
Does the angel have the wings?

I seen the male's human, the armory, I don't know we literally believe in these things.


This is the Chinese green wrist band...翡翠 !

There is the purple ones.  That time, I had it.  Usually its those people they pick it. 

We are?

And how does Jesus say, you can go to Heaven those Bible say? Its never I said...these accidental insurance. You retired early like me. You won't have a life if you lost 1 chance on the road.


Right, I understand now.

Jesus.....he is an ascetic ! 




Panda re-arrange the furniture. oh dear ~~

Well, the heaven statue of some human to a certain standard probably all have in mind, what that is. The ancient doctrine, or the secret doctrine (?) 

You mean be solemnly, like very quiet....Church?!  These angels are not loud enough...my ears. Iron Man and Avenger those. The first one !! We suppose to face the whole Cosmo or the Universe, not the Heaven yet.

I didn't really think it gonna happen, but I display all these photo in advance.

I add Shane recently, when my mother's things over or with this Nick. But....there are these just in case, I put all those Zawanna or Kail, or some people ancient Chasez, every photo next by Babaji, just in case. There are the physical dimension of the universe, I think.... that will be a lot more realistic. 

My head cannot function if you make me focus on which side.....other than the church side, correct. Not right now. You have this 1 Truman's show. That is the Indian General, you don't think he exists, or his name cannot be mentioned, those included?

Imagine, you have to get on the stage !!!

I rehearsal, that doesn't mean I really get on the stage. Disney those Frozen page is not a public media ! You have a whole Cosmo, I say that many times, not just in front of the Earth, this one 23.5, whatever you can comprehend this map means. Its right in front of it. 

I think we still live on Earth, its not we are hurried to go anywhere....

The key important people got told, so how many people on Earth has to fill up this role anyway? Isn't I do my best already. 

Good night ~~~ I have a phone and tomorrow I have a phone !

⭐ My mother ⭐

⭐ You know because if my mother is in....things like they have in this kinds of the discussion.

⭐ Haisey, I know whom she is. And this VS Chainsmoker, that pair? She is a longer hair, a different girl pair up.

Haisey Crown:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vk0xkd8qs9I

You know, sometimes you keep this kind of the maintenance program like kept going to the chiropractor, and this you don't know the cranial fluid is around the vision center. The people whom done this regularly never say, they feeling it that day, or in that 10 weeks session, they have someone to keep talking about it ....its that, within some of these "keep going" the session, and keep hydrate, to keep hygienic, to keep the bowl movement opens, the diets, the breathing, the exercise. 

You have one day when you wake up, of that for the rest of your life, that reality cannot be alter back. You all thought of the things like that?

People have done these kinds of the things will know about that the most? 

You have this dynamic learning right now, each person having their own video and the transcription to read about, or finding out some other things about they themselves. Its about to get to know themselves better.

You have thousands doctors you know on the field, so if they hear about the lymph, or the cranial fluid, every country has the reference, or the literacy, or the vision center to where how these things operates with the experience, so someone finds out. 

The hydration, or keep your 4 hands/ feet warm, because I am a women. 

You keep your immune system strong in the winter, or the circulation better by stretching and exercising and to keep the diets clear.

You talk about every issue to your family doctors, and sometimes venting out, it helps you.

No, I don't think they like any of those entity, that literally in front of them, scared them, screaming, or roaring all that. I don't think its like those Abrigil video on crying, but those frighten feeling its driven their adrenal, or the kidney working a lot in fear. If they can move all those seen to them, or at them, or something just a little bit bolt and knots a time, and working out some of those they know their life, how far they carry their own diagnosis and the treatment.

You all finding yourself to succeed one thing at a time. You talk to the physician, you talk to the chiropractor, they are all licensed doctors, or the psychiatrist, a lot of the mind boggling you don't feel good, and they have many ways how to handle those situation better.

You give yourself 6 months every time, you done more than enough throughout the whole year at the beginning of the year, the last year. And someone will catch up where you are in 1 year, you don't rush yourself when you undergo some of these physical adjustment in fire. It fires up your nerves, your spinal cord of every tension, or you adjust your head and the fluid or the space.

The doctor helps you to relax more. You don't feel as much, or you fall asleep, or you wake up...and you forgot and the things are done.

You don't be gentle to yourself, so you thought an instant make over your brain chemistry, its not like that. Be a lot more slower and gentle your recovery path road. 

If the things disappear one by one, that's good ! No, I never heard or knowing anything anymore. I was hanging on the cliff, that was very very very bad, and this panda hang themselves. 

You are not moving ....

That is not a secrecy to keep, you know ! You talk out loud to every human to listen, and they all prayer to kill those demonic, like any superstitious belief. True.

You write it down, and you re-write, and ligible until you can read it out loud in your room.

And then you take to your secretary that lady to type it up for you, or anyone else new, she will retire? Someone to look after you and remember some of these things?

