can see him.
Right now these things are very blurry. When I veil those, the furthest corner of the pink Heaven (on the right ….), Ronan he will be similar to Babaji except …by himself for some reason. Babaji goes with the entire golden armory, any this physical dimension star travel. He is fighting or hell at his celestial wife or the assembly. All of that will not be accessible or hear about to Ronan in the real life other than me or that books. He has a Heaven, an open ground to 100 tribes assembly, a residence home and all those wife’s or the military or his servant disciple or the pool cleaning those, and a throne. And this Eon tribulation Flower Thousand Bone all entering his ….world Heaven or residence which part of this UB looks like.
Any of this is not physical dimensions! It’s planned so he had the End of time tribulations they suffered to greet him.
Ronan does not have that kinds of jobs. He just freely …whatever. So 1000 years okay, 10,000 years might be, one day I think he dies those accidents on the surface of an earth crust elsewhere remote away from the central …
That time me and Shane goes to see where they evolve their Heaven roomy places.
Ronan can always access them as long as he lives. Me and him in my side off …any of that if were true.
I think that’s the best plans.
He can stay with them !! No trespassing. He does what he wants or the Heaven decree….or Babaji shows up. I don’t know. He doesn’t like another person has his right to be the best friend. The …whatever …technically on Earth, those are unheard of. And they might be all dead I don’t even know.So it can be nothing true. I just tell you the plans.
No, those not trespassing. Ronan just getting some of that Babaji’s outlook idea, or he shows up the free offering !
No, I don’t get near. Babaji has a lot more ideas about all things. I am not that curious.
Me and Shane just talk about a few hours so we can go back to our house to sleep.....that is a couch side by side just looking at that person 24 hours for 3 months.
You like the guys, you have to compromise the home chore, if your mother let you stay on the couch, you got the kids with the guys to say a family to raise up the next 40 years. So why you choose to have the kid? You raise them, so you keep the family together and being educated. Dedicate a being in front of you.
You got abandoned, that is what the panda showing to me. You cannot stand them, ANY any one air out of their nose, or their height, or their swing, or their flair, or their arrogance, you calling them that is the arrogance.
You get jealous of them if they are taller, you get jealous over the food inside their mouth. A very strange trivial things in life. You tie them down with the kids, I think that is a real family. So you improve its you and him the space.
e-harmony those they can just fish any profile on their own, you know.
20 years down the road.
You get jealous for no reason, there is a house on the top bill, the chimmel to clean, the Christmas tree to imagine, or his house, if not my house. The food, the preparation of annual tax, or the math, or per line, or per statement.
The car, the car gas, the car insurance, the liability, the full coverage, the talk, the clear term, how you live in America. The driving license, the rental, the agreement sign here, sign there 1 to 20. The staffs, the airport, the luggage dragging at least I remember this is mine among those 50 of them.
The mortgage has a house insurance on top. The per ID where these looking whom is the written notice from where. Staying in the clerk office, its the front windows A to Z.
The directory calls A to F, or the floor door number 001-100
I am figuring out how many sense my mother doesn't have.....
5 or 6. Yesterday and today a bit.
What can be the 6 sense means?
What color is this in cooking?
You are very sure, that is the rice, or that is the soy sauce.
When your eye tear in that phone that doesn't make any sense whom says what or not, its a village town, or the past, its you don't talk to the guys side by, or coming out a word very strangely when your mood is good.
Can you see? There is a peanut in it, the rice cook dumps enough things, they are a piece of the cookware I need. These kinds of the dishes 100 you make yourself useful in the kitchen, its you answer a question how to be pleasant.
That is a rice, that is the hot pepper, chopped.
You look at his face, or he looks at you. That is just a simple question.
"I don't know why we are talking about these are the things I cannot see?"
The Ella Enchanted Wayne hurts my father or Orlando, or EF, so Shane was not with me, those Westlife talk. Middleton has to be an angel to say Will steps out of those movie 1-20 this England horror situation of the last 2000 years, or including this 1 Ronan.
That is what you mean the ้้ my father that China fallen on the smoking.
Its my grandpa smoke, my mother's father, she dies in the long cancer. Rebecca got the lung cancer, too.
China was not Great Leap, right now its 25 years gone since AD 2000.
Forget about this location, its Shanghai. The first pier.
That would be the 2nd, where my father was. The Bible you mean the ending, the Jerusalem descend.
