
You prince Harry....Ron those.

Well....I think I am the very real thing, correct. But there is a celestial sphere involved. 

You talking about the physical universes right now, it will be only modern capitalism sleek, how long this calendar will run, or pass me, or before me. I have no idea. The real history calendar on this Earth. Be a nobody and rises up, that is the constitution given that right, and everyone else blind to that system sleek, to have the surveillance people. 

To say the only class. That will be the universal police.

But since all of them are unseen forces. Its the MD, or the JD or IT. That will do the trick only. You rise up to that profile in the district, that is one person you go alone. You are impaired, you fallen on the ground, hit your head, you go to the hospital alone. If you have the poverty family, they are not going to the capital city to hold your hands to the hospital. Its a very cold capitalism. Boss & Me.

That is the District means. 

By the height, and by the impaireness.....and by the blindness. If AI tells you, that is your current life merits how you knowing all this things, you go along one person in that world freedom to you. But I think, my world is only this big. I only need to surround myself only things I care about it. Here means.

It might, you mean a different planet? I don't know. 

2 or 3 people you see, you will never be the society problems. Its only you keep doing this masscred, the human learn. By that selfishness, its the money drop. So get rid of all those different color. I only see the different color, like Jonathon that Pokémon movie or Indian General or Babaji. But they have have have have problems.

Nothing is real, no more Royal, no more fan club those if they brining in and everyone gets killed, you can live like that? I think a lot of people can live like that. 

You choose that fake life in front of the people, you live with that consequence, when the tall guys show up circle shows you the reality and the fan clubs bills. You have a gun, alone indoor. 

Its an Asian guy, short almost very short hair. Tesla Coco Club, cheek bone (skeleton) that thin, in, cheek in, that guy. 

Not sure what he is. That is the image just saw.

The birds say gi. Might be a Japanese. (My mother's throat)

The birds say left foot (Screaming).....maybe you drop the love idea.

Me and Westlife

It might be real? I really believe them, or I believe the money, or I believe I was told, and the hospital told, or mental retarded, and Eben is an Asian and a fix up guy. You mean I care that much, or they care that much.

That is Kian and Nicky. I am not sure I care that much. Just look at them.....I feel their hand touch my shoulder is a problem. You should look at them 1999. Its not haloha that kind.

Europe is a world culture on their own, they got the war, and the history bloody, by now if that is habitual I don't even know. I already told you a worsen thing, and then one day they air that on the news. I hate it very bite, that is nuclear factory how many are in use. So what I didn't say it out loud, it was one person underground 20 times upper the youth, die out. He switch that power grill, so people lives in the dreamy.

That is....my world, or that is they coming in my world. Of course I choose they coming in my world, that kind. 

If they told me I can leave, like the judge or something coming in, I listen to that. Otherwise, you mean how much the things will change, and thought about. I back up myself, not they back up for me?! I already freak out every world I land. Europe is very very very far away. 

If they told me Ronan is not real, like those whom are in the temple, and they put the fake on there, that is fine. The birds say Ronan, not they told me Ronan....no. Yeah, I go along a little bit Flower Thousand Bone. Kian or Nicky....and whom is this Mark??!

No, of course its not like that, but I seen it, they are all might be.....EF those when they were 17 years old, they sleep all together on the same bed. Someone me changing the sheet those kinds. 2 people drag the sheet its very very fast. 

You make me believe, I believe that?

I am a girl, I believe that?

You don't want to check my head is real? 

We surrender? Emperor that Disney

Me, Tim Cook (Bill Gates), Trump, Biden

They put the real things on the TV, if or if not, close by, right.

On the ground, dragging it out, they are all very very tall.

My hair up, the hair things on the top.

No, I may go.

My money those lawful paper, is not a shredder, then I go. Somewhat, I still believe in the law, to care that much the constitution to say logic on the paper works.

No, I believe everything I told on the internet. I just don't know where I am.

