
Continue - the real life after the judge or the court room.

Yeah, I can tell you.

I will tell Shane before hands or that Nicky. I already told them 10 times, literally speaking.

I will tell Judge this, "In my life, or how you all did these ....I left my life worlds almost fit into the legend myth in the past to make a laughing joke included by everyone, because its easy to mock at someone. Its 2 human in my life. I don't need to change the peripheral at this time. I know exactly where I stand with all of this, and my personal right. Most of this billing is done through you, I didn't do anything else you can see. That is 2 Time Direction and forever goodbye to this world. No noise best, I don't care about the crown, it will never be mine world. Anything you can ask me. 

That decision is a very bad point, that left to 2 people face in my life, or near by sibling + some this TV fame, very little seen, very little interaction. I know.


You know, all this TV one day that combine isn't real in the court room, its other than today, I will be telling you....."

So I will tell the judges. 

Yeah, everyone stays in their local court. They imagine, tell me what people imagine? It will NEVER see ever again, 2 time eternal division, forever....

The parents meeting will be my mother going there by herself, probably, or she tells me, or any phone call she used to get, all that. A lot of the worse things, I will cut off that nick, permanently. She already told me, but sometimes they lie one to zillion. If the parents accord to each other, sometimes they are....they be the friends.

No, real. Except me, correct. I sit next by listening, or she talks, I listen.

I did show up, next by the zoom chair, she talks to the parents zoom. Yes.

I stay here talking. This is one interface to 8 billions people or the whole Cosmo. If the court room tells me the location been moved, then, everything else is acid....I will restrain and guess what that means that day on.

The Northern Starhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6OLkIF3Up4

If the parents show up, and my mother and them were more friends, they go out, and she translate all the Chinese, or I find a translator they go and have fun. I never really cared how they greet each other on the parenting idea. Not really.  I personally tell you, the mortal like any of you don't get scared enough, every little things I hinted, how scary this will becoming. - like the song says: you learn your lesson well. 

Me and Tina, never talk the total combine hour might 1 or 2 hours. Me and baby talks.

Me and hank...10 mins in the car, he talks, I listen.

Pang....just email when was the last time. I talk to the police about something....if anything in that nature, I think about if I tell him. Not yet. Probably he goes on his perfect life.

ROC, is no. But a lot the kids imagine the Chinese New Year, like the tradition to wait at the door to go for those Taipei restaurant lunch or the dinner. I usually sit, and listen.

You can ask Dr. Shen.

The day I show up and talk, its a gun, and a whip. they ready to do that, I want this TV doing the full blood river eternity. Understand, that short nun pays dearly with all of this. Continue to open one sound, one mouth, one word, she dares to breath one air, because she didn't kill enough to continue fuck up how to kill the every human dare to have an eye to open. She is too holy, what Holy will becoming the only meaning at all.

The rest will be the fake all world continue....every eternity, until all this dead ends pays.

None of you will make it to the supreme court.

Its a location to sight seeing, anyone can just go to the Washington D.C now. judging by your IQ, you will never make it anywhere in life, anyway. 

The local court you go to 1000 times. Never...get to? 40 years, keep trying. Haha....

No, I am not interested in the parents meeting. I don't really know what they do in their business or anything in that. The problems I get rid of, correct.

No, I don't care about each parents, of course not.

No, no court room, you mean I sue nick, or you mean his age? Of course not. I don't care about it. 

No, she goes on her phone, she talks, that is the phone I hear. She can go out and talk the fake phone, all of them come back since 2016, or 2010 in jails, until this all solving, I won't see, know, care, ask.....in my real life, its airy, that door close and open.

She comes in the door frame, she exists.

Then down stairs. That has no human in this space and time. I never ask, I never cared, I never need anymore, one more human, you didn't hear it correctly what I mean....clearly.

WE are not identical in life anymore. 

I think...it was them together in their own lawsuit that time, so they really sit down, and cared about it their sibling, but now they are dying it out. If my mother be happy to have them near and coming in her door down which stair...she doesn't need to call me, tell me, or even ring a bell to me.

"oh~ hi!"