You want to work around your bed, WHEN? 

In the medical world, things be done has to be 100%, so that is the treatment, you know...how you profit on yourself, right? It has to be 100% be clear. I told you forget about it all of that, and just rest, relax, and sleep.....your father figure it out all your future in the future. You just rest, and breath, and not those writing other than your feeling, or your diary, your hate, or your fear, or you frighten, or whom did you call today....all of that.

Not on those profit. Relax, and keep yourself happy ~~

You just say "I hate to tell you this ....."

"I thought to really move my bed and maybe just be honest to tell you  1) 2) 3) 4) 5). No more games no more plays, I cannot take it myself, I got too many fear in myself. I am afraid it gonna gone back to where those sensation again. Talking to the doctor, you think? "

These otters with the orange dinosaur, the green towel


VS Harry Style, is that the same song, the T Rex....that is the dinasour name, not the "Get it On", that is "Angel"?


Did they do anything to you?

Our winter finished......soon. oh ~ the spring, I remember it now.

You worried about anything that your father is not there anymore? Isn't he just got the cancer, but still present before you, and you comprehend you run your own kids' life all by yourself, those kinds? Or Hugh, or Hugh's father? And the other rest of your family relative, or the Duke name similar like you, those?

Or the Mummies (2023), your father just has to admit every turn of his life ....Its him one human keep walking, he learns that ?! 

Then he might be lonely, if me and Shane got bar down this W two worlds, its the 2 Worlds Galaxy apart, because in my timeline, it was 25 years gone by, and one nick, one my mother, and they screw it up all these align up saying they are not normal in this one lifetime....whichever circumstance to ruin, and then Jesus gonna show up, you think I will hear about this?

Meaning, your father will be more alone, or lonely, he got to walk on his own, when 2 random human left him, he got 8 billions new soul on his own.

You're Not Alone, these cute dogs and the baby...

You want to just quit about this religious side of anything. You get well, and you wish your family get well, and ready to receive your family come back, and someone sorting this from the Earth or the Heaven stand points of view.

And your real jobs are those PowerPoint slide, at the business side, you remember that?

You sleep better, or you still sorting 1 figure or image inside, and you keep your diary. You want to sleep fully 4 to 6 hours straight and then 8 hours or the napping. You get your physical strength back. You still had the same gala jobs, the business assort in that smaller room to participate with everyone all around - that jobs are your jobs, you know that?!

Do I get those jobs?

No. Its you listening to them, and now your hearing can be better if you working on another year. All these noise gets to you, you pick it up those meeting when they tell you to go forth.

I think that is your real jobs. You comprehend what they say, and you get to work on 1 month, when you get rid of the most noise, or still some sparsely anything, you make sure all of that disappear, and then you go back to your real jobs.

I think that is 1 room, your only job. Get that right. 

You don't think that is your only job? I think that one is your only aim jobs to be really perfect for some reason.

Anything of that kinds, you talk to your father.

When they putting these so grand and big, you aren't as afraid as your family leaving you. So....this all opening to where you can get your answer, is not limited to they make you sufer so much, and you cannot ask your parents if they immediately got sent back to continue be as your parents.

And one of that, its not the church, nor that Vatican, nor the Catholics. Everyone makes you feel safe when you go home. Because if you seeing the business sleek, any corporation format, any of those talk or the business in some sector, none of that is comfortable.

When I do the 5 Lords Reviews, it was just a fragment of that VS, I cannot proven to whom that immediate hour, that is instantly done within the 7 month, and I feel that is the longest time in my life. Those are the later becoming the writing it down, the paper format, or they heard about it. 

Meaning, some people making the money 

  1. by playing the sports,
  2. by having a gross business revenue, 
  3. by the stock market, 
  4. by the real estate or partner with the agent like splits of those % profit - the 2 real estate license those ideas, 
  5. or they travel 2 different countries, and continue this summer or the winter sale.

Mine worlds are nothing but write write write write, in writing

In math, in youtube video channel, in with interaction with the Earth co-inhabitant that is the animals or the plants, or the sentient worlds of seen and none seen, you wish to build the Earth less pollutant, or the climate change.

These subjects line are still the paper formats, how much to put a subject title to define if that is the geology or the geography, or the music idea. That is not what you built up to do?!  To write, to speak about, to lecture about. 

No, not necessarily the peer reviews. 

Those have no money? 



Kian they gonna wake up ....exactly your same Timezone, what a co-incident. Do you talk to Mark yet? Any diary frighten things, or cuddle next by your father another bedding?

Because....I have to go and get some chicken nugget, it was told to me, they sent in these Youtube, that doesn't mean I immediate understand, you all have a brain experience, these things no matter what, I put some of these food down.

How much I buy? 

12 in 2 packages n Mose Burger, or 8 in Mc Donald walking far.

