

A: I found myself to now must entering the court room for some dispute, is that a difficult social occasion to show up myself?

B: Not at all.

You want to write the rest of the script? 

The birds would.

A: How do you know, if 2 party like me and my lawyer present, we are against the other party and his lawyer, how do I know ....

B: Like how to talk? Your lawyer talk for you.

A: Like do I need to tell the lawyer how to act up? 

B: No. If he fails, he got fired. But for this discussed cases you mean Anna would tell her lawyer, they swing that games in front of the judge, those kinds?

A: Correct.

B: Most disputes are all the criminal nature, she forgets to tell everyone. She doesn't have a business to say theft or stolen the patent, she invents all that herself, she is not getting away let's say even a corperate business someone die, someone got harmed, and she gets away with the profit. She is not doing anything at all. She is the throne, she saying that out loud. 

A:  So that means....she cannot play the game in front of the judge?

B: She is not pushed into that situation why she needs to get away with the criminal mind or the crime that commit the crime right in front of the judge. Any of that is no good. Not in front of the judge's face.

A: So it must be the criminal nature to end up in the court room.

B: Correct, you would say that someone hurting anyone around, so they have a dispute between the two company, someone is on purpose stolen something or accusing another party. They go and be investigating that case, open by the court room, and the judge is the final examiner. You doing it every claim in front of the judge, and he alone will know the next step how he wish to see this case proceed.

A: So she doesn't have a case means?

B: She says it more than once, that is very clear. Those case is not the case.

A: That is not her classmate they have done.

B: Of course not.

A: But can they say her case delay no matter how long she gonna file, they cannot file.

B: Actually....if she knew her claim, and she explains this out loud, the court room will have someone stare at it, and knowingly, because her fame is big. She didn't need to go on purpose against the court room, if they are on their classmate side. Its not.

A:  So its bad for them.

B: Very very bad.

A:  They don't know, or....

B: They never swing in their life to know the party interests, they are dreaming something fantasy, or they are the original assign mental people she one times say. Those are not real. Its all mental to talk in English. 

A:  That is what she says?

B: She believes that. She sees too many things, she cannot tell the difference. She is....guessing I would say.

A: I would not guess.

B: They are the immature classmates, compared to if you drew her entire trajectory out or her presentation out of this. She can hold them down, not to make a noise until she cannot. She owns that power, they pretend not to hear. If they go accord to her way. They didn't, she cannot shed them. She has that power and she knows that.

A: They do on purpose.

B: Correct.

A:  Does the court given her that power?

B: I think she born to have that power, but as she grew older, and these things happen later on in her life, they examine it. She may not know conscious but she puts into a certain language or the character or the personality, they know exactly what she is made of. Just her language and literacy, she says it very clear.

A:  Just not this law things at that time.

B: They can ask her later. She might guessing that too, some of this civil idea, she might have heard those cases in her growing up time, tell by all these things she says. She had heard it from somewhere, it must be her civil classes. She knew all that. She cannot say every words because that was the teacher saying it in Chinese. But she comprehend can tell you a roughly picture, and the behind people, they go and put 2 and 2 together. I think she knew that, so she stays online, putting through those things. It will save them a lot a lot a lot of troubles too. And she knew that. She doesn't gamble anything, so we can tell, or everyone can tell, that is not an issue.

A:  What is not an issue? 

B:  Anything to talk through, she can live by that. 

A: The negotiation table. 

B: No, just anything in general, her skull is not too fix. She knew how the laws plays too. She gives everyone the same time all the pictures, they know she is like that, 10 years ago probably.

A:  Her classmate doesn't know.

B: I highly doubts there is one word they heard, she keeps saying that. She just concluded they are all mental anyway. And she cut the facebook out, and she is far away from that. 

A:  But isn't everyone says the court room is the justice, so to transparency, everything be clear, the public hears about it. Like if she files through, no matter what, its hers its not her.

