
Ronan ~ the birds say ... pleasing sound to hear.

Ronan likes to hear a talk like, Brian....how I Anna run away Ireland to Taiwan. (Birds pleasing melodious sound)



  • King and this 23.5, geography facing this entire universe on his own.
  • They click a bottom the starship misled, its straight arrive to my roof.
  • He sees that? If he arrives?

You plan that for him in advance, because he wasn't here, when me doing this America and China since 2018-2020. (2021 those singing song from Korea, or Japan)

  • A family talk, Kian or Nicky (the stage says, I response)
  • The bank, the career, their current life career where evolve.
  • I plan that talk ahead of time, to them both and Shane.

You plan this talk ahead, when they are on the tour, when they are restful, this whole year + 6 months. At the mean time this Hugh, the Duke of Westminister bringing him slowly in that conversation, I plan that for Kian and Nicky, and then Hugh. (Shane get used to the leadership talk in 2023, this year is 2024. Hugh's personal life)

When their Europe is under the war fire, that is Kian and Nicky, I pretend I am fake, on cooking and the home roof, when that is the emergency, I run about? I running? No one home, that kind of the attitude, my career is outside?

How do I mean, if in the emergency, Kian and Nicky eats and sleep, Shane goes on the microphone and talk. He eats at those camp site? But here we don't have those war time. They just waiting until Shane arrives. He flies on his own?

You want to try a different talk, because these birds making the hell of my life.

You know you gonna be Jesus, or you gonna be Keanu Reeves?

Inside your head. There is a difference, of course there is a difference!

Were you used to be this Panda outside gate? You coming together with them and stay at Taiwan 23.5, I just curious if you cared about it, they don't teach you the second time.


Without that Westlife or anyone from Boyzone. I was wondering if they got told, whichever reason Gately die on the TV, its they without you...you go along with anything in mind, with your brand new family, you plan to think for them, they think for you......or you plan a life front and back for them, like me does that for those 10, or the justice things, or the paper works its that Magic Breakfast lady they got the girls to process the writing, all that? File-ing.

Kian or Nicky stays with my birds, which roof, you gonna be....a lot of those military senior, they stand in the rain, when the thunder comes about 2 years ago, it might be a tradition why they keep doing that on the paper drawing dots. 

Is Shane goes with you? Trio on the top, that is a roof, correct, next by the castle. Correct.

That is 2 Irish talking to them England Royal, and how do they live in those giant Panda places, the giant room gonna stay this square meter apartment, the food, or the office? They gonna communicate with these birds on their own roof, you planning that for them, or they imagining that, or my birds don't shut up...its when the clouds talk on their side of the tower.

No, you have to be one person handling one Shane, and 9 or 11 them on your own.

Sorry, Germany.....no, I say that. Interstellar. 

My website landing in Poland and Spain, not Germany, Ronan.

Sam is from Swiss church unify, knows Adam Davis (knows ...Daniel the host brother, Martin German, Madrigal), that time has this 4 or 5 Summerset German guys including my prom date, a German girl Nicole got drugged and lost the language all completely in America that time.

Ronan, do you find another planet, on your own without them 3....problems. Queen says this is the only planet, you with them 3 best. They got the money and the power. Even me Anna got the tiny money and power.

You will be a sad guy, dozz off on the chair in the group room or the classroom, those kinds of the guys, away from the main activities those. Til they found you, or the American military finds you drill a hole those.....you be taken some leadership, the public speaking like the inspirational, or the New Age close, those leadership talk. They look vibrant....but you won't happy. You don't have one friend at all. That time. Its a teacher's job. Not the current any leadership in front of you with the problems. Those position is a teacher's job.

This is not going to be I hear about it....something about Westlife? 

Airport scene, you want to ask Shane, how does this coming about?


🍵🍲 Is this about Kian and Nicky becoming a family, or me with whom becoming a family.....you and Shane buddy?! One of those talk, Shane does the talking first.....

Planning doesn't mean it will get through, its just a talk. From my part, or from their parts.

You got fired from Westlife or Boyzone too? 

Lemon, otter says (24 seconds)


Something about Jonathon suicide in 2008, Dean returns from Oxford, he pushing Dean on the medical school stuffs?

And a round table you Ronan with all of the guys eating? You don't have a date from the ladies, each bring a girl, I get jealous those things? This birds keep doing this, when my thought rise, they lecture me. So my thoughts would be you Ronan?

"They should be all dead" (After the first line 2008)

Birds say you shouldn't have that belief, or thoughts.

I never...had a thought (Before this image round table....all guys?)

Jesus would be the early Christian, those Round Table Knight story, right?

Chinese in English translation: 圓桌騎士

 Knights of the Round Table

Mid of 12 century ....is that 1100-1200....near the printing book technology shows up. 13th century I think. oh ~~~ this is not about you think Ireland is Ireland, American is American, that stuffs....did you immigrant to America, Ronan? That is 50 states, not Ireland barren land like Gately says, really. You miss the Irish, the Ireland people if you are in America, nothing had that culture, or the Europe culture.....when? 

When you immigrant? 

I mean now.....those presidents are still alive, no matter what. To the tradition, you need to be one person face that entire America better. Without....you imagine if Westlife or Boyzone, they are with their family in America or in Ireland. You and your agent not even that close, you know that. In the real music industry, Ronan.

Tesla did. That is Katherine story. Tesla was from Lica, but he works with GE in the European company at that time. One day, he got a referral letter to arrive NYC, where he met Edison. Titanic, its when Katherine board that ship.....there is a lot of those saying, I travel by myself to California without those UB facebook baggage, but that is not my fault. 

I just remember now.....because Taiwan Youtube gone to Iceland, OU language....I got so mix up. Until this sovereignty people moves you to America, my peripheral changes. How do you gonna move to America, the immigration? And my mother keeps going to NYC. I remember, so now I say. I didn't think they might be settle in America long time ago, they speak in English.

The Taiwan youtuber 1 and 2 and 3, keep going this castle Princess Diary (the sister), the brother gone to Iceland, or England with Hook, and castle, and then Italy.....Their entire TV shows is in Ireland. I didn't think about it.

You have a visual....you Ronan, I draw you the PDF. The England is in England, I am guessing they are not? They keep drawing me the map from Ireland. From me...but toward that Ireland, or Ireland to South America, passing by us?

Even the Interstellar. This entire visual map inside, you think its by my guessing the map, its a route from American East side military to arrive Ireland.....how does this Lords of Rings works, I have to peek at Babaji side?

Next - Ronan and America

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