
You are not talking to her, or you 2 screaming back and forth.

You wearing the sun glasses indoor, or I keep seeing you have or you don't have this sunglasses, when? Inside the car? You don't have one friend you invite in your house, your neighbors with 2 kids running around, and Meghan handling those social events?

  • You think,....they are a little bit too commercial saying? Her networks?
  • My Harry Potter side are nothing but the junks?

Similar to your brother's side, the classmate near Kate, all those facebook used to be. He needs to move away from all of them or her, but happier? You mean you cared what I say about the system data those stuffs from the same school?

Right, they are the commercial driven type of the people, or the social networks have to gear up to the professionalism. Right. You found out after you got married, sort of like that? 

Why don't you tell your father, you wish to go back to the school. This is not what you think at the first, your Harry Potter years are getting younger and younger. One of those behind your thought, that is 20 years down, that is 40 years down, those classmate age longer longer wide spread, and you remember what that Anna says.

This is where you cared about those Hailey / Adam yesterday, or Petyon he went to the university? I don't really know them, their facebook or his facebook you cared about it? I never look to be honest. Too busy.

No, I haven't. 

You cared about this Harry Potter, so why don't you go to the professional and asking them, ask about your decision in life what you did, or what had happened, write it down, or type it out, your mind is not that tighten up. You have 2 kids, you need to raise that family up, in front of the whole public. 

You have something to hide, so you want to go back to school, or you have anything major you want to go to the school to majoring in them?

Your book sale good, the royalty fees you can sustain yourself for the rest of your life, or you got jailed everyone heard those things inside the books? All that?

Something you heard inside your brain, too many things... other than hiding inside the school wall. You have to say it, no one knows anything about that.

This is not what you think the Harry Potter 25 years ago, you want to start with this.....I Anna cannot have the classmate or those UB walkway where I stay in the school, to imagine I used to be, or knowing this leadership. 

Even Westlife on their Wiki, they are the classmate from the same university or college, they finish their school after those touring bands life. I never ask them, I am not sure.

Its the yellow highlight, or that is the red in ink? I want to know.  No I didn't do anything with Petyone. I told everyone here to go or he goes to collect 1000 classmate, did I say that to him on the phone? I don't think I actually speak to him last full year were on Kian or Nicky's phone later and this year. I saw the otter, so I fix this American president, and your father and Adam's father, what are they doing? 

This is what Hailey their video yesterday, or that is Owen things he smiles? I throw Adam to Spain 2 years ago...or 3, when I say they exist with their father's MD world. I don't remember. You mean that Spain university professor? I don't have it anymore. This Valetines' Day, that is V, so I taken everyone out of my pages from the facebook. 

The facebook shows up I put him back....I don't have it anymore. You guys think I target at any of you as the Prince. He doesn't have that much hair.

You have a current lifestyle, you have a military controlling factor during these games, or got told what to do all the time. You write it down what you heard, or you think, and put that on the piece of the paper, so you remember what you worry so much. You hate this Harry Potter and the classmate with or without? You went to join the military after the high school. You called your high school in England as the Eton College, I don't really know what that is. Your grade is D, you cannot go back to the university when you apply to England anywhere. You gonna make it up your high school grade, re-do all that?

This is about the Do Little movies? They show up, or you know whom those 2 were, and they 2 finishes the school, like your cousin, like Meghan the sorority stuffs, you start to find out, what? That book is a gossip books, there is no quality in it, one time sell sell sell? 


Peyton I heard someone says he is accounting major, he may not have any time to collect his facebook. I never talk to this guy. 

You are panicking over something, you write it down, type it on the MS word, save at home, or print that out, you leave it on your desk. You breath a little bit? 

You went to the local college, or the community college, or some bigger university in California? And you walk in to find out, or you stay there to find out? The classmate, or the registration desk? The transcript office? If you got deny, you will never enter the university in your one lifetime, all this things happened on the news, you imagine you admission through the school, at which location? US or UK?

I think your grade is in D. That is....not possible?!

Technically, I only knew one guy name nick. Its not as bad as the rest of those older couple with the youth. He was in the retirement mode, with me, he just left this entire world behind or even his kids, so just 2 of us. I don't know one his association, and he went to meditate so we both just sleep at home, or he stays on his computer all that.

I have those UB entire classmate + 1 him. It will not be if some other cases because the youth goes and buddy with the older bracket, and they gonna die. Mine side...its one him. I never call, never contact, never cared one thing in his life. I can only be in Canada for 2 or 3 months a year. 6 years we stay on the email all that.  Now I just take care of my mother. If UB classmates they stay on the facebook, they read my facebook just like these entire 20 years, they already know where I always abuse these social media very common language to them.

You cannot do that to your own classmate. 

You are putting something in your mind, you go and talk to someone.

When I tutor them, do I like those feeling? 

We are not buddy together, that is what you mean. I am not socializing with them, no.

How many years difference? 

I think sofemore or junior that time, I was 24 and 25. They would be 19 or 20, or even 21 They pretend they look young, there are the black in it.  If I am 24, they were 19, that is 5 years difference, they took the organic in the sphomore year. I never check their age.

