
⭐️⭐️ You gonna digging the wall......my wall here?! ⭐️⭐️

⭐️ My facet issue, or your new renting place or purchased place digging issues, that is 6 months you coming back in the winter? The sandal issue is to walking long, or the foot hurt, the lady, and your sneaker as a taller guy? Indoor but they are all very long walkway to keep walking....you ever mentioning your walking schedule were never stop if got indoor?

⭐️ We will reach 36-38 c, you need to stay indoor, or your military side, they are on the deck?! Someone or anyone they doing this to you to all going to Japan? My wall are so so so so loud, they might be really staying here, as they showing it on the video. The Japan Disney land also calling, the Star Bucks, or the Mc Donald. Do you eat raw, to keep your skin issue? You mean Square's restaurant those, so you don't eat a lot of the process food? 

You don't miss your life? To renovate which side of the building, the East to the sun rising or West? My roof has this steel on the top, so 熱漲冷縮 = the heat swell, and cold shrink. Every summer, those big sound will be on the top, I think....just like my wall here right now - renovating.

Probably where the money spent its to open this side of the wall to be honest. 

The gift culture is at that Eastern Area, you seeing that giant Govida, that side (you cross that small traffic light from the 3C that side, there used to be GMC vitamin store and that Swallow savilia made of the special delicacy for the gifts culture. From 235, that will be one more stop from Niko And....right in front of it when you both get off.

So Olivia, you want to go to Japan Disney Resort? 

California has the Universal Studio and Florida is that where the Disney Resort should be? Japan has that area designed. Is any store you want to go, get a pair of the shoes or in the hotel, a settling sandal until you both get home? You guys from the beginning knowing you both staying here? You talk to your both parents and your in-laws? He looks like having a lot of the family around, just not included the uncle or the aunt all together. 

There are a lot of the girls on the Victoria Secrets, you know Adam Levine. They live in California, one of those AD home. That is his wife, but I used to hear, he was with another model in the VS. They all look the very similar in some of the VS. You both are the classmate and you working for a while before all these commotion came about? He just alone talking to me, I think. 

I used to be one person talking to Hollywood 3 Art, Lion Gate, Silicon Valley (Giant, Ella Enchanted the Asian term in Economic or Finance Giant they are), and Obama at that time. No, not the movie. Some other things. I didn't have the photo art that time yet. 

Do you guys check your passport the expiration date, and those seal they stamp on that per page? The passport photo its where the Hallo Kitty, that store selling the long umbrella in there. Every time you travel without your parents, or just with a stranger's guy, you have any sibling? You always check your per parents and you yourself this passport issue when the staying time might extent, for whatever reason. You exciting you getting married and managing this guy for the rest of his life? 

You ever asking him, any formal occasion you 2 stepping out of this country for something formal wear? I keep seeing something the indicator here, if that is not in Europe? Just in case. Your dress, your shoe, your purse, or your make-up?

No, we don't have that kinds of the culture here. 

You two together gonna come up as some of the leadership, you all working towards, yeah, you and him? That is for the movie reason, or happening to near by you both be the uncle and the aunt reasons?

Do you talk for him to the in-laws, his mother, or his sisters? or the God son that side? How do you two met in the same school? I didn't read it very clear, too fast. I think it was Ronan I somewhat click in my head something is going on. They are Irish, not from the England main land. They won't be knowing anything too close to where your husband going or dealing or his family or sibling or mother they are tackle things other than you two are in the oversea....I looking at you two. Have you prepared to deliver the baby? The hospital its that same Peace Ann road, straight down from 588. That direction. They know the hospital at. Very straight forward. Your parents, or his parents, anyone care about the hospital visit, I used to put that on the video. Its through the health card. You carrying all those things for him and for you? My mother does that until one day I guess me does that for my brother. We have to carry some ID prove here other than the health card. 

