
Ronan travels to America

  1. We will not tell you when we travel, or they travel individually from Westlife or Boyzone, right?
  2. The Irish to see the Irish graduate association other than the Chinese vs Taiwanese, those?
  3. The Irish food similar to little Italy, that will be near Nick in Canada more. Buffalo isn't that much. He went to find out.
  4. California is where the Asian food, the center is too far, my mother supposes to be in NYC.
  5. This is the private life - how we each operate to live and breath in America

Another sheet.....PDF

  • I am doing things with this America for as long as I ever imagined, I never changed that tones, because it started with 2018-2020. That two side the loudest of the 5 continent, its this one Pacific Ocean. They need other Indian Ocean, or Atlantic Ocean or near Arabic those every side, between the coastline to trigger the Hunger Game/ Catching Fire - 2018-2020. Everyone knew that.
  • I feel nuisance and uncomfortable to Ireland, but I comply no matter what, that is the guy's world, that is always look like that. But now you talking about if I live in America, I always live in America, how do I speak and write in English, and all those alternative media, everyone watching the main stream media?
  • You speaking Irish? Do you speak Irish at home?
  • Do you have those little Italy idea or China town similar to the Irish society. Ola has. The polish world. I heard from someone.
  • So are you half American 25 years gone by......If I am in America, things are a lot easier to operate. Duke University, that is where Toby from. She got a lot of them when they travel to California that time, I met some.
  • The Ukraine war, that is the president flies. 
  • The most American don't talk about Bill and Kerry, those are not the normal words, or the normal conversation every put in the mind, in the soul, on the dinner table. I am correcting these UB all of them...screw it up at their Thanksgiving. Where will you be this Thanksgiving?
  • You are not one of those Irish, you go to America to control the Irish, the Ireland?
  • How can that be that easy things to do?

The university in the 50 states, of the America. The United States is the 50 states combine including the Haiwaii. They have the undergraduate association and the graduate association, what you know as the student activities are comprise of the Greek Society and the Clubs. I'm just curious you got told first, not you be told later on....

There is a difference when you found out, and then you bossing people at their student tuition slips, other than the IT fee (the UB Micro, the Legally Blonde, Eben and the PC meets)

You can look at BYU, Peyton's student activities selection?

Your club would be only Irish student club, is that what it is?

I gone to the chemistry club, the chess club, the robotic club, APO is the fraternity, the girls were in CAC clubs
JC gone to the dinners were the Sorority.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzJSvWqZL1A

Are they still doing the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants?

You care about that Ireland that much.....I don't think so. But Taiwan Youtuber shouldn't lie about it.  American gasoline price is very high. The home growing garden is I feed Shane, or Kian (Nicky).....or you are a backup singer, the stage lie those?

I knew about those music company, they are very thorny at people, why....its a commercial cold cut. You do something wrong, you get cut. They are not your friends like you saying you interfering their family or the family circle when you go behind, other than the work telephone to call, same to your agent too. This world don't have those faith religion things, I wonder if you knew about that. 

The Legally Blonde 1 and 2 = the Law Firm, and the Congressman

People use the IQ to discern all of these front movie scene, each of them the same opportunities. I put forward something. Its now their turn to imagine, either me, or them talking something real or fake. No, those are not the student clubs. No.

The birds say, you cannot control that Europe (maneuver), or controlling that America.

You need to.

Jesus used to meditate in the dessert for 40 days. The conversation with the devil in the Bible.

They do fasting. The meditation and the fasting. I done that curezone thing all throughout those year, so one of those fasting and meditation was combine.

I built up 1 days to 2 days to 3 days, and 21 days without the food. 
They human body is 41 days die without the food, the hunger response. I have the water or the apple juices. They contain the sugar, to elevate the blood pressure for me as the women. 

You talking about when I was younger doing that. 

But at least one of this Jesus as the religious Tibetan material from Dr. Steven Hairfield.....those SMTV, you realize, you have some other sources for this one Jesus material.

America doesn't dress like these Asian fashion, I used to wear those outlet mall stuffs.

North of that UB. 

They have those teens clothes when people are thin. Ruth, A & F, Holister, or American Eagle. That is the students those wear.

I look like the 5 years old....I am saying.

Ronan, you are on AI.

The whole universe blow opens wide, every single day on AI high tech photo shooting. 

If I am not in Ireland, or England or Asia here. As if I am not on the planet.......

You returning home in Ireland, or visiting England, or imagine 23.5 on your own. You yourself if England is at home. You ....alone. That is the definition, or you will be telling me before you attempt any funny thing, Shane calls Kian and Nicky? Are you planning to get married, soon? So that Duke is not too lonesome....and you have your life a little bit on happier spirit, other than the round table knight those things. Too many guys' air, and no one process the paper works. With Jesus, that girls will feel very special. 

Next -Panda....those girls too near, I think he is a gay.

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