Why so much?

Well, per day, per morning, or afternoon, I take 1 chicken nuggets each time frame, that is 3 in 1 days, and I don't go out that often. 

So that is not for the food?

She washed these raw veggie, I eat both the raw or the cooked format. The white and the green cauliflower + the dressing or the carrots, or some tofu, she separates them. I have some nuts, or I would eat the instant noodles, not that often now. There are some fruits in the containers.

For us, you eat, that is what you mean?

Isn't that what I just said?  Does this Hailey which the anatomy, or the ancient Chinese drama I mistaken.....Its their father famous, because that is useful. Both father, but its the kids in the TV drama. 王一搏, the traveling MV, I cannot find you the anatomy that song.

Its the last post, the 5 Lords Review you cared about it, for some reason you all behind talk about it. With whom? The Vatican? Can you just get well first, and those things of the Godly put that aside, you are the commander of your forces, they are here waiting for you. Whom sings that song.....all the way passing the Okinawa to the horizon of that Japan !

You scared, if the things look like that? She does these 40 years in hope the humanity was in a good hand - her vow, her devotion or her beginning. You didn't do any of that, William.

Feeling better?

Well, God has those decree or the Heaven does exist, and there will be anyone but me to talk anymore with these.

The Godses


Thor did say, when he had his world opens for the first time learning about the female Godses in his time.....how old is this Thor?! Its never what you think.....

And you Prince William and the rest of the princess


You know why you are training hard in this matter, so your air, your character is more of your national flag represents. NOT that 5 Lords Review. They are not supposed to do any of that to me.

You know at these time, just every nation all the girls be more stepping in, trying out any of these roles and imagine to represent, this is a very good time, is or not is a princess idea, and especially that America.

Nick or my mother these more aging to their condition, every efforts made on Earth, none of that physical efforts are magical. So....when the Heaven shows up to those door gate opens, they already started here on Earth how long with this kind of the clear away their brain matter foggy or the wrong seeing. They put the efforts on Earth the sooner, the decree of that Heaven assembly are closer when they meeting them....

You imagine like 20 lines in front of Babaji throne, imagine those are the Heaven assembly long line, or the every crowd, in that way, they 2 starting in their ladder, its they putting all their efforts as early as I can put that medical treatment on their head, every efforts in doing not lost its long effect when stepping into those worlds included.

How this gonna happen, I only can see the animals video now, to might be the ending that they 2 then are placed upon. God look after the things when they are labelled. 

The classify nature .... they will never be in the public television debut, thank God ! 


The staff kicks the yellow ball the panda occupied. Halt it.



The princess idea to rub each other and get each other killed. 

The hook cousin, the Tina sister cherry psycho....the legand of all these pair up Godses. They all accompany each other to Washington DC, the luggage packing. Did I say I have no idea where Shane is? They got a company, or he and me at least talking about it, if we go to Japan to talk about it. It didn't need to be in the USA. 

Jesus if that is the classify.... ( They keep airing this Japan )


The last thing I need would be the this whichever comic book to be the worse of the human descending form and to where about, he pointing his finger at me, any of this Heaven business, politics. I haven't evolved to my age to when they say the Tree Rings. That is the plant kingdom on Earth! 


Hope you all have a good day, and in a good session with your own treatment. 

William, your bed is not at the bathroom.

Your head at the wall right to left to the door opens at you, is that right?

You have to put a chair to that wall, the greenie grace to sit there and stare at your own bed?

If you re-position a newer bed at that windows wall, its too cold? Can you ask them to get a cantapee, something where you put a heating device closure to where your bed is, that area warmer, and your door does not close all the way, your nurse or the maid coming in and out the whole night, they provide your warm water, the table to check your thermoniter, or the bench to sit there. You want me to draw at it? Anything cold air dense coming it down, that entire piece of the whole glasses its where you don't want at your throat, so you keep a heating device, and a humidifier, to keep the water vapor going. Your maid can going in and out for 2 or 3 weeks, you going to the bathroom not on the bed, or that is improved all by yourself? 

No one helping you?

I think you are like your mother type....the sabotage yourself method of the last 3 months make of when you leave here......4 x 4 weeks =18 weeks. (per month is 4 or 5 weeks)

George didn't go to the school whole year, its your brand new light. Its the news on your father and on Kate. But its you...and the bathroom doesn't get along, that's fine.

When I have to survive on my own, I really don't care if I sleep anywhere including in the bathroom. 

If all the patient can be heal when the Jesus coming it back...like the magic power to manifest to the whole world.....what we do here is very silly?

Nope. I would have written that Mark LOTR page, ask him or you to stop everything. He still seeing the dates written on some of the video every once a while. He gets those attitude like you, how the magic of the world together, its the Oneness Buddhism? You are a Catholic!

