
Do you mean Sushi ? The news?

You know where is your cookie at Number 2 (the Escalator)

Your phone hard case (before your hand will reach your escalator.....that exit is Number 2)

Your Hallo Kitty is going straight, not on the right escalator, its the straight ahead the elevator. We are talking about the same things.

If you use the exit 4, should be on your right, when you coming out of the metro card swipe the exit....There is a left side "corner" when you coming up but your eye sight turn to the left 1 second, that is the mountain hill sports higher price of the sportswear (your Europe weather still too cold), this store has a small walk road to that pillar with the menu or the wall is the menu...your Japanese Sushi.


Do you mean the phone company, they only have 10 selection on display, at your bus 41, that ugly leopoids hotel (5 Star) that whole block, if you keep walking away from the bank, that entire street is the post office they re-located, and that phone company. Their across with our mayor sign the whole building to "urban renewal" - Right now too hot...but maybe when the season you can walk out, his giant signature is on the outside of the building, face the entire block of road is annihilated, flat. You cannot miss it, the telephone company, they have a logo. You need an umbrella to walk there. Too hot.

After 5 oclock, or you mean 4 oclock....on that annihilated floor plan whole block that side, your wife might like all those little girls stuffs I put on my hair, all that and the women's those pink or nice bags, right next by the bank, next by the Daan Metro. In the morning, they are nothing but the breakfast, cheap. Its for the students, you don't need to go there.

You just walk a lot those block .....you stay where his signature, you have the family mart, or something you can see the food, you feel happy. The phone (that 41 that block), its the wedding photoshoot shop......there is nothing around there. 

Behind there, has more food, but none of you eating those kinds of the food.

41 goes to your Eva airline.

No, you can just take 226 from 588 that road, away from 101, the booth should be at that Madison Hotel, that coming island 5 walk step to the bus booth, that is the direction be away from the 101, you see if there is a number 226 on it. That goes to your 3C. You probably just take the taxi, too hot outside. 

Losing weight, me and my mother leisure that day....its...losing weight I think.

no, if you are at the Hallo Kitty that road block, you need to walk across though, that same direction away from 101.

If you are really inside the night market, it would be T that real estate (your 7-11 next by the furniture street that corner in front of Camillia) has the bus booth, no, her across, that 3C exactly you went yesterday, 5 steps, that is the bus booth. Its all the same road 信義路。

I AM waiting these 194, or at least the Asian Pacific any commander coming up the land...

To be right gluey at my monitor, my face cannot leave this gluey my cheek right on my PC monitor. I take Shane one by one. I always just next by him, if he wants to learn, I wait him, when he comes out, one of those I go first, he walk behind, or he goes first, I see him from behind.

You want to buy the instant noodles......I am watching Shane' Westlife Uptown girls, what do they say? You eat instant noodles? Where is your stainless cup?

7-11 or 全聯 has so many branding of the instant noodles and its not ONE, its 6 in packs.  Do you want to by the way looking at their Frozen session freezer?  They have those dumpling branding not the hand made, its the company made, and some those egg dumpling its in yellow, they only sell you like 10 in one those small dumpling branding. You might like it better.

Its shrimp and made by swallow !!!!


Small tiny? Correct.

You probably imagine we Asian only really eating the dumpling in life.....

Can I go to sleep? Before the news, I fall asleep, that's why I wasn't on the computer.

I cannot go to sleep, if you keep running at this city...I am too afraid, so I am awake, except yesterday if I sleep one afternoon, I tell you the life after 5 oclock ~~~ shopping ~~~~

Its raining now .....

Stop raining.

Listening to NSYNC, Justin's news, I remember now. Lisa ....from Black Pink, they were in Taiwan, they were the girl's groups from Korea. 

Panda from England, what is this carrots wipe his head?


Panda doesn't eat the carrots, its the rabbit. 

(raining again)

You looking for a chocolate M & M or the measurement tape? oh ~~

My hardware store, they do sale those .. the chocolate things, you mean you seeing that? Right, they...sale some snacks, it is.

I am watching the Celine Dion video (right, I usually scrolling the video)

cannot sleep....

The big rain ~~~~~~~ Splash rains.....

Our night market when its in the morning, NOT this afternoon....early morning, has those American where the Westerner's white people know the Chinese vegetable as Bok Choi. We do have that, I know from American they eat that. I am not sure Europe they eating the Bok Choi?

