
The food menu - More vegetarian, the purple onion and potato? Not the purple onion.

The vegetarian dishes ...

American eat those colder rapinni salad, or something funnel, those cold in the window glasses for people getting a little bit and very expensive, those cold in the fridge salad? I would never do that to Shane, to give him the cold food. But I ask anyway....In Chinese, you give your husband the cold food, I can go to hell with it. 

I would warm up the devil eggs. No eggs?! Just the oven. I walking in and out of the kitchen in my personal space all the time, WHEN they 194 can come in and doing these jobs, I no longer feeling it, my face is glueing at the monitor screen every single day. 

I don't actually know what Shane eats. I am trying to think ....the Shepard's pie, those. Its very fat ....its potato and ground beef. The green bean casserole is the vegan ground beef, right...the whole things he can imagine the green beans boiled?!

I asked him what his mother cooked, those food probably, he likes those. I prepared the ingredient, and he goes to the kitchen to make what he feels to eat, unless he tells me exactly how to make that, in the literal words not those traditional hand writing. I used to seeing that...no one can read the recipe. 

Yes, I ask him that, correct. 

I don't think he sees the home cooks 4 or 5 dishes in front of his faces, he lives by himself, he goes out and he eats. The stable things every single day. 

I make those pocket things, I think that is the Irish they like. Those are the frozen nature, and he can oven them. Its the same way how to create the frozen session all food stuffs. Except the home food is a lot healthier without the inside preservative to keep the shelf life a lot longer and they can keep it for the military warehouse for the emergency store up. Home made no. Definitely no. 

This is me? No. Here is the capital, I am showing you the exact things, called the capital, WE HAVE NO RELIGION. 

I think....it might be 25 years later, the American court, you all going there to cook, America has the Christian religion. WE ARE NO RELIGION here is the capital life. I am touring you to show you, you are not done this week, then I just keep going.....this is a CITY.

You want the pasta looks like a boiled pasta, a white rice is a cooked white rice.

OUR rice cooker? The white white clear seen the rice?

The okra, the zucchini, and the eggs? Each thing looks individual those? 

The shrimp, the fish, and the clam? The boiling methods, all of them? 4 stoves you mean? She does that?

( Thundering )

The boiling chicken ? The whole chicken .....

You can get 8 Stove like those Western world house I think. You re-modeling the whole apartment inside. You couple cooks? That is not you all going to your home land to cook, you all have to be together coming to me, here, all together, this is Middleton those, Hunger Game, you help them, all together girls cooking? I don't need it. 

You get 2 tall security guard, + one Olivia her dragging that cart, or another girl. That 2 dragging you or that cart together....you put your bag in front of you, those light travel guys with the money. The security behind you watching you all around. Its all safe, but there might be pocket lifter, my mother those look or her wallet so ugly....so...its not that dangerous, I can go in too. I just thought you might worry, you get 2 + 2 girls, its to drag that cart. You feel ease also, anywhere around you. They are pushing, or those are the Asian, sometimes they don't look at the road and hit you. That 2 guards just ensure you don't get touched. I hate the human touch me. - its for that reason. No, not like that Korea thing, you go early, there is no one there, and the fruits or the vegetable are fresh too.

Its at the very end those green veggie exist. If you live at Hyatt, that is the place I told you to stop the taxi, you walking in, you get all the herbs, the green veggie and the red pepper, you can get the potato, and some other things. The fruits .....I only know near me, that is not a vendor, its a physical store with the fridge. 

Its not like that?

The restaurant?! 

Something is wrong wrong wrong.



Hugh, you want to bring your mother and some family in? 

You talk and you use your hand to wave to them, this is the building, you look at it yourself?

And they understand you 1 to 20 about the things you intend to say, she is your mother. No, you don't make any decision, you ask her to help you, you telling her and them the correct things, be here with you. You don't need to be by yourself with Olivia, just run about. Tell them to show up. Her side and your side. Doing this you standing there with the taxi, and you wave your arm and hand to this. Look at it.

Babaji does that all the time.

