
Next - the day I enter the court, they must all be blood dead, you know, right?

Everyone, these money is interested every single day on and on and on. Starting the first day they owining.....

Trump dead yet?

See Simon has 3 more than wifes.

That is Prince William above...sorry, below the wife's photo, its a House Wife Melinda loves the shows.

Just type: Simon's ex-wife, this is a 26 years old, and in 2019, when Meghan got cursed helliish burnt, so all dead yet? Or soon soon soon? How does the money little to get cursed and burnt in hell....they must have a way saying it, right? 

I think Lauren is 3 kids? or Simon. I got this Linkedin message.

I think Meghan needs.....whom dead, that is the Queen's seated too, all needs to read these article or watching the TV shows, together, Harry? When the brain function is low and IQ is drugged reflective so the War on going this movie: Deflective..on the sunrays into the eyes, how the Artitech to Da Vinci Textbook....you know that every words to say, the distance of that farting, were that old age will wane down Justin Timberlake all wife will be dead.....and gone like their skins works, your wife Meghan didn't work on that Hollywood, the first day I written that, you are not paying any attention. 

Say it: Of course, not.

Great? Rebecca's words

Agree? Dr. Steven Hairfield perfect words.

Remember, the only mantra are these sinner...til the day every Eternity passes, utter all these words Say it Out. "I suppose." - Dr. Tamang Stephen ....loves to say "I Suppose"

The philosopher stone, Harry. Tell me uttering the declaration of the independence by memory....tell me tell me. Tell me for the happiness to pursue in the liberty of Square? Funny...Square has a restaurant, everyone eating it down yet? 

Say it: Together, the family makes it strong together. We ARE family. Say it.

You know Draco in Harry Potter only has 31 mins airing in the movie to say the Salary, say it?

Shane or Mark? Say it.....

You all didn't believe the eternity hell will come so quick...and dead dead dead dead dead....except Peter didn't die. My mother says that is 7x7 cash money back 49 days moaning in recites. But Hugh intend having a baby on the white clouds, so......

He came back....with Katherine, that French daughter's wedding was his sister. Simon's bomb in ....Magic Ministry Harry Potter. Today all these will enroll which department or the food out eating....I cannot see you, right?

Fun military...all these file-ing, its dead in blood, and dead anything, funny you did to the court room. Its a dead ends. You will die so young.....all of you.

I don't need to lawsuit anyone....so million people in jobs, they also die.....England full blood in river drain, understand? Nothing but dead dead dead....

This is the glory, none of you will seeing that day on.

The jobs are none matched in description. They suppose to be cruel in America, I am telling you. I am their karma, that is why. 

I have to enlighten my mother, some people so sick....so they have to die in front of everyone, but too sick. How can anyone have those names....that is the Atlantis road, you Harry imagine to go with the England flag outside the sea, they live on the sea, you imagine you live in the VA house? VA hospital was just off Bailey, that is a black all over road down south.

No wonder they told me is below VA, a little bit more.

The East coastline...you Harry wishing or you literally imagine you move over there....without those 3 in the house? oh ~~ with a snipe shooter like a lover's on the 7 Auspicious timing..... (The Ancient Chinese)

This Thor is funny....my cheek.
Do I say that in English? You never never never be with a man has a weapon or a gun. FOREVER. I say that in Chinese. 

That Mark song 3310, just now. I explain to them. 

"Remember me?" "Whom I am?" ~~~ How to forgotton ????

He has something to tell me....that's why. Buffalo UB that direction their Linkedin overall has something on it. He says 65 those Linkedin. 

UB 65 those....Honor class / club or club leadership / Fraternity (obesity too fat)

~ 75  (Do I add the vicinity college, that is her high school or sibling because we met literally speaking. Everything I forgot. )

  • Your friends on hiring if were the Black and White photo, or 
  • Your friend touching that comment line was classify line touched, or the jail idea touched? To have so many kids, like that? You wonder how you social, all that?

You cannot just message me to ask me, how to build up your Linkedin profile every single time? Other than your facebook account, the last time said were 2021 Oct 21th?