The fruits and the vegetable location, they just happened...one is at the beginning, and one is at the ending when you going in, walking all the way towards the back. The same straight ahead, one road back and forth. They design like that. The herbs, the red chilly pepper, the certain greens are all the way back. They design like that. Its about 3 blocks on your feet, and the way they design, where you seeing the Italian pizza, that is a small few degree....to say....well, they design would be, you walk a lot more than those block you thinking what is the beginning where the fruits place, the coconut water, or the orange juice bottle to...the Green veggie, all the herbs types, or the vegetarian tofu, has to turn, you dragging a cart.

You mean you and your wife, as a family unit imagine that, right?

That is where you exit to coming out of the narrow road, to where the main road, you calling a taxi maybe. They design ours like that. The other market, not very clean, like my uncles those, he has to come here this side. Irene loves the food, at the night vendor, so...they never tell their parents they were here at night. A lot of the kids doing that. 

The meat place? Morning, or night?

Its a b b ball gaming zone. Day or night....one of those? saying?

Its very very dirty, never going in there. 

It would be a lot healthier, not every meal outside, I would be honest to say. It is everywhere you can acquire the food in the restaurant style, but....its very oily, and salty too.

(Thundering ...a lot healthier.)

Your Pizza Hut, (compass), the second floor is the Pizza Hut, next by is the Pharmacy Watson. around that corner to another side the second floor, its where that Venus restaurant your 235 arrives (also second floor)

You invites those Asian official, you meaning your VIP if they are Asian, or you mean your parents? They eat those a lot finer other than those 101 that 鼎泰豐。

I find the website, you look.

京星 (235) the second floor up, next by your hotel / the cake bakery....Tom's world that side. More near ....okay you find it yourself. Not that much walk. Of course not. 


Menu: https://www.citystar.com.tw/menu

You were stressful to eat.....without the VIP, so you already seen the Western food, I thought you say the Asian. Now you are more stressful?

This is next by the Pizza Hut (Watson), 2nd floor, around that corner, next by Pizza Hut (the entire corner 2nd floor)


Hong Kong dim sun: Here

Hong Kong 燒臘 Here

From the top, at the forth navigation bar, you have 10

9 is the vegetarian, 10 is the rice or the noodles. 

Its W Hotel that road? YES

Taxi: 去光復南路口,過了紅路燈 (我們在忠孝東路) 有個 Pizza Hut 口口,大巨蛋的對面

Or in general, anywhere you want to go there, you say, I want to go to the intersection of ...

我想要去忠孝東路跟光復南路口,大巨蛋的對面停車,有個 Pizza Hut.

I want to go to this intersection road block, the Giant Egg across, stop the car, there is a Pizza Hut. (忠孝東路跟光復南路口)

Stressful? Not there.....then where?!!!!

Are you or were you in the Louisiana Coffee, to shade the rain? That is next by the bike store Giant. 

That is the Westerner all food, the cookies, the cake, or anything in that window, looks like pastry.

My phone has this City sent to us the rain forecast. Its until 3:15 this rain. 

The severe thunder rain. You can take the taxi to the 市立圖書館 about 2 block walking, again.....they design like that. Its a private library. Today is Wedn, they close on one of the Thursday on the monthly calendar.

In English: https://english.tpml.gov.taipei/

Giant next by that Louiana Cafe front? You turn right on the American embassy those road, to go find your library in the end of next few block, and turn right again.

Taxi: 你在前面右轉美國大使館,就在前面的第一個路口,右轉下去,其中一個底就是右轉,就是市立圖書館,在那邊停。

Home Menu?

7-11 Vacuum chicken? Boiled? My salad food photo those? How I make this for Shane or for Westlife here in Taiwan? 

(touch my air, my antenna broken...maybe) 

That is not the England food right?

We have a Party Fruit can, a giant one too. Look exactly like the photo here on the left, and you add the soy yogurt.  

This is about yesterday? Me and Thor and Francis (next by Frank)?

Or the cooking?

You want to ask me about SMCH those things? Her group?

No, I am the China Buddhism across. Not this. Its finished.

No, just leave them alone. I don't need to be personal knowing any of them, not really. I can write, and that's about it. No, not personally knowing, of course not. 

Just do your own things, I have no associating with them. I deal with the movies to sound like 194 get the paper work file-ing, those things don't exist. You are not me to grow up here. WE HAVE NO religions ~~~~~

Next- Your food menu?  More vegetarian, the purple onion and potato? Not the purple onoin.

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