No, you don't need to talk, you just wave your arm to her and pointing that to her, and let her see that words, or scene. Babaji does that to me ALL THE TIME. You do that to you 1 or 2 sister, and in-laws, and Olivia does that to her parents. Both sit down in these meal table. You can talk, you talk. You cannot talk, now you know its 5 mins or 10 mins taxi, its right outside your hotel location. You understand all that, but you need them to see it.

You cannot say it too clearly.

Something probably the cooking....if its not the library? 

Everywhere you travel in your plans, its not Taipei, but its Taipei?

You must just mean you married me instead....I am NOT going to Europe or Washington D.C? Until the further notice, you all need to tackle those your age or upper or lower age family kids as a parenting groups one day. 

So until you arrive to the correct location for the next business trips, you need to cook for them, not just if you staying here until Oct, someone hired the maid, you can stay indoor, just sleep, get up, sleep get up, hydrate, going to the bathroom, sleep get up, sometimes you have the works to do, so you stay indoor, to keep calm too.

No, I heard your VISA STAYING until OCTOBER?

So you bring your mother in, for 2 -3 weeks, full people in, together with you first week you will know, she will know exactly what you are saying to her. On the 2.5 half week, she knows for sure her leaving time, things are settle, the place are set, you are staying until Oct, or you are all leaving together to Japan, or America, or going HOME, together. You let her sometimes make some decision for you, you will feel a lot lighter, all of your family, or just your mother.

This is what I gonna cook for Shane? 

He....these menu is from China, those food. The oil, the garlic....I use the red chilly pepper. 

The washed Bok Choi, boiled, or stir fried with the soy meat. Maybe he eats the baby corns, some slice carrots.

(feeling the air)

I told you my antenna broken, its never stable anyway. 

Japanese those rice ball sushi wraps?

I never ate that when I grew up. Shane buys in 7-11, I ....don't really eat that much of the thick thick rice concentrate like that anymore, like that 7-11.

3310 That video?



Dr. Bing Shen cared about the family. I think they are similar. Not that W Two Worlds. He used to have a girl friend before he left China. He went to his Ph.D in Arkansas with the new wife bringing out together. They built that family together. She cooks for him, and she is traditional Chinese side of those just quiet in the house, to bring those 2 kids up, and they have to send the money back in China all that. He cannot talk all that right, and his university....but he got in City of Hope. He has a certain brain. He is clear.

She cooks for him, and she is an accountant, they tidy up those houses.

She is a ....well. She probably is one of those quiet type women. She praises him probably in the life behind, or encourage him type to do things. One of those things, she talks to him normal.

Well, I tell you a story, Toby and I were in that lab, its  a rectangle with probably 5 room and a lounge area. His whole space is like that 20 years ago. Big. He manages his TA in it.

So that day he never told me, but Toby knows he steps out to Washington D.C, she helps him in the English writing that time. So the day he got back, Toby told me he got the funding. I went to the hallway, he is glowing ....

So he probably went home, me and him in the car, and he got home to tell his wife.

I never talked to them. But he is that type glowing in the hallway when he got back and go home and tell his wife.

You want to call your mother, every location you seeing something new in the Taxi?

You got there, that type of the text message, or the text audio? 

A band is the main singer important ......I hate those backup singer, I should just trust that.

No, we were not in the same school. My school was only the girls.

Is this Avenger stuffs, how to group into a team. Shane comes here, there is no more those scene to buddy together in any group.

I like to stay home, not I really like to go out of the house every single day, for some reason. This computer is never stopping my cheek glueing on it.

You want me to tell your mother?

Taiwan has their groups of people to go to D.C. Not me

Ireland or England, not Shane.

Me and Shane will be the loneliest soul in this entire city, they all don't appreciate a certain situation, so they will use the rest of their life in Washington D.C until one thing getting it through. I am just saying it.

No, you bring your mother and the family in.

Sit down, all together, having their supports right in front of you. You don't put any thinking this saying, that guessing, all of this you thoughts on things. Wait until they come in, enjoy the family time together, in the end of the 3rd week, you can leave together, you feeling totally differently. Not those things. With them together, you as the family, having their supports, I say that again and again. It may not be anything real inside your head thinking, with them, make them happy, make yourself happy your family is with you together. 

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