You know, he got his kids around, and he was on the phone the last time he seeing some of those video. That wasn't exactly you and Hugh's page.





Anything inside your skin below, wrapped in the skin beneath, they are all the physiology, other than if you touch the bones, like the limbs, those hard surface cannot be bent, or your elbow, hit it with the pain and hurt on the hard fracture, those are the bones. 

Those are the part of the skeleton, we called that the anatomy studies in the university.

The liver those not drinking, so the signal or the heromone, or the night late snack with the drink, those buffering with the alcohol, the small fine print commerical on the pharmaceutical drugs....those...are all part of the bio-pathway, which is the physiology, your liver is a soft organ.

The hard skeleton, therefore, that has to be a compartment to form to put these stomach organ stuck in that position, so the human body in walking is the vertical idea to keep walking straight, not the stomach fallen out of the body in front of you. How God design the human in his own image....like your Bible says.  Before Jesus coming back, at least....those words are your professional degree other than those bedding to wash it if you were him in reverse seeing all of these.

They sent me this car tent.....Will.

Twice. Its to hit it with a hammer, because that is not the plastic nor the glasses. Or something else. Because these are the short clips to look for, you know how the otters and the panda's video are all short clips, that so easy looking at their faces, on each of these per day count on the history Youtube clips. I cannot find it. I don't really know what that is for you or your kids, or Kate. Because I was so focus on these otters' faces !!!

How amazing only them are trying to rescue me.

What is this Hook, Selena, Bieber's wife is this Hailey?




That is about Justin Timberlake, or not the Timberland...

There is this Bieber, the smaller Justin, that is how they saying it in Hollywood ? 

Are you classify......YOU?  Because now you exist in every movie, they are the classify world, then you are the part of the classify in America? You check with your Congress, and they will tell your father, you are not made to be in any of those worlds. 

I have to put Shane to bed every single day....every afternoon. 

So Mark and this Russian Amazing Spider Man, and not your William's stuffs?



What is the classify means?

Not with the movie you all in it, you become the classify to show up the White House at this time in front of the Biden or Trump. That is what it means. 




Micky Mouse Japanese foam cake ( What is that? )


They don't come here to face this 23.5, so broadcasting its all the way to Central, you know what that means? Every galaxy shows up one technology on wireless or this how far the distance to be on-air, one Truman's show.

Does that 23.5 really makes any difference, the milkyway is tilted.


So even if we are upside down, they don't care about it?

The outside all around cared about it, there is a solar system, or the Bible tailed these documents planets without a sun, or in the darkness, the near by.

Are they always flat?



The ship, or the every military Starship, you know why they are so so so so so expensive and shining sleek with a logo of their own kinds? Its because the common sense to board those ships with the equipment, its with the concept, not everything is flat and suck it into the gravitational pull, and everyone crashing in the high pressure, the high gas or the high temperature. Nothing as it seems. The birds care about it....they are so so so so loud, cannot stop it.

My mother (Acapop! KIDS)


The birds can tone in ....correct. Every morning. She is still there ~~~

The tear gland ??   Lymph, you all extract their cell and sent to the lab and check it?  The tear gland on the eyes, to that lateral seen of the left ear /head down, that is the lymph node. She is a women, then the arm, those period stuffs? My massagist doctors those Chinese medicine procedure, I gone to 10 session. Its 2 arms, those lymph nodes. The breast top, not that far from the 2 joints / the 2 shoulder blades these area.  ====   She is a women !!!!!!

The period, or the hot flash, she never said that. She used to have the migrant, the headache with the period. Meaning her chiropractor 10 session to 10 month, those are my money to spend it I think. Just keep doing it.

The whole lifetime, the frustration of the "Good Dinosaur", the ending, the heavy things on her back. The curvature of the back to put those 2 shoulder, back back back back back....and SQUEEZE, its actually her parents' house that massagists, its just 10 session he does something. 

You know already, I done those longevity exercise, I done very slowly, although its only like 10, or its easy than it sounds to keep watching, I do per wrist straight out, like 1 or 2 style, it can take like 3 or 5 or 6 years pass, I am not on other style those.....1-6 style and per segment if I remember...these posture reason, or my massagist chair reason. My back wing, that area, the women's chiropractor has this soft hard pillow to push our breast out to lean back.

I actually do a lot of these things in my room because I cannot go out !!! Its kinda of suffocating me.    

The birds will scream, if I keep that too long whichever the wrong move or the wrong posture, including I laying it down. They cannot shut up.

My mother, I put some stuffs on her about 2 or 3 times.

