
Frank says superstitious?

Okay !  ( One of those the love in front of me, Shane or Nicky those saying....SHANE ~~~)

So if I talk about Nicky. Nicky will be gone?! You mean the love, or some of the culture, two people be together? I am not sure its the money we will ever be together, to be honest. 1) My weather, my home 2) the food, I got tired of cooking  3) The interior design.

No, I don't know. Its all temporary. I don't talk about a certain thing with Shane. I am tired.


That is not a subject?  (No more cooking at home.)

oh ~ Hailey's father-in-law name Frank. No, I mean Venus that book typer-writer that book. This is the second video they were on little Owen and the family shopping in Costco. 


Shane doesn't look like the High School anymore, I was no more the high school. Me next by Shane in the 90s, like they were the European, and I was in the uniform Asia world not one English speaking?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHZvtXWVWeM

You all assuming people automatically speaking in English, so now its me speaking of the Mandarin and Taiwanese local language if Hugh he imagine he and Royal goes to China (NOT in Japan, how to read or sound like to Japanese otter. )

When I was 16 years old, and UK Thinkwell, on the male or the female reproduction organs to imagine PCAT, not the actual medical school, I got hang the last one year or 2 with the System Data all these things. oh ~ When I was in the high school, so Shane cares about it. Not anything between 16 years old up to now?

I don't really have my sibling since the middle school, I think. I ...I ....I reassure my mother on the eating table when HUGH cannot watch the birds, and stop calling me, "You sure Tina was not asking you the comic book ID to the bookstore what books she can borrow together from you without asking me?"

Taiwanese 台語,簡單的台語

The simplest Taiwanese I know.

My university activities probably like Tina's High school Music school activities + her bf, they were busy, and each person or the sibling engaged in their student clubs so diverged their attention not to go home to buddy together in those different ages when we grew up. The students clubs means you see a lot of people, walking in a lot of the people. I keep believing that is the reality since K1-K12, so in America, I am doing the same. I seeing none stop the people. 

They make a mess of a movie with their course work, and any discussion is not welcomed by me, because I am suffered in it. They might all end up dead because of all that, but those were the students clubs, maybe they knew they should be dead next by each other since they were the classmates or the clubs in itself. I think the girl think they are the guys too.  I start to realize that now ....Meaning the fist to fist, the scissor rock bond. I hardly can believe that's happening.   Most of you collect your high school, if you can go further, the university or the graduate school, this is the time other than the fist-to-fist talk, to be honest. All this TV monitor, something else talks about it.  I can tell !!

I never say this system data being together, its True love, or its not....but maturity, at least stand like you are standing, sitting like you sitting, talking correctly, some maturity, the two human talks about life.

Everyone is not talking about, What is "I Can Tell !!!" issues.

Not about that, then still on Cooking, Hugh I think they all take care of their skin works

In America, I think Kohl, a particular medicine creme is good. I will tell him that. 

Make it to the Maryland those groups, or whom else has from swapping in which direction of the land other than me = don't move, so everyone else is moving, you all still need to land, and buy, and cook your own immediately first meal when you land by yourself in the bus, on your own. Not here.

Shane or Westlife I know my way, if Shane was alone here, he heard everything else in advance, we have never talked about it the landing.

Hugh has a point, something outside a bit.....but here is all my shopping mall~~~~

Well, everyone in this 4 points frame worlds, cares about the love, many are. Those certain types of the youth on my video all around here. The food, the love, the hang out, the carefree style. I seeing a lot of that. A cooler car, to the Hollywood red carpet, or the gathering if you succeed will be the smaller gathering the cordious friends in any sphere. - How to keep it, the one life long statue.  Whenever you each whom finished these touring in this city, your own time, that quieter space and time, re-think, or re-thought, that evolution in your life. 

You wish, one of these stories, too many.....not one is true and correct. 

Right? Which story you like the best? 

Okay, I understand

Sorry, I sleep....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Shane and me NEVER were in the same high school. I was in the girl's high school, it was a volleyball team, cage behind a wall, the school wall or the gym wall. Not even inside my own classroom.