That is the maximum, 2 words that someone they hear. I have never buddy a human in my life since the high school, arm-to-arm. Why these porcelain doll shows up? There is no one around, so these animals don't quit talking, my brain wave, or their brain wave, I am not sure how to "Click", or "Blend" means? 

The ancient words has the ancient roots, I don't really know what the acid means.

I am believing more or lean towards the futuristic System TOO horror those, its the modern sleek. Its cold, but its not....those. I taken that is one direction that way, the central coldness, but that is not Ancient. I WANT to ask its when I get near. THAT is not your business. 

I grieve for myself.

There is the horror memory in it.

Is that the immigration birds? That is with the stamp?

I have the tears in my eyes, what is this immigration bird used for? The stamp behind, the post office mail, or he is saying.....ALL that?!

Me and the city birds its me and the city birds, the day after the court room, whichever that time got called. I will describe to the judge, but here is my house door. The judge can see it right from the Daan Forest Park right there.

NO one gets near, not even the boybands, they are the foreigners, I NEVER need to explain anything, its between me and this channel (the birds, the otters, the animals worlds....)

That Wallace forever will NEVER exists, I SAY THAT on that FIRST writing, NEVER changed !!!!

I SAY, the location wise ....its that Two Worlds, the Acid Ocean rising results to the ceiling Top, why I sing that JC songs, for fun? Which year, When, and Where?

I am not you, the court is court, the life is life. The IQ problem will be my least problems to be honest. That is the legal writing paper works. Anything else I have no idea what it really says.

The ancient words vs the modern future high tech System sleek, you mean to the central?

I have some brain, I don't mix it up for my own life worth seriously.

  1. You are not grade proven, Kate (Mean Girl)
  2. You are not using the internet (Silicon Valley oriented)

Where is your system data from? If you imagine your own classmates their family business doing the inventory sale, meaning just the warehouse.....their website is a professional made, not my Youtube channel got upset from that Khan Academia in results, so I make a decision to look like a system - MY profile.

No, there is those lawsuit, the public lawyers, or I don't know if the America someone will oversees all that issues. You don't understand about...if a train of thought.

A train of frames, or 

A story board

They didn't get stopped .....on which side of the classify materials. Those frame didn't stop, the story didn't cease its production in the commercial sale. You use the human life on purpose to puppet a TV show, so they hang themselves, a lot of that don't add up.

Meaning....my claim is forever exists, none of that stopping, I think that is real. Yeah, the modern meaning, I know so. But I check it once again, the past.

None of you are careful in any data mining. That is the words. 


A girl holds a guy's hand? What a beautiful picture.

UB those are so determined whom is number 1234 this OU on the facebook, or there is a sheet, how I add them the facebook back. I might never do that ever again, but I saw the otters say, it means to them. 


I can just say....I see this this this this and that, and I get rid of that that that, I lost my confident in some of this proclamation of something that stood in the human's heart, those are not the human.

No, I can keep this what I have, I just don't be active to go on it the facebook, everyone can have a social media. Tom, Tim and Jonathon left. I get rid of Mike and Keegan.....Bye ~~~~

I thought about it. 

hmm, I leave it. I may not do anything, but I will tell them at that time. They can add, I won't be using that much, I gonna stay away from sometimes. I thought about it if I go to Ireland AT that time, it would be walking all around the house, and too many house chore.

Here in Taipei, I go out this post office, or the shipping boxes, you carry them back, you hold those things back from the elevator down and tape up when you go inside. I will not be on my computer that much.

Why I would not be using the facebook ...I try to stimulate that in my brain. I gone to sleep by 11 :00 before that. Timezone, don't care about any guy's especially their facebook. 

I think we can all use it, correct. But I don't stay on it. I don't really know what does the people do in life with the facebook. If I was that useful 20 years ago, it won't be today ~~~~


No, I lose the weight, I have no hospital stuffs. 

But some relative, their kids have the baby. 

I think everything looks the same. 

oh ~the song? No one knows what they think inside their brain. My facebook keeps me occupied. 

No, nothing a microphone, or those....reality. Its here, and nothing else too exists. I will tell the court room like that. What you all girls if sorting this, you have to be on your own. 