The first time was near that window, I told her to raise up her 2 arm. I touch her back shoulder, or below that pelvic, or something. I think she fainted that scene. Her entire back body is down on the ground. Not collapse, that is the knees bent coming it down. ( or maybe it is the knee down. This look strange. No, not straight back down. That is flat down, no. )

The second time was her finger on her hand, its hurting. I put the sport cream there, I didn't touch the first time, but the second time, I pull her that finger ending, she might be lying, no, it was not hurting. Its the pawn the muscle the beginning of the finger, that region is in hurt. So I just tell her leave that creme there. That was about 3 days she has some medicine apply for her hand, or 3 -5 days, I tell her to leave it on the hands at night.

You say what?

In Hertz...the birds say....that is not them. 

She used to have to go to the hospital for the needle, her cooking stuffs. The last 4 years...she doesn't go to the hospital anymore. I used to hear that. It was every 6 months getting a shot at her lower pawn.  No, we never done anything with that.  She was in fear those early year, that hospital, or this needle she is afraid all the time....but then, I never heard about it anymore. The more years go, she turns to those courage, I have no idea, she just not fear to die with any of this anymore.   No, I am very sure I didn't do anything to her.

In the Past

They use the castor oil (Cayce Edgar) or the Olive Oil, 1900 to 2000, this when you start to have a brain surgeon, she used to run marathon as she grew up, and she blinds? That is the vertical cut outside the brain, just keep washing that entire back head region... meaning if you just cut 5 times vertically of this entire back head, it will cut at the neck, again....that is the lymph node, both side of the ear near the places.

You know, I keep saying this cranial fluid, or the lymph node.

You know what does Kryon does best? The node ! His lecture on the Earth grid line.

My mother magazine, William and Mark LOTR

If I shot her down, her head like Mark LOTR those video....my brother has this military service until 37, he was 1990. The post man arrives just now, she is on the phone.

The news say the UFO magazine BAZZAR 2017 August, she has those silver gauze, the Lords of Ring rouge, that is no blades going through. Next by Thranduil, he is wearing at it, Thranduil says how much money in debts to pay?

I have no more these magazine those years from BAZZAR. I saw the news...the mayor is on it, they have so many things going on.

  1. Thranduil scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkVcAqNCIm4  See that is what next by, he wears?
  2. BAZZAR Asian edition, 2017 August.

Today's news. You use these reference from the news per frame, right? The person before this lady, me. The 5 Lords Review after Indian 500, all red 3 witches magic lineage.

Lee Pace/Thranduil MV: Memories


Memory, or the smile, that is syndrome, they cannot move their facial muscle (?)

The silent whisper, that is......might be still current at them. We didn't move everything on them, the little tiny things that bothering them realize, but William or Mark trying to get used to, they sleep to hear about 4 hours to 6 hours to 8 hours. They know the human sleeping in 8 hours one straight night? No, do they really know that clearly in their physiology, they made to believe? My mother told me.....well, I reinforce something I told her, not every 4 hours on the pee bathroom here, but she did less, she says. Every night is a torture, those. 

Maybe out news meant....that last name was our last ex-mayor, they are the real doctors?

And they done anything to help? Its just 4 hands/ the feet to warming method, my mother is not doing it here, or I tell her to lay down to sleep.

That Abrigil lady, the blue Hugh, and SMCH from the first frame....the crying lady is my mother's best friend, that is in Hailey's those "What is Forever", she lives at that n....ending that governmental apartment. She has 1 son, the only family my brother near didn't get the green card. The insurance lady, doing those terrible things for her to buy 10 apples she touched in the night market. Some years ago, we clear that out, or I did. She doesn't show up anymore.

Long time I didn't see these video.....

Abigail Ginsterblum - Living Hope


I remember this, I keep saying Right, the image keeps showing his left.... he cried or Mark cried, still?!

  • Zawanna those Kosku memory (Mark greek LOTR)
  • That Calvin cliche ....dead body. I didn't check it anymore. 
  • No, Nick's left arm, or the entire shoulder is dislocated. They straight one by one. That Mark is not listening his back needs to go all the way back back back....
  • His head back bone, was that grove I said.  Was that in the movie somewhere?

I think he was born like that. No, those are the ligament those transparent things near it, or around it. Its like the teeth, you...polished at from the outside, because if he lays down, hard hit on his own pillow that grove means not cut him himself those kinds.

Both inside and the outside. The fissure, I remember now....you know when I seen that anatomy book in the summer, they take the whole semester they only hand us those white sheet to fill in the blank. Those are the hand-out to remember all these bones plaque at. 

This is 4 months pass by, what happened to them ....You have so many doctors to fill them in. 



Those are the parasite I will tell you, anytime you imagine the sugar stuffs.

The real surgical are those giant worm, but there are these stomach like thousand worm at those hollow surface. They use the technology could see it. So...if they do those colonix to kill them, their mood will get affected, and they adjcent that vitamin supplement. The hydration I said cargo 20 water container inside his room, but maybe he pees at his bed still.

How does the parasite gets to the brain? The blood stream.