 (    Why, this high school, he was in his groups, I was in my group has no relation this much important to anyone's life, to be honest?  I have 194 countries the military honor, that would be Obama those American President right now whom needed what, and where becoming what, now or future....WHEN...all of that they becoming the very top.    ) 

oh ~

Shane is not the leadership  !!!

Westlife - My Love (The Concert in Dublin or Crokpark in their home town), you are not sure they exist, they aging, that is what you mean?

4 guessing additional + 29 (the American side the SA from NSYNC, I say Justin.  98 Degree, Nick, and Backstreet Boy, Brian. Boyzone Gately, now Ronan, the Magic Breakfast.)

This things are important? 

Mark !!!!! (my mother shock me the bathroom 5 mins ago !!)

By the look, and by the TV? You have seen the boyband in America, or never in the 90s, you are not sure when you were born?

My desk...My desk...

Cross off, every word I say today or yesterday were wrong wrong wrong.

My mother moving again, your brother?

(I was saying inside my mind 29 has the character, actually, all of them has a character..) 

I got a word right, then I can write, right here.....you all don't know how that processed it....cross it off.

(I was saying inside my mind 29 has the character, actually, all of them has a character..) 

I got a word right, then I can write, right here.....you all don't know how that processed it....cross it off.

The Pitch Perfect, My Volleyball Team, cross off, cross of.

The Pitch Perfect audition, the Pitch Perfect orientation table, cross off.

I am ...suffering. Its not the lawyer, so the riddle is the private detective exactly like the Conan Detective. Cross all these off.

(Watching my own video), cross off - your comic book (stay)

Milk tea, cross off. The bubble tea. No.

The cake or the ice cream cake. No. A certain talk other than the comic book (stop at than)

The expense 100x. No (I mean the Costco that one, twice)

I win !!!  (those human should be dead, mine here)

The cooking expense (....all that living expense, the health expense, head to toe expense, all that.)

Cross off. I already talk about it too long time ago.

Piper and Leo...that everyone looks inside the TV?

Is this guessing whom to talk to? Kian ! That's set.

Its that Denmark looking exactly like the movie, that guy bankcrupt might be. He looks exactly like that movie inside, exactly. That person is not Kian. So call Kian. Done.

  • Shane landing here the bus because....Westlife, they are or were his company formed, or behind, or the record company, he walking in the building when he records his song, or talking to the secretary, like our radio station building here if someone becoming a musician. 
  • Its a TV station background with the camera man standing, and the stage behind bakcground (as the TV)
  • or the radio in the 90s, that is the 11 at night or someone morning bus drive, those radio still useful at those AM toning, but those were in the building like per set up almost like Ronan gone to, each of this was their given jobs after their boyband, they might be separated so long, I don't even know they really communicate to each other.
  • Not done, and there is a Music / Record company, they have the annual party, everyone gather, those on the top their investment groups, if you go to 3 Art, look their 11 oclock from the secretary, that is the groups of the people decide how they proceed. Shane's jobs were not those leadership, he was just.....a musician in his jobs title. He lands on his own without them, that's the truth.
  • If they are the military, then that's different. I don't think so, the back up place like Hugh, but I think he knows too, or he intended to, he just learning right now. He needs to be between W or 101 Hyatt if the King lands, not necessary the princes. Not too far, still, its a driving south idea, I am sure he is a guy, he knows the security or the seeing all around building. Its fine, he just needs to stay where they all are. I will supply him those area when he moves up. No, I don't know much but he knows I live all around here grew up here, so something will smell exactly how to find it on the map - I don't think he needs to worry anything on that.

Sorry, I cannot talk free.

Again.....all of that, the third point and the fifth points stays? I need to change the bullet points? No.

It would be the girl's cartoon, not the guy's cartoon. That means the Sailor moon is a warrior cartoon, its not the Sailor Moon?!! All these time?

Sorry, say it again. What? (my head left side to hear it). There is a girl's cartoon, where is it?  What is the girl's cartoon? You mean like the Jem and the Hologram those? 80s. The romance, the earring and the make-up exactly like the American cartoon those? The American. I know they have the movie, right. Or, that is not the girl's cartoon again? 