911 the senior Bush, the 3310, that ็ฐ่ป
I haven't finish the school yet. The Law of Attraction is on my PCAT scores.
SMCH hasn't been literally shot to dead yet.
Victoria Secrets each year in the end of that physical year, will not sound that worse, if were the Jan 1st to ruin the whole year.
etc etc.....
And if Shane and me is the eternity love without dying and the Jerusalem descend like the Bible says.....probably he will tell me that wasn't 20 years if one of us dead, is bad, but so far so good, this far that is all right.
I don't think most of these artists collaboration were always from a background someone knew or not. The Europe kids or the American kids all have to work on their own.
When they started like those Christina Anguilla on the voice those chair.....she is a lot more I felt is those judging people or bossing people type. I want to see what she says, those. +a circle of un-named these. What are all these OU, the guys when they jump around and eat a little, that is suffering, and their family wasn't comfortable to supports all that, or some do, that is lucky !
So their personal branding, and the label, and the records, but those are not unlimited, if I have no background Shane or them will feel a lot more suffocated.
But right now, mine side is unlimited. They didn't literally register that brainy, but the Laws of Attraction, those are infinite stupidity of every thing I complains in red, its a compensation lawsuit. I just didn't literally to make people small the universe to believe I knew this democracy movement was how far it will reach to every needie greedie things, and there are.....if I remember right, should have the civil groups someone they doing nothing but lawsuit something and they won the money for the society to improve.
If that is galactic.
Its called the Galactic Federation of the Light
or the Galactic Federation.
That is 2 different things for some reasons the website says. They can trying those small things, but those were my lawyers groups they go making their money, and I focus on some other things, they are on the lawsuit, I am onto something the profile, that is 800+ dividing into 8000 saying, is a very small says.
You can tell, they can afford their housing choice in America, the property tax, and the purchase of the house each of this side by stars, all of that. So to American the average, that is almost unlimited, or theirs fake house?
(hurting my head)
The primary job, all of them = they know the personal branding.
The secondary investment, the bond, the mutual bonds, the investment funds, the stock market, the real estates. If this part they have to work so hard, one by one whom wishing their IQ is reachable after the schooling they got.....which I am not sure, its the math or the line by line. (To them, they figure it out I done this like a drinking water.) - meaning they work hard for 25 years, = those are not the unlimited, and there is the risk invovled.
I just file the paper works, and no one files before or after me, this tunnel is very very blacken foggy, I will tell you.
But if you put that aside, someone has to admin that Obama saying, your every word is wrong. Its just correction of the 2 sentence, he has a brain that is why he is the American president, seriously, he was.
"I really wish I have a word to tell you remind me some of those freshman, you used to look like in NSYNC their Music of the Heart MV. You don't make that two sentence correction a show, I already got hang without the 3rd entry so I should quit. "
The science museum is the paper works. If you just look at Dr. Bing City of Hope, that saying. It will be every John Hopkins the White, you can side by those giant photo... [ you seriously doing that, or that is outside..... ]
Music, might be, or might be not, the testing interface or you know, its the poor recording all that. Shane probably and me set up that one demo channel pages, so you all whichever ladies, they get on their world fame, it may not be a lot, but 1 is 1, 2 is 2. Shape up wish you get 10-100 [ countries ], so many guys, seriously.
I didn't think it will get anymore serious to get that 2 words of the federation those stuffs.
I say a Park, I say lock down 50 years, if were true. Not me inventing that, its the Jurassic World.
I will tell you, something probably is not right. When me and Shane be more together, maybe that AD 2000, what not.....I think what those, if we should had those years without that nick, and the eternity re-born, all of that in combine.
I wasn't speaking in English as much words, or the dead sea scroll was the last I read.
SMTV those I studied.
I think the white-out, the body detox, the bad breath all of that. The medical board took that in earlier or the profile not to be the pharmacy. I was too young, I will tell you any of this running SA or the structure was getting away that BTX a bit..... oh my God, to remember the details how tiring the in-combine. Oh dear....
5 Lords might be very very dreadful, but those are the human and they are impaired too tall. I knew that substance but its not literally everyday side by, and almost I got quiet down after they leave, just 1 Ola.
But this BTX whichever that wasn't loosen, and I have to travel to Canada running down and up all of that, and get to 2014, Tina makes worse in everyone's life, and my mother does, too. 4 houses running, and this LA fire, and then later the rain, with the VS literally choke you all neck. They insert into it. It is a Earth activities - that you cannot take those factors out.