Our air-con maintenance guy coming in later, so my house its me and my mother running in and out 2 people's jobs. You thought of doing that here in Taipei? You thought about the area you like to go up? W area, or Japan area, or China, or Maryland, you discuss, or talk about and seeing the map, or while you are on the bus or the metro, he dragging you in the heat?  Without him, if he stepping out, you.....staying here, and you know where you going?

He is not going to ask me to go to that 3C store anywhere he grace himself to ask what kinds of the questions, and you don't remember where he ends up?

I call them, not I need to drag myself in the heat outside. 

When you travel outside, especially not your home.....

Taiwan just happened to be small, so in any emergency someone can help you. If you all gone anywhere else, I have no idea where you will both be going.

Your vaccination card, your health card, or your X-ray, your medical condition, you suppose to be kept some of the paper works. If you imagine to get a rental place other than the 3 meals a day running you and him diet, or go to the bathroom, sleep nicer, or rest better, and relax the body.....you printing out your paper works indoor, he, and he has the works back home; you....have your works to print out anything you getting a laptop here, to install all in English, and what else you imagine to install in it?

It might be more than 2 hours just stand there. 

Do you envision, these walk road is where you gonna go and shopping, carry the grocery daily for him and for you?

You two live here life, together? He knows anyone here? 

Not everyday on that 7-11 or the microwave, right? Some washed green veggie, or some washed grapes, he eats the grapes, all that? You cut the stem, you looking for some of this Daiso scissor? Or I just go and put an entire cart, he stands there until I finish (down stair at the couch)

"Come up" (gesture) "Your stuff go and check out?"

Those kinds. You prepare to do that?

I can do that for one Nicky and one Kian ~~~ Shane and me looking for per Isle.

You have a brother and a sister, younger. So you are the oldest sister?! They imagine where you both ends up? You don't look like you cooking often? Just for yourself when you go to work, right? After you graduate from the school and that is how he finds you? I am seeing some of this year book photo he present you out, or you literally to imagine having a baby? His real age would be? 30, not 33?! Or there is someone younger.....

This is which parts of the section of the preparation of the timer, to where the dishes in session, the chopstick or the fork I imagine....you gonna do these for your both parents, and their banking industry?

In America or in Taiwan?

I didn't think its real, I am just testing to see if you are aware, or you both discuss.....there is a reason to cook, or prepare some of this along the way, with some people's name being mentioned. 

The herbs, and the dry seeweed or that yellow dry things in the vendor. (when you shopping you put those aside)

The soup

The noodles (they eat udon right?)

Some can beans (washed the salted water those preservative washing washing and drain)

A meatball (pre-made), mix in the soup

You can arrange this in your mind?


No, I don't think you particular .....be seen you will be doing all of that for your family 5, or if that becoming 9 generation (your near by relative) if its with Hugh side family (may not be), all these brought out ladies, you seeing them or knowing their name or VS idea? Middleton is another one, Camillia is another one. They didn't do that, then, no.

They if coming here, 21 days drinking ....or these diet. They are no longer can go back. I think not lasting long. Not that Kian or Nicky whichever they sound like or look like. They are not those Eben's groups, or MH groups. We MH that groups always knows...21 days the fasting mode. Drinking soup is not the habits changing, its the palate changing other than their menu staring. I only put the things that is not on the menu, now. I found out very early. None of that is on the menu.

The osmosis water included. I no longer can drink those Brita water anymore. The soup okay, but....

The money its to spend on the water, and the immune system on my own or Shane. 

These meats, any meat, there is a Chinese traditional methods - the rice wine to clean, or here they boil that water to dump out. These process I can manage, because I get up early, and I don't mind no eating to keep making the food.

Some people becoming very agitate if the food is not in their mouth, and so they need to immediately sit down and eat. I don't but a lot of the girls their body stand, or tired, or not enough hydration, early morning wait til late until the lunch, too long, too tired, too dehydrated....the guys coming back the house has no food. 

The typical day - Next article - you ever imagine to do that for the rest of your life?

If you are together or will be, or ever deliver a baby?

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