
早市 (The morning market)

What, you want to know the cooking? You sleep in the hotel today?

Some mall has those Cuisine brand similar to in America. Sogo or Tom's World that building, the kitchen or which side they might have. I never check it. Its the bedding furniture that entire floor. That is the ceramic I think. A deeper pot, but you don't eat this. This is the ingredient in the morning market (we just all calling that location as the night market all the time)

You care about the details things.....you care about your 8 couples + your father / mother together uncle/ aunt or in-laws, how to pack up the whole things and go to China, Japan, Maryland. All of these things need to stay? If you find them very difficultly all over the map here? 

It bothers you if Shane have it? Its my kitchen.

Your mother or your sisters, all of the girls will have something where they find the stuffs to keep it home, you asking them? 

What if I am Ireland, sorry in China, in Japan, in Singapore, in America....with Shane?

The steaming methods means, any kinds of the flea market, nick goes to....he lives so long his kitchen, there is a type of the big stainless pot, you put a open close those steamer things in, and you dump some water on the base line, and that lid cover, its the same on the electric stove.  Maybe Shane even has it himself. 


steamer basket

No, you don't need those heavy ceramic to cook those Chinese tofu mince ground beef / vegan or not, to those Japan udon noodles, or the regular white noodles. You use a regular smaller pot is good enough, you add enough those oil to ensure the tofu (darken this skin tofu), to process cooked in the oil, then you have the mince meat ( the soy meat), to go until the whole things be done, and save for one weeks, people add it on the udon noodles to eat. 

I shopping one day, I tell them or you what I shop?

The European guys usually have a very distinct personality at their own homeland. You or Shane.

You want to ask those 3C guys things?

Are you eating happy in the Family Mart or 7-11 ? So many options you spent the time for every meal to imagine the next?

You go in the 9-5 time, you will see a lot of the office people running in and out on that motorcycle, you are not bump into?  Those are the meal price, those are the meal options, and if you don't finish, you throw the entire things inside the trash bin. Right, no one will say a thing, this is the city life. 

Yes, you can take a container or your own utensil for the hygenic issues. Yes, for both of you, or you mean your family? And why they will be eating all the containers in 7-11? 

Sorry, I rest a bit.

I notice that maybe the last time, or last last time. The gaming would be next that side bulding, I think.

My TV and news and I eat.

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