B: She probably has played some games in life to know about something. Not exactly those business Giant they do the business top. That is not how she progress things, or her portrait a lot of things in her language. She might be exactly how she says just by hearing it. So she will tell you a certain thing or a certain measurement with the court or without the court, she does on the last min.

A:  She does on purpose.

B: I don't think that one is on purpose. But she found out. If that is not the immediate thing, she doesn't need to present in the court room.

A: She claims that is not the case. The rest of them is. Isn't that too dangerous, everyone can see those are side by side, each classmate photo, and the movies content, or the plots. They are all the stories presenting to the public?

B: No, she knew the reason when she saying that, and especially to the public. It will be the public to judge that. But they probably knew if she insist its a file on the table passing between you will never get this, she knows they are all immature for anything she telling them or us. She just done it when the last min to show up. 

A:  She does on purpose, is that a criminal act?

B: No they are all criminal act on her case. She looks mild, she is not that mild. She runs away in the public sight, those people will be dead. 

A:  The first time I heard this, she says, "That is not a case." She only says the Frozen, she forgets the Flower Thousand Bone, but everyone can see she hold that up as the position.

B: Correct.

A:  That is to say those are not the case? They are the big cases.

B: I highly doubt they know what she sounds like, or how she meant those are not the case, don't talk anything about that, she won't hear. They pretend they have the statues, they are just the state school. She happened to end up those no standing school, or the family background, so in the most situation, no one has the power to put on near her say that is not the case, she claims that for what reason. She didn't need to worry about that.

A:  She does on purpose? 

B: I think its their IQ on purpose. She just happened to be in the state school for the cheap tuition. They have never been to a bigger world, or know about what the real upper play. She for some reason, she knew about those things too. She won't tell them about, but they lost all of that too. 

A:  You don't feel its funny, everyone knows those are the cases to enter the court room, and she says only her case are not the case. They are the biggest movies.

B: That is what she claims !! 

A:  What about the school think?

B: oh no, that is 97 percentile, she explains that too. oh ~ they are dummy ass. The school will find out why those are not the cases. She didn't need to keep insist that to hurt herself. Some people don't want others don't get hurt, and hurting her neither. But if she insists not to step into the court room. Most people still think that is healthier outlook no matter what. Not to step at the court room. Most public evolve to know that.

A:  You think she is hurting herself? 

B: I don't think everyone knows these play, she probably saying something along the way, I didn't hear about it.

A:  She says the file-ing cases only have 2 in Taiwan.

B:  Right, I remember.

A: Is that right or wrong?

B: She probably meant that....they....if one day is or for what reason the life review, that is a humiliation. She probably can guess that. Her brother, she says that very early on in 2014. Not that. Its worse. But this is the democracy world. Not that, neither.

A:  But isn't that funny, they all go and find a true love with the judge, if they can pass through, she didn't enter there to take the case to DC?

B: She probably always knew something, something about herself, or the power. When we, or me, or someone whom from outside knew that person...might born with the power. She definitely knew something about someone, or somehow, or somewhere things be done in a certain way. Not a lot of people have those attribute.  She knew if she put those language clear, things will all clear on the first day, or the first year. And they did, I believe.

A:  She just wants the things be clear?

B: She knew a certain step, until someone on the other side of the screen present. She responses. She is careful with it, not stupid at it. 

A:  So none of them is like that.

B: I think its a big problem, if those are real they pushing something, and she is not like that.

A: How does the court handle that?

B: I think its she says, its per case on their own. They might combine, I won't know.

A:  I think many of them will tell the judge, she says this, she says that, and one of the things she says would be "That is not a case."

B: Correct.

A: Isn't that against her?

B: No, she says specifically, never never never mention her. Just focus on your own claim, your own cases, whatever that is you brought up, except her.

A: Because she is the Power?

B: Not just that. Its not relevant. The court room inside conversation, I think she literally telling them per word, per line, per step, if they just shut up. She didn't push through, though.

