
Earthquake 2 oclock or before. Was I imagining. Hey Thor ! How are you?

When I imagine what’s unimaginable…all these guys here, per order my money. Maybe that just give me a card (giggling laughing). My every money …is this you up to something or exactly the guys perfect statistic on gambling.

A lot of girls too, spent the money ? Every guy ruin everyone else very very often. 

In life.

This is the Heaven and Hell calling. 

Harry Potter mischief 

King Charles, Prince William (King father, Queen’s dad)

Nicky, reptilian guy (behind Brian Drowning ), and Wing

Tamang is high debts, Dean is fashion clothing.

Tina’s best friend is she gets kill, and her husband collector wants to kill her and me. TEsla’s good romance 錦繡未央 ( Is that by the road walking on the street ? Shopping for the bubble tea?)

My father and Nick. (Tony)

You girls gonna find out whom will screw your giant money future including you yourself.

Keanu heck’s? Snowden ? A giant network to heck- China calling. Since man of Tai Chi.

Among the security, among the accountant ..it’s where guys nature to seek love.

I still remember the day that good romance begins a honeymoon island nick told me he had a house mortgage. It will be sign every Heaven and hell only in money. 

I am the Lord, I have a wish to express my only wish - per bank transaction as the sincerely in your life, per monthly, per line per statement only. It’s the only privacy in this capitalism other than your penis to spell your fear. 

UB all of you, on the external classroom chalkboard, including you UB law librarian, you and Dean alike, or you written your book in the small tiny office, the female judge with Mark. Is that 3310 she wish me dead or told Mark the affirmation. The photo ?

Is that a vision, or is that being done to find that one precious Earth Prince, everyone walk up, when you bank calls at the reception, put a chalk on the blackboard. That’s a game find true love. I will suggest you only that. 

Taiwan has a saving pension, and America too. Taiwan is ceiling saving with the governmental, probably something else they save the money plus the Health Insurance package. They do the magazine award. This Asia is a great start on divide and conquer - the magazines all you don’t need. That hospital has the magazine stand. 

Don’t tell me the ghost, don’t tell me the incent. Per money transaction through those bank statement per monthly, all your life only. Until that submit, no paper work from this office. You are 40 yrs old, that will be 40x12=480 bank statement you generate. Per highlight you do. You beg me, remembering ….

How do you make a bill in the Congress? Lasting until I die this life. It’s for Heaven and Hell, my liking only per highlight your bank statement. Any bank want to read it first, per monthly. Whole life through. That’s not a lot to ask for the Heaven and the Hell on the great virtues. 

You have a skill, walking on the road per day is your sweat on your forehead - Bible End Day.

I know my every claim, all these money hurting me, I have a reason my liking only Heaven and Hell. Not a lot to ask, I personally make a glory of you each name if you succeed. This world is full of the external factor willing. 

Every court cares about your innocent, I believe you. This Games of Throne to join the conversation. I already read the Bible I need long time ago, that virtues deed per saying by the sweat of your forehead and per barley, per bread you eat.

Remember I am the Lord, it will never be love anymore, I can tell you that. I hate!

China has nothing to offer, on this WWII all the way to South Asia, ever since Square shows up, they move them to Singapore. I care about my magazine, they usually put the award logo below this company website on the health insurance. I invest on myself whichever 2 years ago(?), and these hospitals have a great magazine stands except the finger print. Even UB alumni (Obama swallow the saliva second proof reading ) has a magazine to their local. The mug and the cup.

You like to put a hole on your head skull, like I say, I know my every claim. 

I don’t have the patience….that’s the least virtues I ever ever claim !!


You are 2 time direction away from me. ( very visible all your might all your air all your energy for some reason ) The Game of Throne fashion to put back the society in 500 years in disease and the public health included. I do not agree. It’s only the modern sleek, high tech, or any technology like the home air purifier, Hank does those IT, they are close enough I can see. They are not the main star. I am.