You are very very very very sure? Imagine a surgeon is to cut those brain vessel to get a giant white worm out at MH side, those are it means the stroke patient I think.

That is to drill a hole?  Yes.

And without drilling the hole would be, the washing bottle? No, the colonix. These herbs are very strong to put this entire system upset the equilibrium, and plus the muculess diet, its a very boring tasteless life, you don't do anything but indoor.

Their Christmas, what does that mean? I think I saw William with the 2 physician or the doctors can stand up, touch the bench.


No, that was too hurry to say the parasite in his entire blood stream, plus that is the Christmas eating out or showing up his grand world all of that.

The colonix means clean the colon? Right.

uh...you know once one parasite to multiply, that is thousand small tiny worm just hatch to the blood stream going in and out those stomach surface skin area, and get in the blood stream, and going to every organ at breathing those blood. That is why, those immune to any parasite idea, even a kiss, or with another guy, you wish his diets are not......all these parasite hatch an egg.

You mean the bacteria, or the parasite?

The parasites.

You are very very very very very sure?

.... you still remember? Whom I am?  You have a tendency doing that ... You need to get to the helicopter is 6 years later maybe, not even your arm you stab yourself to imagine the paramedic, right?  You have to touch the blood, or the syringe, or the glove, the semi-fluid, inside the wrap skin? You are the human definition of the bone, blood, flesh. A needle going it down, it will touch the bone and break the ligament, so you cannot do any of that by imagination. 

This is Mark:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_AvpIAX9yg

This is my mother, I think. AP:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MivdMzTm09c

I think there is one kid, done that 1 cut, the last time I mentioned 3 months ago, he just sit on the bed none moving the first few days. Now, his air around his face....that entire space is a lot more moving. Vibrant to breath in life. He uses his noses to breath in life.

Mark LOTR is not the kid anymore. That kid can go outside the air now.

What happened if Mark keep going to the chiropractor?

Its only just emitting those toxin out of his central nerve system through those spinal fluid up to his head. The cranial fluid. Those also near the vision center. I told him 10 weeks, or 10 months those sound the same procedure because his back, his entire spine behind or this lymph, for his first time in life, he kept going to see a doctor, to keep emitting those toxin out. We didn't move his entire brain, he always gets like that, the smoking or the paint on that guy's hands somewhat change. He keeps hydrating, breathing, pee, and toxin keeps releasing in the blood stream, the only possible way to get out of his system is through the sweat, the bathing, the pee, the tear, the poo. There is no other way to emit all those frighten feeling, or the spinal signal pathway, how he revolve in this world seeing through his reality what he believes, to how comfortable he goes to sleep.

So I let it rotten a bit, or that is the Christmas season, he does what he wanted for some times. These are his video, the sound, the music.

I keep telling them their shoulder....



Can they just listen to one thing.....that shoulder and the 2 arms.



You have 2 shoulder, that is horizontal line, then 2 joints at that 2 arms....You don't do things at your neck, your chiropractor will tell you how to just wing back your middle upper, to breast out yourself breathing out of your nose, inhale and exhale.

I am the one sitting on the chair a long time to type on the computer, and you all don't?

Yeah, you copy their posture, can you tell?

My mother new post, I think the birds did those toning.... 

When the old people money mule like nick or my mother, 67, that is not her phone number 68, you remember...

That is Tina's hair brush, the little guy was saying.

The otter


Tina has those junks on the back, you seeing how to "ball" the ballroom, the hand coff purse of that hard handle, that this pursue is made not to be the feet coff, and she was.

The panda


Nick never says he was the money mule, other than that blue car....his legand reason as marking a name to the youngester, as his memory doesn't remember all that well. If one day meeting someone, to say love, and then all this life cannot afford, was those meat, the fish and the wine. Then, the conversation cannot last to make me understand, or else I immediately cut him off. Anything bio, or the chem will never be....you all belong to the UB parents and their kids issue, the zoom talk, or the social meeting of another 1 hour or 2 hour over 20 hours in flighting mode. Its not near.

So the money mule issue would be, coaching is a process, "other than." Did we explain this?

You can have every conversation other than getting near 1 decision me just in front of my computer never stop my works, not even look at him, not looking at her. Imagine you are old, and broke, and the family broken....but nick is a psycho, she has the normal brain. He actually done those riding the car to make the wind feel the theater at the sunset outdoor.

1. Don't look at them, make them feel, they will never be a part of your life, your friends life. They will do on purpose, including getting near, just close the door right at their face. You follow exactly like I said. Every door she tried....meaning she thought its the time to get a conversation going.

2. Cut it off every single time this old people does.

3. They are scamming group with the kids cannot cope the university school trying to suicide, or the none stop drinking issues, to keep suiciding they themselves.

4. You just leave when they cannot get to the younger people to manipulate one decision, that will never be a coach to say, that person can get any money paid.

