
The birds say you want to know Shane Neo and Ronan's housing, my water leaking here?

You mean the otter, those water pipe things? 

oh ~ yesterday I wrote?

They can afford to lose the house, until my money coming in, that I can afford to lose the house. The Asia is a smaller space, and they somehow did something so people staying home a lot more, in Asia I assuming. The party or the gathering. I never say I really going to Ireland. I don't care about it, if you say Neo Shane or Ronan? I thought the movies drew on Kian, Prince & Me. I told them I may not going to Ireland. About 2 days ago or yesterday. 

You all cared about them, that's fine. 

I think its my brother was in the high school that time. He was the science Olympia, like that High School Musical, I told them Westlife that. He was very very harsh to people, an Asian just arrive to America, and he didn't study in the school to grow tall, and he went to a certain.....I don't know what was it, if there is a black coming in that meeting, and he got suspend the house with the water issues. I think that is he flips out, and he exits that meeting or just sit there, until my brother finished. 

That kind of the plot. 

So I say, that is Kian's role. That Prince William, or his landlord. Someone near by, or them, got pulling, or targeting to pull the file and trigger that any meeting more than 2 people gathered, and makes a gang, no one knows what you do there.

Hash means, he is not a white class, and his language is small tiny or his voice small tiny.

I already finish the paper works, you won't get a penny, but you don't need to submit anymore. I say those are none existing paper file. So you go and doing everything else, other than getting on my nerves. 

So every classify material has a meaning. I think both the content, and the....whatever I think behind is that saying to me. Asian is very known suicidal on the American land those newspaper both in the gun, and in psycho suicide stuffs. Very very known, and very known to the American military when you mix the race in it. 

You ask me what I think, I tell you exactly what I think.

But correct, I got the high tech. Zawanna says Kian is fine. So....I went to talk to him. Not Shane, not Ronan.  Right now, to be honest I want to get rid of every human in front of my faces, whatever these day in day out I feeling very sleepy to be on. 

I got the high tech, and a certain element when I move in my space, I know my next road. Its not Ireland. 

If starting the day 1, 10 years ago, its everyone knew

You mean the judge or you mean whom all know?


You mean those classify looks like Snowden too handsome those military? Normally they don't know that. They only know its the classify material, it has a reason. I give them a reason because I am the Lords.

They always know we are in fault?

That is not acceptable file statue. I already say that too many times. 

... ...

You mean you feel embarrassed, they are too handsome, or too literal judge or the lawyers all the law degree near this case all that, or just your vicinity, that is only 3 people you ever see anyway.

(I cannot understand it)

No, the UB are no one is the lawyer degree to have a brain IQ, not really. Its my facebook, we don't know really know each other, I can careless how they end up 20 years already. 

You will mean exactly I say, they are too handsome, too literal, too much that court room statue you care about, what they say in the legal democracy movement to imagine that Washington D.C, if I am right, that is the true love, your flopping wing mouth all together in the dinner table to say Heaven, True love those? They are too handsome for you, or too literal, so you feel embossed you are always in the fault?

They are the polite human, they know you suffered. They heard everything you say, that is why you can keep saying it. They listen to all of that. Its not the file statue correct format.

And why don't you tell me that was not the correct file statue format 10 years ago for me to look very foolish, they really thinking we are stupid, and fool?

You mean you think you are too beautiful bella those? They know what the formality real family background, some, whom would show up to the court room. This would be the first time I operate these table on the rehearsal term. I have never imagine anything other than the TV format, so I never click to see, or find out.

Now I did. 

I know what you want to say, in front of them, the legal justice people, you are a very very stupid girl IQ brain exactly I say.

Correct. 10 years long never ending with this. 

My news time.

They all seeing me that way?

You are those walking in the police station, like the first time they get to know you in the court room. Those whom becoming the homeless....human on the police report file from their parents or the missing chase-to-run couple therapy in retreat. The human missing trafficking reports statue.

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