A: So literally per word, per line, not that kinds of the conversation?

B: Definitely not. 

A:  Is that because like let's say Big Hero 6, her face is not in it.

B: Correct.

A: Just that simple? 

B: Correct, she is not in it, that is not in the case. No.

A:  I am guessing that is not how other people say, or combine to find out and says?

B: Definitely not.

A:  What would happen?

B: She is the only one knows what the judge would think, so she can only does on her part, warning them, but saying very little. Like once or twice because they do it on purpose. She probably also knows them each if not just their parents. She went to the same school with them, she actually have them as near by facebook. She can guess a lot of that and none of that is good. She says less, they idiot less. She knows that or she prays that is not the case. Less she saying or explaining, the less anger they trigger. No matter what, anyone listens, its a shed immediately. I highly doubt they take that.

A:  She cannot give them the shed?

B: She did. But the judge doesn't want that.

A: The judge wants them to talk about it? 

B: Be natural about it. 

A: Is that a right thing to do? 

B: No.

A: And she knows about it. Is that ilegal? 

B: No. She cannot, everyone knows that. They done on purpose. She says per line, per word, per statement, they do on purpose. She goes near, she found out. She cannot. 

A: So she cannot use her power or... 

B: She can give that strength a bit, she probably knew that. But no one will argue that the heaven or the celestial strength or here, its they are lousy she is the best. Some what the spirituality or the Earthly knowledge, even in the intellects, they can surpass, but none of them quiet down, bow, kneel, flat. Not even an air. So she dropped in the early stage. She insists to put through something though, so parts of that she at least repeating something at it. Not all of it. 

A: She knew that all along. 

B: Correct. 

A: Is she gonna correct herself if she gets near? 

B: She will never get near. Not that kind of the Power, not kinds of the public heard statement after. She knows that too. 2 Time direction, eternal.

A: They knew that?

B: Probably all mental, cut them off. The judge won't make a scene of that. Everybody knows that, not just she knows that.

A: And if the judge makes a scene. 

B: She knows how to deal with that, just not right now.

A: 40 years on? 

B: She may end up those guys, and they can ask her, or they discuss....maybe there is a judge somewhere near there too. As long as that is very very far away, she won't worry a thing at all. I think she is like that. She knew that too. She seems to be that type of personality too. UB they won't know she is like that, but they lost a lot a lot a lot of the things, because they don't flat down they themselves.

A:  But these are cases, so many things to talk about it. Per line the movies scripts and all that?

B: Its not, but it seems to them is. She decline her own cases. On that write-out, that is zero means. No entry to the court room. Not the main character. You cannot do anything if she bar down, deny all. That is her constitutional freedom right.

A: Does the Power agrees with her on that? 

B: That is the legal game, she says that is democracy, so both debate or found out if that is regime. She says no, she let go. She didn't enter, so she says maybe if she gamble she doesn't show up. I think she knows ...as long as she doesn't show up, that is the least thing she can do. And run away. The least thing. The court didn't need that, but she explain that almost every step clear. Those people will get killed, if they thought those are the funny games. I think its like that. 

A: Got silence?

B: No, not just that. She is the Power. Anyone that is in the Power or near by. That is not the game, that is not the attitude, that is not the material, that is not how you make a scene to the judge, she keeps saying it, and NEVER pass her file to the judge, and you literally doing that in front of the judge. She stopped them, but I think they didn't know that. The judge also let them be natural. She is the only one whistle and bell running loosen on her head. If the high tech put a ring bell tone, the whole universe doing nothing but hearing that....they will find out what she is really made of. But that is not the case.

A: They can use the birds?

B: But its on those people's cases. She doesn't have a case in the court room. She sits in the bench with the rest of them, a high tech on the top keep ringing the tone. The judge knows, not those people UB know.

A: What does that mean?

B: Shut up!

I have to go out.

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