The law, the medicine, the IT. I can focus on the writing with or without them. Just the movie in front of me. I know Sailor Moon was real 25 years ago, a lot of the movies I watched as I grew up, I know this culture whom are real. All the stories are real. I already watch them like 30-40 years ago. So if that is real, I feel breathing, correct.

Just write it on the paper to say the profile, and they process it behind.

Those things I can come out 1000, I just ask them if that is what they need. They get anything from outside, then they just ask the outside. ET.

You are a white guy, the tall guy. You don't know how the leadership they run a leadership including the taller lady world, they rule the whole world as a group?

One of those?

You only look at the white anyway, and you are free parents education so you becoming like this? Empty head brain, the hole in the brain? 

uh....the white worlds is not this Asian world, my parents just mind their own world, without me. They dying out, so they die out. The white taller guys world will meant you have a responsibility, with the image or not image. A worldly whole sense, you meant that is the humanity reason, or your own selfish reason. You have a whole universe and galaxy reason, you want to say the solar system and the adjacent planet, exactly like the Bible, the worm tail those you cannot see the sun on their surface planets?

You keep making those mistakes, you will ruin yourself.

That is why I telling them, you will never never never never change. I will say that. The only thing I ever say that. If they have a method, then you learn that when they want you to. Until them, you just play the way how you think the listing down things you never done, per flying zone included. 

You can just look at these white taller guys as a group +20 of them

Its a democracy world, you make every noise and every disastrous things all together with your brother, you never quit. Or people believe you have a different intention. I told them that intention never change for 30 years. Most people in this world, will never never never never think your only purpose is to get that throne

Never end getting the throne.

Never end getting the throne.

Never end getting the throne.

Never end getting the throne.

Never end getting the throne.

Never end getting the throne.

Never end getting the throne.

I have never never imagine a throne, this is a democracy world I live in. Where are these law papers come from? Your head hole? If I never knew there is a royal idea in any life I stare at, there is no throne vocabulary. When I read the newspaper or the movies, I would NEVER NEVER think your book, your presence, your touring flight, your England visit, anything anything anything you as show up, its those terms never end. 

You are doing things that psycho, they know how you put a hole inside your head? Where you get those drugs things from? They watching you, how do you do that, you care to explain how you smuggle to get near the palace even?

I tell you, when the power elite has to kill the human in the torture methods and the patience run thin, I talk enough, you are not a thing anyone to care that lasting newspaper how to fake every news agency in this world, if not cluster destination for the black they themselves don't trust their own kind, or Asian.

You should believe what I say clear, at all.

Every single words right

You are not intended too, not your brother, not anyone around there. 

I am the only one does that per line, I say everyone learn the exactly things, per line, per word. You will never get another person knowing everything, write it down, open your mouth speaking in English, per word, per line, per exact. The law arguments idea to find your true love. That is where you will find your heaven this life. Just go along with the book, there is nothing harmful for being that. 

You want to listen to that yourself?

Someone says I delicate to that per word, per line, per exact upon you entering the court room, write it down first. Per English, I just didn't have the time, or the book to becoming that native English speaker.

A lot of the people can learn that in any age bracket. In any time in their life. They don't want to start this, to wait another 20 years, that is their age and the open galaxy or not issue. Sit on those table, they imagine its per word I say, or per audio ear piece they listening to. Eternity time on this Earth. 

The throne is doing that for that reason, so I given them all that on this Earth. I have no idea how many population that is on this one far away Earth, to against what? To go on the table to where? The Rightful place in the universe? 

The democracy court room, the democracy court room system, or the proceeding method, the processing materials to sound close. This was ME first time saying it how terrible my jobs look, I hate that, not per citizen. So this is wireless, MY convinience time, not per court room those citizen cannot open their mouth, to sound like I have a celestial throne but I live on Earth. 

EVERYONE their happiest moment will be in that court room, if they can get through those vocabulary, why don't they just print it out, and pretend to rehearsal and two people start talking on a dinner table, rehearsal and carry those conversation sounding to find true love? 

Next - Finding true love, court room script

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