This is only the Heaven and Hell I care about, so until the court room judge through with you to show off your pride and the egotism, my attention will already be shift. You UB are great friends to each other, so younger, you all 100 can submit your high light bank statement, your bank will be inform if they print you false or you print yourself. But I believe you are very very confident this page three hundred ninety four, no one knows, shi…the Game throne clothing wardrobe, you are especially either fascinating   …

Riley the future says you are all in debts, that future book publisher. The humanity too tight? I only care the money per show up bank says. Not one borrowing. Best. 

None of you will ever enter my house keeping maid world, that Original Home Heaven, that’s forbidden. Of course forbidden, you are all criminal charged. When I get home, I will be long forgotten all this pain, I am telling you. 

Most Lord coming down one person, they go to their external factor, UB per dollar drop. I know that’s 10,000 UB community, finish this 2024 written to all Heaven is bar down. For my own original home, it’s eternity bar down, all these name and the high tech photo upload. Today.

In case I die. This year we finish this one Earth legal, the final ruling of the final judgment- you find someone else the original home the original Heaven. It will be forever and eternal never never never ends my heaven’s gate. Ever.

UB 10,000 people community 

No, you are the external factor, you are gearing to imagine you collect for yourself the Game of glory Bible ending, I have no idea why this Bible dream the wedding, Keanu?

I need …you require everyone begging you anyway. I guess very few care by now, your eternal glory heaven and hell, you bet on it.

  1. A generic reports my lab here, that video you see, that street. Walking.
  2. CAT scan and X-ray, the Main Street is their nice luxury x-ray facility. I remember, my bone doctor is married to Taiwanese on that same road toward the East. I found it from the yellow book. The door outside for every Amherst resident. You live in America there is governmental things everywhere you can see. 

To say salvation, that’s just an airline routing to show up here yourself to submit your every works to imagine a free Heaven office landing, by my merits, cheap. 

This Earth …

Finish the eternity office at this office location, you wait the eternity Eon to when your government finds you another Bible best. You have the 5 Major religion, that Pope must agree with it after me. Every Pope, I feel shaky….

They got bankrupt by me. When ? This year or before this year, then I sign bar down. 

We are not related. 

The first eternity

The second eternity …5 eternity. I think Bible is a library reference only. You have only that one Bible really. The library approves. Only that one Bible.

When the court shows up, I ask them.

Your every Lords descend to from the Heaven border to the physical universe will be nothing but the military dominating forces, your air travel like Babaji. But he already was ….God knows when he was a human ? He is in the hell, that reference cannot be used anymore. 

Indian general, he is taken. He cannot be reborn at this time, he knows he gonna fail.  The face and the romance. I don’t know about the money part. 

I meant whichever your government will find another original home Heaven Lord to be there ….near by. Those human normally by themselves, the way you design your school university curriculum, most people don’t have a classmate or a club. 

There is one, he is an Asian eye glasses. I think he will care about the money, or just copy everything I got. He has also math problem but he does the math.  He needs you to pay ? Every service he gives you. 


To fix up …what ? 🦅🦅🦅 

Your parents can, they can ask me if you Samsara at, just 3 things to say the prove of your existence on Earth. 10,000 dollar it’s per head count, your parents will ask you per name. I walk myself to the UB alumni telling them Obama or that’s across the UB police. The UB librarian chat room calls the UB police. The Lockwood across it another direction at?

I told Shane let’s go. He might be very impaired I think. 

The UB alumni database is in Adria used to work at in Capen 2nd floor ?? Seth should know …Obama didn’t know! Puss in Boots. He gone to the physical structure of the Alumni building. His Heaven and hell walking from student Union, my bike was tie over there. Right across his voting booth Pepsi center, ice skating rink, my mail box, his voting registration ticket arrive. All across each other to another.

That’s not where Sailor Moon Sailor Uranus Lee’s carnival we met in carnival, it’s across the Student Union parking lot. It’s all in there. 

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