This is not Nicky they are the classmate to each other? I don't really need anymore this handicap idea to be honest. But they are probably the classmate like their wiki says, they went to the school after those time, or always been in some kinds of the studying program. The fan wants them to finish their school, all that. They wish at this time, they had finished their school, and buddy one or 2 classmate on their facebook? I have no idea whom they are.

This is the movie, or this is your book?

Or this is the time, everyone has their own university classmate, or some friends, or the graduate school buddy next by the military someone says they have the classmate near by them, or the associating professor, all that combine? 

About the movies.

Hugh that boy, the Bolton boy.....him and his world, or his movie all that....he cannot have the classmate all that.  Walking to the tourism in NYC Empire State building how to ambassador program himself to insert that conversation. He got the classmates, you saw it? He told you that? 

He only has 3, I told him 8-10, me and Nicky pretending to stand there. Him + his wife + another best friend. 

The reality and the movies don't sound like what you think, or you in controlling how to compete and compared, all that?  That would be Meghan she has her facebook or the Sorority groups? Their grades were not in D. Yours were.

You go and tell your father, you wish to finish the school, Just call him or message him, and say you wish to finish the school. At home or at the school, how to do that?

You got motivated, or you got sway, or you seeing something here or there, not your original Harry Potter idea, all that were bad, or good, or plans, or something got screw it up, your brain got screw it up. Now you want to go back to the school to prove it.

So you tell your father.

They talk in any language

"I ask my professor first, or my classmate, we were in the same mechanical engineering major."

Those things bothers you? No one side with you? You go near the military positions? You cannot control that youth, the younger boy or the younger girl, to do what? Assasin, or put into the drug format, your plan be found in the Harry Potter or in the college time?

No one holds on your little "feet" like yesterday that cloud white says? In Chinese, we say that. Someone holds your little tail, the pony tail on the guy's. To blame you later on.

That is ilegal, whatever you seeing yourself as the Snape, or those colder House, you keep having an agenda, its to control that person to do what you wish to do, every ilegal act its all ilegal. That is false. No one in this world wants to end like that, certainly never in that military. They all can tell you have an agenda, like that Simon too, or like that Keanu too. 

You cannot just go killing anyone you want from that American soil, or you put a ship on the sea, so that killing feeling the sizzling to your soul for fun. You want to kill someone, and you want to kill those youth boys or the youth girls, touching each other hands for the girl-to-girl, and no one with these decades or 40 years pass on, no one, not one more person.....looking at your faces, it will look like that?

Frighten to scare away. They are all my look, not those Hollywood.

My look.

All those ABC European or in itself, everywhere you wish to associate, your face, your photo, your everything is going to bend that back over that 40 years down.

75 years to say one sea venture right.

That will be the Sleeping Beauty, the evil Queen story to the prince on the horse bend back, 100 years. 

Disney classic Snow White, the mirror on the wall, to that evil faces, and aging. You keep looking at these Red River Manga, the treason every Queen's position to sound literal?

Your father or someone put that news today there? Camillia?

She knows its every Queen's position she cared about it? and it hits you these stories? Every Queen's inside the movie monitor?

Your England military is not mine on those sea, which sea they doing their jobs including I am their jobs, if that is what I think it looks like, not swirling from West to East for fun including look up this Katie's materials in Safe Haven for Kate or the King or Prince William. Sometimes they do that on their own imitative. 

Not my things to command, whichever the stories you put through the airs to imagine another....you imagine someone like me cared about the right or wrong, to get that in front of anyone, or even the public.

We go through with this last time already.

Mirror Mirror (Julia Roberts, the Queen)

Mirror Mirror (M2M, Danish song singer)

Disney all classic movie: Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella. 


The education department and military clash...


The education (with Congress) and the military collaborate, NEVER you Harry Potter, the greatest wizard to sway, 2 party. I say 3 here. You got mix it up.

You keep doing this 2 party, you insert yourself in. Yuri?

You think you gonna make 2 party kills each other? No.

No, I think you are very very dedicating all your time for those street games between one side party to another. When everyone is shape up the university or Ph.D or Master degree, you keep doing this high school street tricks how to sell drugs exactly the schematic road.  When things are ilegal, you go to jail with it. I say no, the thousand times. Whichever military title they given you. 

You this time, the junction is not to going back to the school, so we end this conversation right here. Your motive is not pure. Your brother is not doing that on purpose, one thing he will never do, at least looks like....its not Education Department and Military complex to go literally flares up, each other, one side all dead, the other survives.

Mummies (1999) the third movie.

Maybe next time you pretend to approach that teacher, just telling her at her faces, I think you are all useless governmental paychecks, those little money to spell these I am not the Greatest Wizard of all time, the military title for you to play my trick how to manipulate those youth to sound like listening to the teacher, to kill one of you in England Royal upper class, denoted 25 years ago, written in the Star means. 

Someone will recognize your all talent in this thinking per thought degree, someone surely will know you have that talent, left and right, one party to another. Someone must know. You gamble on it. 

No, it doesn't exist anymore, since 21th century on, the modern sleek continue the eternity, everyone wants to get up higher their education requirement

It doesn't exist anymore.

You ask her. 

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