The animal mass die out on the beach....
These not very clean as the animal virus getting near the human that kinds of the saying, the bird flu.
No, that Matrix, that is bad, the Pine Chris seeing Neo that is bad, too. = very very planetary annihilation, you serious? We killing the human is not to make 1 giant Jupiter to literally turn into a dust. What is that?
So,....I just tell you I know.
No, I have no answer. Me and Shane.
The black foggy road.
No, you have some other lawyers now. It was 2021, probably 1 its literally 2025, You can listen that to yourself, I will tell you...20 years+ 5 literal years, Its 25 long years. That each year added on, that is AD 2025 on and on added up. I am away that college mode, or that edge. Something that edge a whom got taken to there.....only the police knows. All of that...I know that is very very cold and no economic world.
California is a lot more sunshine, and their networks are more secured, and I put a veil, that Ronan can forget we are his past....he running to where a religious sector, or read anything he wants, or he moves, or he talks, or he access the American as 1 Irish. He built up his confident all that.
No, we would be his past, I just veil in these, he can forget all of their problems, let's say.
Later if the heaven military come downs like they should have promised......that is a completely no nature to talk about ! Its a breathing place to say a happy eternal life !
The veggie shopping, or the fruits shopping. = Taiwan is the morning market. America has to be their Wal-mart, or the local Costco.
3 meals mean the breakfast never cook. Nick only eats 2 meals, so no more third meal, just middle that one meal.
The container 1, The container 2, The container 3, The container 4, The container 5,
*** You know that is vertical looking at your intuition sight?
*** A table cloth, and the napkin holder, that is a parents they use the napkins ! Not the kitchen towels.
The kitchen counter, you have the options.
The presenting dining table, that is your all parents eat.
You Hailey did that your home, Elizabeth at her parents home with Eric did that. She got a brother, and she has a 2nd kid. Pierre has the 2nd kids a long time.
She is moving, Lewis gf is the red jacket, and Ku is flying France still, the Olympia, or the Sweden guy with his wife / gf.
Is this cooking about the Japan, about my brother looking the DC doctor, and this is Elizabeth.
This is not the time, you are serious to be together with each other, for how long, so you looking for the table delivery rate = 5%, 50%, 80%. (The above diagram).
You have to work through it. They talk through me, your parents talking to you?! Or your talk to your parents, you wish you use your parents to boss at your guy, one of those?!
The health talk, the American diet those you do it at home. Dr. Gabriel those Flower Thousand Bones. The nutritional facts, the dressing, the cold salad container, its in the fridge 1 2 3 4 5 containers. The money, the artichoke is the can food, or washing it, or eye balls at this procedure 1-20. The parsley, the cilantro, the tomato growing in the summer?
Did I use to talk about it?
The warm chickpeas is in the slow cooker.
"Shane you have...the rice cooker, the slow cooker, the sandwitch panini machines. The sprouts container, the plastic I done it. The warm food is the stainless pot 1, the soup. That is my food. Yours warm food is the slow cooker."
Because I need to look like this in the kitchen.
Are you guys buying some hair band,seriously. At home, or running or walking or errand, or clutch on the sofa to that phone? The wash plastic big container, do they have in America, or what do you see here, the dollar store, or the 99 cents, the washing, the sink, all that my mother none stop this water running.
My mother hurting my head, with the facet water, keep washing and washing and washing
My head is hurting !!!!! The elevator is hurting me !!!
Your brother is your own family. Another side of the family cooking, with the organization.
That is opposite than our seen Asian these. These video the night life all of that.
Like.....if me with Shane, and if we are in the US or in Ireland is different.
Or if they get here, I prepare them, or ordering something for them, its different. The seasonal cooking, I make an art book for Shane, or per page or per seeing, the photo development all that, because this is more than 1 person has to look after, he knows that efficient, or he understands that structure is fast, and organized.
I haven't figure it out, I just film it on the video.
Its YOUR all cooking.You didn't cook a meal at all.
The real cooking, the real house chore, or a real home organization, you holding your guys out, you said you are married, meaning kisses and hugs, love you, where are the lunch box, forget you take it here, its to your car, you forget, its on the bench, this is?
The vaccum machine like ้ฟๆปด says, "I think there is a design how these vaccum machine going in and coming out all by themselves, you think Shane?"