5 Lords, UB, the music....all of that.

That seems to be so long ago. Meet Joe Black


Most people care about it, probably because most of the books, or the novel, less than the comic books I only know, its the guys are faithful behind the girls and be together. But that isn't Death. This movie.....looks like he is the Death, the Berlin Children Literacy those.

That is a girl, and he is Dean, that kinds of the guy, they meet, right?

Dean's any kind of....association will never be a doctor, his facebook looking.  The story says he is fishing an apartment, by fishing a girlfriend. Next frame, the girl heard that. All that conversation is very intelligent. Dean's world never have that kinds of the IQ.

If the old person died in the apartment, its a kind of the death certificate that apartment when you trying to re-sell it again. He is not old guy. He is a youth guy. The death is old, Dean is not old. The best relationship you can get out of it, if she is a doctor, and he says he was just trying to find an apartment, and fish the girl whom is willing to share the apartment. He has a kid with a fighting conversation someone has to break up or he is yelling. He is in stress or in debts, he is not agreeable. Meaning he is on edge.

He is looking for a doctor so you can tell he moves to this apartment complex, its to find a doctor, and that is a she the doctor sitting in front of the counter having a conversation.

Anything else, the police can handle that ....

But correct, if I describe them, that is what I understand it. Its the movie. 

They are having a conversation !!

Is the internal medicine always the women's doctor? Yes, the pregnant women. (the birds quack quack quack)

So its not about the police reports.

It should never be.

No, I can go to the United States, but again, I remember when I see Dean the last time, they are trying to be a doctor, which doctors he says he was going to be? He didn't message me he quits doing that to become a doctor. If some of them quit doing that, they tell me what is this movie, and why they are not the doctors anymore, I have no idea why that related to Dean.

But correct, in the association of where that display in front of me, I scream when I realize there were the 5 Lords looking, and there is an image, not by the book content I was told just go. Go with the image, not the book content. 

This has nothing to do with Dean !

"In the association of the entity Dean, he was in the UB classmate, but that is a physical person, the rest was intended as a friction book about 10 years ago they publishing those book from the Japan publisher. I had an oracle, or a told. Then the Canadian police told me its best to go, so I left Canada. Again, he looks like ....someone. But that person is not Dean. The line up of them per image, none of them is Dean from UB. They all having an association of the individuality and entity identified as Party A or B, or C or D through the TV TLC, or the movie: Ocean 8 and a physical Dean, and Vartan that in discussion of the Voka. Those girls, again, none of them were the Vartan or Dean's height.  "

No, in this context?

He is not just looking for a doctor, the Death is looking for a lawyer?!

No, Babaji is not the Death.

I didn't become a lawyer, so the Death cannot be looking for me, but most of that is a friction side way, it related to my personal life, I keep seeing the duplicate over the classify materials, someone sandwitch a girl in between the romance: its always a 2 guys + 1 girl.

This is not inspired by those ....I did my own things, it becoming everyone else a thing.

No, in this logic, I would say.

(So usually, says: no, but in this logic I should say....)

Westlife its a Her name + 2 guys, but its 5 guys on the stage and none of that were in the combination of 2 guys + 1 girl. Its 3 guys, or 5 guys through, then 4 guys.

A cloud white hair women dead on the floor 9 to 3:30   space      counter    another dead man

both culby, you walking out of the middle toward the counter

You were 6 or 7 grades? You were Hermione in Harry Potter, the coffee shop?

You were taken? By the Man in Black a unit?

K   ate    B?

              M, sorry

Did you tell the police? Of course, you tell the police. (The birds quack quack)

You tell Will? Those were 2 old people, how did you come out from your room, and they were both dead? Of course you tell the police, you don't care about the M & B, you tell the police, they are different. 

My pages are nothing but the police including the president, yeah, but you call the police and tell them. You were a taller girl somewhat, and you pony tail your hair back, not long. 

That would be a women face down, the head toward 3:30                   an older man (not clear)

He probably got shot from her side of the direction back lean and fallen down. Did you witness all that? If you just see the dead body, you tell the police, you only see the dead after they were gone, you are not sure they were shot (the birds), or how do they die, and you already...

