
Offering ( if that is my will)

They will be delicate to Silicon Valley, the tech giant (Sangha being investigated), or what are those Babaji. There is nothing I will to per mouthful food. You can try to tell him not to do that, and....Comets. My brother that time in the valley....in America.

I can tell you what I like, my mother maid all these shampoo and conditioned, loads put right here, I can see, or the soaps. I don't usually like to do so much run about things. She maid so far, that is with the pads too, she does well those. She probably offering that. I can give her money back.

Those photo you look at it, a lot of that is not my will every morning I wake up, neither. To say really delicate to my will? You mean my freedom to eat, when was that at home probably. Is that forceful if I am alone to say going outside? YES! 

How do I know that is forceful ! Its high tech, there is no discussion. No its not the voice, my entire body, stop.

And going? Their will, or the white cloud, look up.....I stop.

Do I do anything in my will.....its not that bad, but its per act, if the high tech stop, I stop. I will feel it, so I stop, the entire body sensation. There is no discussion over any of this, I don't want to hear about it. Right now, that is my mother's will drag me outside.

My first car, that is an Indian, at Eggsville, the grocery store with the JJ cafe, the friend, you care about this things. Nissan Altima GXE, they look better than the current seen, 1998. In grey metallic. 

You can offering to these animals, they cannot shut up~ they are not planning to shut up ! The white towel, the tooth brush, the doctors visits, the transport cage, or the caretakers, all that....

Those boyband to say the Lords? No, talk to the main singer.

Until this Shane shows up, with every contact how he hires the backup singer after 2012. I look at it, or else, its just how he does this re-hiring, including that Justin Timberlake. The reason you have a..... The backstreet boy would be that Brian looks like Adam, and Nick in 98 Degree. The rest of the things, until they show up and open their mouth to explain, I listen.

(Westlife Shane Filan, Backstreet Boy Brian, NSYNC Justin Timberlake, 98 Degree Nick, and Boyzone Stephen Gately )

Fanny used to have a handsome husband, probably meant that is a very very thin jaw, those. Its on the TV, how the island together we disappear. My mother never say how handsome everyone thinks in her time, but there was her dad, to every kid home to show off. Its a normal talking the human does....

Fanny = my same high school = Hank's true love 真愛黑白配 = Tamang's older love in 我不購物狂, She is laterly on the commercial a lot. A very tall lady.  Yesterday, 3 commercial straight, one after another, none stop.

Anything else?

Busy ....

Yesterday was VD

Not D Day.

V = High tech

Cleaning up my facebook.

What is this Asian thin jaw stuffs ? Usually you seeing them on the street, that is about only vocational school those looks are the thin laws. They have a particular talent in lying. You need to beg them, those lowly human arrogance, but less responsible because their IQ is very low, so those are a lot more low IQ brainy look. That is what it means. At the skin efforts. The Chinese words. 

The Military girl, you

That is my own heaven, and not your agenda. Killed her, every word mouth opens, arguing, per saying, I can hear, you don't kill her, I kill the rest of the humanity with her head on the top, this Earth ends. With your entire Christianity. Anyone dare to argue one word, one word gets to my ear, this humanity will set to be destroyed after my year, all you crime to your blood debts. 

1 million whip, til ithat blood on the scarf to her too pretty face, and cut that kneel in half. Every word interrogates.  Any military agenda is not welcome, opening one sound, one word, one face, in front of me EVER. You doing this to me as the civilian. This is not the end. 

Actually every mouth opens, if continue to sip through my ear one more time,....these senior officers we kill per degree, until you learn, this is not the end, no talking, no arguing, no ever beg you will ever one person ends in any heaven, at all. The eternity hell all of this.

Your kneel don't cut in half enough, you kneel one lifetime, is not enough.

You like to twist and turn, this girl twirling, with your lip curve, this pretty lip will sew in another side....makes that feet jump to walk, if I demo per high tech TV, you will never see that per muscle move in that unit, if daring...this eternity, I will kill the rest of the world, in the horror, you one Earth keeps plays cha cha, format, every girls dare. 

Every girl in the military, one word missing, you don't report, you will be set to the eternity hell.

This is the eternal decree, I sign today, this year is 2024. Everyone knows how to inche your way in, this make-up too shining, I tell you, one person dares to show up, you will see how Every TV monitor, I set the high tech to eternal, with you one pretty face....to curve every muscle like that Hailey or Adam's mother, you bet....I care, its a blonde or Burnette, every eyelash dares.

You think this is really funny, you will know for the rest of every eternity how funny this blood stream you don't kill to the buttom of every triangle Bermuda like you promised, America. Pieces of the body and remember....like you promised. 

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