In America, every one is a lot colder. It will never be local Taiwanese here I am trying or not trying to explain to Hugh. Including those too good too be true motorcycle and that parrots. 


These people you didn't start like in UB about 20 years ago, when we had the facebook connected, and later 2007 that SMTV. So saying 16 years I start to show up more vocal talking on the facebook account. One climate change. None of these people are me, none of them. They will not talk you back.  Talk you back means, even one line a text message, or social media to click, or comment back. "That is not nice." even just one line, you receive that response, you feeling a lot better, right?

Correct, so you are not going to get those Web 2.0 idea to say input a Youtube comment box, you try out on the authorship to those original content creator. You input a comment, and then the author reply you back, or thumb up. You ever experience that? 

Your Linkedin profile is a SUPER big deal, that is not the facebook, and a lot of the people probably move to Instagram, other than the facebook? I am guessing. Maybe they keep both, okay. (Thor)

The typical American don't take too many comments well, so were you in the past or starting any time your very aggression or aggressiveness. When you don't shut off that movie or the TV to calm your mind, those are very very negative idea put inside those violence or the sex, or the couple or the perfect match. But its worsen than that.  You care about a lot of things, but none of that might be true, at all.

Dianetic, was the first copy 430 their world written from that founder. About 60 or 80% people needs to see the psychatrist or everyone needs to. Just to talk out what's bothering me inside their mind, and close that door. Its not for your court room paper, its I say, its real. That is a book being written and the research being done, especially to America. They have the data, but they don't have all that remedy to say everyone. Its they have to put down their foot to go to those MD office to seek a help or seek a remedy. 

The beard race are like that, all like that.

⭐ You need their attention for that one week, or just that post? They don't dare to reply you back for more than 1 week? They have some other better Linkedin friends than you are?

Your brain often is blank anyone talking to you back, or you hatred to that person if they talk you back? 

Okay....do you know the difference me and them?

I am the celestial. None of you are, or will be, you realize that, why we all having so much argument that entire America is trash over. Not you the UB, the real American the more concentrating brain IQ human? 

Everyone in life has a lot of the issues, you have debts, so you know they might be, right? So they have their mother on the phone like you are, they have their father on the phone like they are, they have their high school sweet heart or the ex just drop them a line, or cortex (2 pair 1, those kinds), the secrecy similar to Laura's German that movies, the taller guys or the girls buddy to say the money income, or trap the 4th person to say money income. None of that lawful and none of that is right.

Your crash that Dean is one of that prospect, he believes that street culture. Nick has witness or heard of some, his ex wife.....imagine that or heard that from the neighboring streets.

You know why I tell you to shut off this side, all my activities here, for some times to see your own reality inside your correct life? 

A lot of people's air is dull, and stiff, and less entertainment to say expressive out. Talking or laughing just in front of the entire human crowd to make a scene. They need to keep their jobs, like you all need to keep your own jobs. You realize that, or not?

Inside you, you being felt that strength or power that lifting you all happiness in the song, or in the writing, or the write-out, you got pomp, to some kinds of the airs or the movement you believing in it, regardless what you claim to me, or anyone else with or against that. You mix up your own head, there is some energy behind all that....

But these power, or momentum is not your happiness, its not your monitization scheme to say you profit the next second or the next year. We have no more in relation, and I just leave you there. You cannot go to these people saying the normal American, to critique, or to talk back, or to suggestion them like you suggest me, you will get yelled at in the worsen degree than you live or die, you already knowing that well.

American care about the height, the look, the manner, the voice, and your family background. If you talk like those MD doctor to show up someone doors or the friendly gesture, these are the love or fame games until they admit, they had too many troubles before, or that heart not steady is to play someone likes about someone in the true reality - show up and talk to that someone. 

Some those people, are very psycho, so some defined as the psychopathic. 

You want to shut off here today, going back to your real world, Dream Exchange Games 52 ending? These people none of them means to you, but you built up them so it means to you to keep them. But they are all just the work related. You have to go and reading the books, or studying the human character in today's society, what they like, or what interests them on the Linkedin, not ME ME ME.