Your make-up or to preserve your skin boxes. The moisturizer, the mirror, the glove, the hair dye, or some trim the nose hair, the shave creme, the shave knife, the dental floss, or this dental tooth paste.
These 3 things. 1) 2) 3)
The cooking, the fried food on your own.
Hey, the Taipei K the beginning, that stairs down. All the Indian Samosa is for Mahavatar Babaji, but your Mormom, you have to go back your trace of these whom...Joseph, right?
Hey ~~walking, and fitness, and really walking?! You all coming back and forth to re-live these? The indigenous American, that is the Micky's Plaza at the beginning, my mother's Down syndrome those Crimson Love Letter that kinds.
I just tell you for free.....that is...
Young?! KY has a Young, next by Derrick with Lalla Teacher. (Loving the Silent Tear) = VS.
Pearl of Great Price?
All these real vendor on the price, or on the competition, or the beas, because there is a difference prices if you keep walking and looking, and so many walking !!!!
Celestial marriage, oh !!! Ceiling those? or the foot at? oh dear.
You all looking like going back? One after another. Okay.
The birds meant I don't need to read long. Right....the cooking and, you are not going to see anything I ever said.
We see the in-laws family happy or people's sibling to where the husband and the wife works together, to bring up some food in the house, make a table, make a bread breaking or pass around the Jewish we know. From here Taipei. The nice tradition where you say you are a part of the church, and some talking about your family, or your world. That is your content creation?
The holiday season when you get married on the TV, its to make each other happy and the food on the table, wasn't we put these photo on 4 years ago. Imagine if were......
Checking the family video ....the earlier on: How you survive....
oh ~ meeting them. So....
I remembered !!! I didn't check the dates, I know it was...a load of them, that will be Adam's family ! The kid's toy. Now I think of, Adam's his side. Hailey only gets one brother, that kind, and he sent out to the college.
Is this Mermaid King to sent the Aria to Utah, one of those in combine.....The well wishing that was a reunion, so you stay with their family in Utah. Your brother will finish or going home, that is 2 different worlds, not the California these....bubble tea, drove there, or flew there.
It a lot of the people, I look at it. Peyton's face....not as I remembered, now I understand whom is whom. No.....the kids toy, all of that their Costco shopping was funny.
It was again those Westlife or boyband 6 years can there be Westlife somewhere else I keep seeing them inside the TV. I wasn't thinking.
The younger kids, Peyton was big already.
Scrolling up...I think its Adam's parents home, he talks about, and meeting a lot of the people. I didn't know whom was whom.
okay...that's enough.
There is another big Family the wife going back with all these cloth they weaver and made a sale with the husband all back to the US, they have the traditional candel, the wood cabin, or the Christmas tree, or the tradition where about the father and the mother to watch these kids, and give a family structure life. Talk and the interaction.
There should be another one, they went back 2 years ago at least.
So you Hailey went to hurt your father like my was Adam talked to you about - you blend into his family how you two got married?
Your father sold their house and living, you and Adam the first time to that barren house interior design you put up a wood lamp. Peyton is not watch that house if he has to focus on his every school, or go back to SF, your parents from. I remember....that which case, I told your father, not going that way in SF, right? The news here.
You sleep in the basement, oh ! One person's couch, no guy's voice finding you. Your parents not there, you got scared...its one guy Adam, now its with this boy. The empty room, and you set out a new future with 1 or 2 kids in mind. You two talk about, or he talked about some rules in the house, he went to his grass yard collecting the garbage and you doing a make-up.
oh ~ he types in Chinese all these sub-title.
I remember. The hot tub bath, every dishware is in black, that is far remote, or every strange location of another house to visit, or see, just 2 of you that time. Every guy has those masculine air, I will tell you that. Not I be with a lot of the guys....the real guy near, or how they all behave, all about the same. You have the parents coming in, then its he smiles to your side, and his side. But he is being with you and the kids, that is the family? So cooking is all the Taiwanese drinks and a 45 mins the bread shop. Adam drove and come back.....I think.
His family home is near, and he didn't say going that way, his father is....staying with the rest of the family. He is the youngest.
The missionary was from that church location where you all staying....permanent, that is no more parents, right? It should feel very safe, that is his family all around, and its the church branches.
So Elizabeth is from where? She going back with Eric, I seen it, she has a police brother, and she is cooking on her table trying to, or Eric did, too.
She has a facebook ....oh the red carpet. 2024. Cold play behind....