Do you want the bubble tea? I think Hugh moving away from this basin to somewhere quiet, and his bubble tea run off on the first day, 2 days ago I give him the vision. He actually likes the bubble tea. The real long cup with the things in it. Those...He needs to be 3 days a week he seeing that thing, but those too far away....like the first day his all grocery in with those uber too, but me and Shane happens to travel SO FAR away from here to visit him for those 4 cups in a base like the Star Bucks. That week, he has 2 days the bubble tea, and he turns around his PC games again. But he needs that on the table very often. Mon, Wed, Fri. Not Mon and Tue. 

The city life I really don't care about the cartoon, at all ! 

The otters - I see....

The dumpling how to make. I hate guessing, I watch the video. This is all you girls I guess.

Fried the salmon (must be from Costco those long rectangle, long and big) and the bread crumb, that would be the Japan penko those. In America.....oh ~

They eat the hamburger, so not the pasta those? Anyone else outside the Italian, so just 2 bread stack up with the things inside? That's it? okay. + the potato fries (or the potato wedge, or the potato tart, or the hash brown, or that would be the roasted potato).

BBQ? The outdoor BBQ so they have the fire burn Hamburger, the burger buns, that is at the Costco bakery session those?

The fudges? 

You mean the piko those in the preservative solution jar those...in Wal-mart. How do you usually open that? The cheese cracker, dipping the salsa sauce, or the sour cremes. The potato chips opens and drizzle on the paper plates those with the plastic red or the blue plastic cups. The ice cream with the root beer those life, the fat gets fatter those diet outdoor, those.....okay.

Me and Westlife in the Thai, I treat them. Me and Shane goes everywhere else...or we take out to elevator up to us. 10 different dishes he looks at it, not in there. We don't need to be treated, but thanks.

He comes here to live or to those street I say walking, we sit in there waiting.....literally Mon-Fri. I don't think he knows their operation hour or the autumn, the winter, or the spring looks like. Okay. Everything here we have to wait, every day to next week appointment. We have no pressure in life, but it has to keep getting done. Because he has some other people, his parents or his Westlife or Boyzone. Whatever......one by one waiting in line means Mon-Fri.

I didn't think he retired yet, but it will not be used to be. They run those giant home vocational somewhere when I am not in sleeping mode. I sleep in my room, their guys talking. I put the food, or the order food on the table, anywhere but here.....

The phone calls I guess I will be speaking in English.

Answer the door bell, talk to the delivery guys, get the menu or the special, put on the stack of things, and display on the table, grab 10 plates from the cabin to the table to get ready and get the 10 cups side by side or a tray. A stack of the table tissues, or the utensil box (all things in there, we stack it up)

Open the fridge, get all the salsa, the nacho, or the corn chips, or the order display 1 2 3 4 5 on the table. The table cloth, or the facet sink wash wash wash. Its not me making those. Its....they put it in the fridge, I taken it out, to get ready. Put in the oven to heat it up.

Check my floor if there is the water dew on it...my hands washing it too many times. 

Their sandal, their socks.....the man's t-shirt size. I don't have the face creme, they have loads....those a box all that. The storage room where to keep all of them I think.

We may not have any of that, but I know what that is. 

This is about the movies : 17 Again.

System. I don't care about those things, the movie content.

Inside a group of any guys putting it together....ANY world scene, only that groups when they grew up they know. And those things are not similar to the girl's any groups consist of 6-10, and with the school selected IQ, meaning in the competition mode, especially when you push from the Omega, all the way to the further behind them the peripheral the leadership, the main or behind the vice. Any group is all different, every groups putting it together.

They all looks like Nicky.

We didn't ligate, we social, they did. That is probably not the words. The school-to-school, it is strange isn't it? Just look at those movie inside. Not everyone has to do these classmate, the group-to-groups life, but someone knew about it, or the leadership, so I say something. Starting from the beginning. 

I go to sleep, clean up, check other things, phone ~~~!!!

Everyone stays indoor, I keep sleeping ~~~ next one week ! The typhoon ~~~

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