5. When there is no paid, the methods becoming very very cruel.

6. Slam every door right at the face, exactly she calculated, meeting at the hallway, and coming out, its the door close. Every single time. They have no worth while carrying a conversation other than a maid job until they are homeless and die on the street penny zero.

7. Make them truely understand it will only be a maid job, that is where they belong. It will never be a coaching session. The real money mule is him, not her.

8. But that is a maid job supposes to be, not the Elsa blue jacket to go to the center to say Jesus today was 7:56, Nick counter 22 to pick someone in June 12, her married date on the phone last week. So today she doesn't need to wash the cloth, she says. 

Meaning washing "like the outside washing the floor", donating to the center. = washing hands.

Just give her 1 month these washing stair money like 1600 US dollar, when everything clean out here. That is her worth. She wants to use this criminal charge methods to make "one conversation" sound right, that is never the money mule the original how they doing that. Its you just keep slam door at her face.

Close it, every young face close the physical door, she will have those chulby, the fat, the disease, the surgical, at more age 68 69 70 85... the center can no longer check in after 75. That is where nick was.

Imagine if you are the 60 years old, and broke, and no money, and seeing this 20-30 years playing these Chinese drama taller youth guy, and they are vibrant to its girl or the boys those age limit, you think those groups talking to the older lady, screw it up with every man, or every job, or every kid, or every road to be on the street?

So look at this people, the ancient Chinese drama, that is a younger guy.


No, it was done 25-30 years ago.

You know what my father does those inviting his brother to poker game, before or during that smoking business to end up in China? That was our middle school still playing those PC game 夢工廠 we found a pack of the cigarent in the drawer those.  He was so into those numbers none stop, every number, every strings those TV effect. Like I think the police tear him down. 

We start this Green Card process at 1988. They have those 天安門 Square revolution, the China put the tanks on the students' body, that is when Amy sponsors us to go to the America. Britney Spear, Amy. The blue hair Amy, the Sailor Moon.

So that time American seeing every immigrant, probably want them all get killed. Everyone of them, and they did. The police found out, so they got tear down about 1998/1999/2000....I have to finish my high school here during 911. Without those Rebecca, Loving the Silent Tear, that snake hair lady.

So they done that very very early on, 25-30 years ago exactly I said.

Hong Kong returns in 1997, the prophecy was not referred to July, it was 1998, the 2 double August, and then the Y2K in 2000. You don't know that, China didn't have a leap until after 2000, we are now in 2025, they are so much different but still developing everywhere. Their land is big. 

No, my mother did do the job was accompany him at those trial process, she keeps flew there, and my brother was left at home, and my grandpa comes near. He was very bad, or he is not aware, so Wayne shows up at Eben those conference the UB saw, that is the guy gone to China, the host father of that Orlando. The Purto Rico. And my father was in the jail the same very year when he got back, and when I return. 

My brother grew tall, but he was Ella Enchanted summer, me and Adam gets together, he wasn't tall yet....and that degree, both guys got tear down, they swing, or hit, my mother and my sister die, exactly like how Dream Exchange Games that frames 鬼宿  gone back, one Pang swing like Dumbledore's youngest sister, everyone die in the house. Dumbledore is the school principle.

My brother is Ariana? Yes. Growing too tall like 183 cm, Keanu is 180 cm, or Hailey is 181 cm.

He was very hash in the science Olympia in the NYC, the high school, and when he decides to go to disclose his gay personality in the college essay, that is to talk to the university may be exactly every Harvard, NYU or the Michigan finds that out. I was in UB, and Tina was in Hunter NYC, so our tuition was never required to be worried, its the state. His, my mother put it up some financial strain, but I think she says they found a way, so the tuition was all paid. But he leaves that on the facebook. 

The American police tears them down. That would be 25 years ago - my father.

15 years ago, they aim at my brother. The American police.

I think that is what the movie meant, the Pitch Perfect all the girls still intact there. Nick is a shorter guy and he is handicap or staying home those.

Maybe Craig tears that Eben when I shows up both at Eben and his page. I have a name Anna, and Eben does those Lalla things, and Craig they have the 3 people there, or there is a Masterson. I don't know whom tears down with that, though.

I think its the American police they know those were the jobs 25 years ago, or -30 years. So right now, you seeing these, but....it was done long time ago.

Yeah, I think Tina tears that Hank or Slam Dunk DVD was her everything in that living room. That business was not sustain, or she had this Ebay business, she sent me a Tiffany necklace. I don't really know about that part, her ex bf was that cello. I met him or his near by. They don't do crime like a counterfeit like her own father. She knows my mother was very tiring on that.

Does the police tear that Tina, because her behavior.....?

I don't really know, she went to yell at her boss exactly like the China TV drama, that will be 10 years ago before Flower Thousand Bone. And that incident should be about 2005 or 2006 / 2007, she switch to the second company. That was a white boss. That boss will never take that attitude, and now she is in the Asian company, the Citi Bank.