You know you are as an American girl, settle down as a marriage, and those are the younger guys, not they have every direction in life at their calls, they running back and forth, they know how to raise up a family with someone else before? So this is the first time, they all doing that in front of the TV screen. Their parents believe that, or they themselves believing in you, or you yourself, the insecurity, and the 2 lands, you running your culture as the Saint Later Day or Mormom tradition now its....going way back. Its your priest hood or they dump you all attitude to where.....there is this Iron Man, again....from the outside seeing, he is the one running every chore and the family pulls in, are they worried, you two talked about, this is the small family, and this has to make it?
The food cooking is 1 day 1 meal, 3 meals a day, the nutritional values, or the supplement, because I am on my pages, they don't need to be here, if you all repeated to them.
These fans from your comment section box, you all don't require to read, their life is sad, so from the southern Taiwan, none of them are super well off. Those idea.
You behave as the religious good virtue, or you bringing another side of their life, you running in and out, you settle down to say, a stable family, or you all leaving and exit this Taiwan, your fan understands what you are all doing, this far?
None of you have the food ...display the food, talking about daily...."Well...its about home errand never ends. The food, the flying in....the chore, the run about, if not just the dry clean, next by."
But the foods are the fruits, the 7-11 or the microwave, or the herbs, or the vegetable, we going out to eat the options in this city are, the price, the bento box, the train, or the exit, the elevator, the escalator the short cut, but I think, we live in right here. Not that commute them....
You all commute where your Youtuber sight seeing?
My phone...
There is probably Pierre and Meghan.
Running the two worlds, and all going home?
『It won't matter if Anna be with Shane.』
『It won't matter if Anna be with Nicky, but he will say Nick hurts them, or Shane, or they fight, so Anna ends up being with none of them.』
Coldplay or Backstreet Boy they doing things a lot more professionalism because no matter which background the America was, they courtesy or being polite about to Asian culture. Just happened I said I am a blonde.
People run down, so they sleep, they lay down, they got told the life is okay ....
You fighting to each other behind, and one day a chat, one day work together, one day its to proven which side of the parents. One of those.
You have 1 relationship with the current fame. But none of you are cooking....
You thinking the second relationship with the current fame would be in 20 years when the kids grow older....the house kept no food for another 20 years, the parents watching on their own, both side are still be around and be aware of.
Maybe that is what they want to tell me....about your planning to your future, what it looks like now, or how it looks to everyone, or the parents to the husband side, or the girls side, all of that. So it will reach to 40 years old, the age limited to say a separate or the second relationship, or the Mormon's tradition is different?!
That time, you will not be cooking like today shown?
Cooking, organizing, the home chore, the run about, lay down, rest.
Check each other health, the medical costs, the money, the career heighten, or the associate, the communication. The phone, the society reason to be together. Me has a system horror I scream reason, but technically I recall that is 1 old guy, it wasn't these Mormom 20 people I cook or chaos, maybe that is not as I imagine that bad.
And the system here we don't use. But it does looks scary, I wasn't drawing by intuition only.
Cooking, 3 days a meal with the fiber and the fruits. Or the lunch box, to save the costs in America. You are not me and Shane, they are.
Organization box, the home set up indoor, everyone sleep for a week, never require to get out of the house, its cooking, and the organization box with the bills check per 3 months stocking.
Home chore, the toilet, the bathroom, the tissue paper, or the Costco cards. I used the cloth me and my mother, but it wasn't all that well, the skin. If I wash myself or get a Target a dozen better cloth, it irritate a skin on the left side, bad, so I got the medicine. But it save the tissue paper in my own bathroom.
Your jobs are the 2 worlds apart, have to travel, or you got told, or you planned ahead.
Maybe if they pushing me, and you all require to put some photo on your image representation, maybe you just do it as they are telling you through me whichever reason that is. Shopping for the veggie, or the fruity, or the sorting, or picking up the eggplants, how do you process that, say it clear. You done once, someone will probably come forth to tell you, why Anna got told, or our news get display, you all....never looking like you will cook for one lifetime, hanging on the phone, or you clutch in the sofa.
When you are inside the house, its the Taiwan or the friends or the competitor calling you, or the advertising company asking you.
When you are here, you thinking this is not your country, or the travel distance, or tired, or cannot find an exit.
Shopping for the veggie,
or the fruity,
or the sorting,
or picking up the eggplants, how do you process that, say it clear.