
🍵🍲 The judge say I explain to you? ALL? 🍵🍲 The birds ....I am so suffering on my bed.

You do the intellects debate, not those chat room format Obama does. He did gone to the law school, but he went to yell at that judge. His body guards or that is his whom else suppose to find out what he does. He knew what are a certain thing, but he by pass some of those things because he was a president for a very long time.

Two types of the files, you understand that or not?

That will be the judge real jobs. Not you. So during the real time, the judge looks at those 2 types of the cases, meaning 2 side part of the lawyer coming forward to debate. They doing nothing but debate.

Not venting, not whining. You never heard those things on the television. They put out a logical explaination and both side party brings the evidence, or the lawyers that bring those floor to something the judge find it correct to hear, and to review this case. You have the trial 1, trial 2,...

You didn't see yourself done anything in front of the judge were nothing like the TV?

How many times the judge will tell you, that is not the current case, or the things is irrelevant? You need to be very very careful every time you side track, not to argue with the judge. He knows why he says that. You went to talk like you have a feeling this or that, or you have a gut feeling this or that. This is the theory, he suppose to agree with you. 

None of that is the talking clear like a lawyer a judge will hear nothing about other than those 2 types of the cases. And the judge needs to know that very very clear, which language you carry through. You don't quit at all, you keep doing it, so he knew each time you show up, its the same thing. I already telling not to do that. You don't even know what you have done.

okay, you talk to him? He talks you back? He asked you next....

Do you look at him? Stop, think for a moment, and reply to him? 

You are the first time in the court room, you are the first time seeing the judge, you are the first time pretending that court room scene is where like the lawyer idea or how you get you through that process. You don't even understand me one word when I describe to you? You can stand there thinking and look at him, 10 second,...because you need to be sure what you are saying to him. 

You are not alert how you present that court room, the entire meeting. You might even have something else after that day, on the same date. You have everything other thing other than that judge. You are not wanting to make it one thing I say. At all.

This is serious?

You mean he is not serious, or I am not serious to be a lot better attitude to the judge?

Did you go to make the friends with the judge? One day friend, another day psychological attack him, you know you done that, screaming and yelling first, and then comfer him those tricks? 

You know the difference, or you just be happy it is another person to look like to your parents, you talking the court room was great !!! You are not getting your paper through, and you just going there doing nothing but chat. I already told you thousand times.

No, you screw it up 10 years ago, there is nothing can be done. 

6 years ago, 3 years ago. Nothing.

You want to try, you intend to murder him ....if getting a new judge in a different state if you switch to a different mode, you can get something, because that is a brand new language in a brand new talk, those scenario, you will never change he knows that.

Tell me what you go there for to arguing about? The movie industry hurting you the same to hurt me, so why you talk about me at all, any paper, any theory, any statement to intend asking him, or using me to step on him?

You are not careful, you might barely remember what you say to the judge to be honest, you saying how you group together in 10 years to shrink to 3 years ago, you finally have a big happy family, but each you....you have no idea what their mouth coming out privately to the judge.

I think....you mistaken a lot of things, those are the privacy protected, your best pal look like will agree with all of you.

There is nothing happened to you, I think you simply exit out of the court room, to be honest. I think that is nothing they do to you. All of you. No, you are nothing at that page 3. They will ask me if I know your major was in science, and I will say:  I know. They were more science process mind than the laws. I am aware of that. That is correct.

And is this the correct sentence? Its just I answer the judge a genuine question.

Is that against us?

NO! He was talking to you earlier, if you enter the court room 20 years later, I won't even know about it. 

And this is we do to you, or we do to him?

Its judge do to me. He asks me a question, you gonna tell him to OU?

So the conversation will always like that, he asked you, and you answer?

I bring my paper in just like you.

We read your paper 10 years later.

You mean you try to believe in it.

No, none of us believe those write-out, we ask the lawyers to do it.


I want to go to sleep, my chest and me personally is rolling on that bed, that is how suffering and my chest cannot breath, my psychi body hurts have been going on and on. I cannot describe the pain how much this in word, all of this is very very suffering to me. This interface.

Can I ask you a question? Are you going to hire the lawyer?

Why is that?

I want to pay for you.


I want him to tell me something if we pay for you to that lawyer?

You what? You doing that to each other?

I think that is how we should done?

We? ... I am not feeling well, no mood to even think about the lawyer or the court room process. When you ruin the judge or the court room scene, I am not sure. Just not right now, everyone is burden to my head if not on my mind, and daily scene is hurting my physical body or the psychi body. Until the Earthquake ends, that is 6 months since 2 months ago. I usually talk to someone not the most immediate things in life.

So that is a yes?

Of course not. 

You have no money !

I have no case, I remind you long time ago.

I just don't feel something is right, so I come near to find out.

I cannot help you. You each....kinda lean on near by or side by, you loving it, those are the great direction you trust that person telling you, or you finding the common ground to aim at the common enemy. I am sure that is the judge in a different local district court.

This is not how it sounds right, right? Whatever you just say?

You might just drop all the court room all together, and find that kindle of the gathering, keep it. You want to do that, you tell that person. 

Is that how you gonna do to Westlife? They have the money, but they won't file for you, and you guys are the enemy?

You all surely know how to ruin everyone all around. If I am not confident, I hardly doubt you know the difference between you and me.

I cannot understand what you are doing.

Like I say, I was trying. When the judge asking me, I will tell hum almost identical...

I think we are nothing alike, what we say.

You want to know Dean's paper. Not my paper, because that is free. Each other is hiding the paper. I just told you all today, each is hiding their bank account too. You are not in fear, that is the movies exactly flip people out, not to say that piece of the paper.

Do you think one of them screw us?

I am not feeling well, I don't want to carry this conversation anymore. 

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