So are the facebook, so is that Instagram. Some are Asian, if you find those expert, they will know the most about this social media trendy, how.... in life, you can get people's attention.

In UB time

Where were you, when I was studying in the library? You were in the dorm to study? You join any club? Do you know anyone in there as a leadership? You don't need to go through me, or Mike you don't know whom he is, or Jonathon all that? 

Where were you, the UB Honor class program, and their adviser retired? 

If its your social problem, you use your brain IQ, that is to write it down.
If its marketing your facebook, you find the expert, or the free book to listen or to learn, or listening to the pod cast, other than hanging here all your life.
If its some other related issue, you can go to the police and some of these "before me", where were you UB those time, whom else you know, they you trust them to go and talk to, your similar age, those kinds?

In the social media usage....

Your work related, then you be aggressive to that career building. None of you are....the rest of your New School, your graduate school, you met them new, or they come from East coastline or West coastline, from California?

One of those. You were all from a very small world in UB at that time, you realize that when you seeing them, or that will be 10 years we don't know each other, you met someone new, to some professional news. I stay in the student formats those.

You need to shape up some of the language, because you are the competition to each other, when you were in the honor program, you doing that to some people, when they telling you= you are all equal strength the honor program scholarship bound to that one pre-med major, remember?

Some of these sorting to your new world, you need to change your entire scope of it. My world here its just me and Shane, or if he or me drags that 2, most of these people if got pouring in, would be the European because most of them ends up here almost many are from there. America itself...probably just the military, they don't enter to our life literally speaking. 

A lot of noise / voice

They were some of them are the professional. I don't know where you are, you seeing them, not on this Linkedin? So you can see the professional attitude, or the outfit, or the language?

You know very sure you and me don't know each other on the personal level, only your parents know you from the core deep down, what's you made of in your life, every scene, they know you growing up, or your sibling those kinds.


I don't have those world professional level, but those do exist above you. They are not dying it out yet, whomever, someone has some there, just not on the social media. The youth uses the social media, but those, when you say the professional networks to flying in, you need to get into those synopsis. I will suggest you that. When you get there, you are on your own, the real life scene each and every time. So saying 365 days, you need to squeeze yourself useful from your state school background to these hotel venue, to sound like, to talk like, to posture like....into those whom talk on the stage, that will be a process. They, not necessary everyone is useful. But one year you don't even squeeze yourself into 1, 5 years only 5 chances. Those people don't show up to the Linkedin as to say "networking", to imagine you get invited to a home party to eat a meal, to talk like the best pal friends, you never gonna make that one meal you yourself or near by.

Like I say from the beginning, your parents know your core inside deep down, I think your parents will tell you what I think of you, or they think of you, if you just pop the question or the courage to ask them, seriously. 

No, don't say that.

I will be the independent researcher, that kind of saying, you all talking about me, if in that relation, not the artists all those junks you see from my facebook. The facebook is the facebook, the Linkedin is Linkedin.....they probably know that, just not how you describe it right or wrong, if those conversation is open. 

You don't need to tell them what was my facebook junks, it confuses you......NASA all those climate change, NO!

No, your language supposes to be....

" Chronologically speaking, I wasn't involved to too near that entire networks at that time, not even show up on my own facebook, but I have heard some, some of that said, and read some. Not very easy to use, some of the website, but I found out some article or skim some of the data sheet, just a little bit."

If that person asking you, then you open your big mouth to talk. 

If not, shut up !

"The climate change isn't entirely ....why that is a main subjects in our conversation, but its nice you asked. I wasn't all that proficient in their words, but I am sure you know some of the questions you want to ask me. "

You plastic your entire being to go....be that smart saying. Some people know you have that attitude, or you born to becoming like that.

People if in their networks finding out, that is you can do that....you may just omit every conversation should be talking there, they got some other jobs for you. 

If you close down, to focus your life, whatever the time left is best. You hope its not that one of the things I say, or the combination of all things I say, just one of them to be true.

One of that...whatever you remember I had said.

I am personally NOT that smart to know that is how it can be done, am I?

Next - I think ....(UB)

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