When she commute in the high school, my mother everyday was nothing but her police reports at those time. She gone to my grandpa for money in the middle school. We were in the private school, right next by their house. 

So I have never seen my mother, or an email, or a call for15 years at least. 2000-2015.

One time her Virginia those Paul thing, she came to see me, or contact me. Nick told me to go near.

Anyway, I just tell you, I think the American police gets those done about 25-30 years ago, or they know starting in the 80s, the Full House. Something was done a lot earlier to get some of those down one by one.


Can I just shut my mother down? 

Right....those AP video like Shyli Mark LOTR, she really got an issue, or ....I am not sure, they say those are the doctor's job. I actually believe that Red Panda, both Nick and WIlliam on their physical therapist, and Nick is about 6 years since 79 years old this year? I can talk funny, not I really believe it funny....they only give me the water to say Mark LOTR. I believe my remote viewing?

His skeleton back, never goes back, I keep telling him.

You know I heard that word, that is in the song, he really called her Shyli

That is scary for me. I hear the exact words of those said to him, or to the video front? You know how many things I literally hear?  That time, William or Hugh because they "zi" a bit, like discomfort, so I know its at their head. It wasn't I could tell by inside. Its they withdraw immediately, their head is sensitive. That is how that happened, I try to find where....I figure it out I heard Kryon....you litearlly ever hear the life video long and then, his own head.....and I say, "Shut it off", and then this National Treasure lady, Abrigil's video.

1) is inside 2) is my life long work. 3) is a Jesus Gospel song, they allow those exist in the music field?

I got shock shock shock, and trying to carry a job I pretend to be a American doctor, that sound every steps right. 

I am eating and my news.

I remember, its similar to Mark LOTR's video somewhere.

The weather is cloudy looks like to rain.

I fix the flashlight, but one of them is broken. The birds are really loud. We play the last time these app games.

Say, we follow this Instruction to where....Oops, that you have a schedule to move your parking gadgets. Say we need to per image from the first to the last, you know how these game design, and the classmate doing it together.

Usually these groups like by the color indicates, and you can see whom coming out of the exit to be assign to this vehicle. The free app or the game apps. Karen's birthday is 526. From left to right crossing over to become a standard Christmas not just the Holloween, That is the holiday season, and you need the candy shop, not doing without the purchase. Can you see that?

No, can you stay on those frame, you cannot purchase that candy shop. Its by the location itself that sits on that frame. It needs to be there? Look a lot nicer than any other frames, that's simple, right? And that is the original !  The original concept, you have the candy shop, you have the Christmas tree, and you have ninji turtle sewage like 98 Degree my facebook these looking logo. 

Next, it is ....the medium to get to the sugar made of the candy shop, you see? 

Because? Its in the pair of the 3 frames, everyone looks the same. The Halloween, the Thanksgiving and the Christmas. You know the month of this calendar dates, you are not assign in these label, but that is not the gadget reason, its the virtual reality game you download on the PC. Those more walking 3D, and you have to download the entire MB going in to walking through these shop. Its real. Of course, its real in the virtual reality game. Those shop you can purchase, no, its not those bitcoin, the concept might be, its a game. I think there is a name to those games name....

The official holiday is ....well. But this is a game how to get to the medium step. So you use the alphabet. Its next by itself like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ....the medium. Then, you shift the gear, 1 and 2.

No, there is the candy shop but that is the sugary, the sugar powder one. That is the description of it. You just look at it.

Sometimes you generate a family of 4, and these are where the car filled up, you can only fill up 4 people in this setting that is without the driver. The game you seeing that filling it up, per car, that is the main game. The previous frame would be a different color, only the blue small people goes to the blue car, the red small people goes to the red car, and the yellow small people can only get to the yellow car. They are all very similar idea. By the color.

The first video, that is the animation, you can tell, that is more clear, because everything else is static none moving frame. They just put a review below so you purchase the app.

The candy shop is most pleasing to see right there, but ....its a lot more clear than the other ninji turtle those vomiting brown color those. That is the sewage? It made like, no, its above the ground. But that is more rounded driveway, you pulling in the car, that is the curvature arrow the parking space. Exactly they draw like that you can see.

Let's say you re-gain this life force, you know the play station, like 50, sorry I think it uses the %, but we say 50 or how they say it you re-gain the game, you don't die in it at the app and you have those 3 chance, that is a sheet you can see these life force bar, you used to play those game, the guys. 

You know how this VS assign this 98 degree, it was they moved the celestial those talk? Its the wild honey, not just the wild berry picking up from the ground, that is the poison. You die with it.

You go with the current calendar date. But in the game, those are just the calendar. If you moving from the left like the image to the right, that is align to the protocol, you have a he alther report indicator. Authur, sorry.