You got cover the mouth by the black units and move away?

Did you write it down, those time so early? Do you still remember the witness account? Is that about 2 second, you coming out of the room? You are not even near.

Correct, you are the witness. But....those scene, you stand far away, and you didn't see that long, you can see that far? That women is more further, and her face is down, she had an apron probably, its all white. He I cannot see clear, that is more narrower space near the windows?

Can you write it down and you keep it in your room, you forget that, you don't remember a lot of that.

No, I don't have a name like Georgina, I am fine in Taipei. These police is fine. I am fine.

No, I remember you had a wiki father and some home where you were teens, that dark navy blue couch, that would be your foster home? The coming out background about you, all that.

You feeling better, you can tell Will and all them that? No, we....only read the issued palace statement like the regular public knows. No, we are not on your any case. 

No, I think that black unit is to save you, how you still alive, right now? 

(I live or dead so many times, to be honest trespassing all these to tell you.....its not about me anymore. I limited myself indoor long enough, I feel a lot more safe. You can stay with them, or ....there is a difference you all moving towards Japan? )

Taipei....no, not those left side, no. Will looks like those conditioned might be more severe than I imagined if I think a little more. I am not sure. You can enter here for the medical reason, right.  I think Japan has the hospital, too. If you all on a different section away from Tokyo, Mably....might be somewhere he knows around those area. Conan Detective, you two location separated from.

You care about your jobs, right. Don't think about the movies.

The sky says you needs the Walnuts cracker tool. We don't really sell walnut here. 

Paris that wall on the England side. Fabric of Paris.

No, I think UB those are from their local school, there might be the case they inserts, and as the whole classroom, they suppose to find out those lists during the school, and that is how they apply for the medical school, or anything demonstrate that. I didn't know that well when I gone to the university, no. They might be the rural population likes the Japan's culture, and wish to....or anything from the Japanese police "廳", then, that is between the Japan court to call them or the American, to all sit there on their bench, or they enter in a different flight schedule to go through some of the civil cases hearing.

I personally don't know them, and what did they do from behind. I didn't get the interests to do that. They can have a case on their own, or something behind, the family know and if they telling their parents might be safer for all of them as a whole classroom, but I just stay away overall. I didn't really like anything that too much brain involved. 

Me? I tell Nicky or Shane, right. Right now.

Dean and Lee are on the Linkedin, I tell them. Later....if some of the people added in, I can tell them too. Its not limited to Westlife. I can just call my local police here. 

No, I am not really communicate to Dean or Lee, you mean from Linkedin. No. 

Its too many people, and then added....too many sides. Too many people I think its the girls going to that Sailor Moon, it must be popular why that series attractive to them.

You doing your jobs, and just that I think its fine.

Is Dean using all of them to hit me? A lot of the guys are not the good people inside their mind, outside their soul. 

I don't think in the end, either side of us, knowing what we claim that title, or what that title is for, for which what is being claimed. Possible, Dean is a small volume voice guy. They will claim things as the taller white race, overall. When the shorter too shorts like the average Asian height I am, its not a thorny too much threats for them, or that would be the fame statues after, the public showing or the public airing all that.

Something register in all of their mind, possible. Someone did tell them something.

No, I can guess. No. I don't know.

You mean Brat Pitt the movie character, no. Dean has to go to the medical school, either he determined that strong, or he joins all of them that side. 

No, he is not the orchestra conductor, that kinds of the character is bad. 

You want to know?

Dean he is a ....hallway side crying in the tear, and coming in late to sit like Tamang on the opposite side of the wall, lean on it with the tears inside his eyes. When we met, he doesn't look like that, Justin sounds like that. Its just a dull classroom, and he went to the class. He understands, not he expresses all that well, and so Death telling him....someone can be dead, or something something.....

Me and him = Death.

Death telling me a certain thing, of course. But for the medical school, its what I wrote, they given that video / audio instruction what they say, what they comprehend, and structure out the English and the comprehensive its written format, someone else furthers police reports, and all that.

No, I am not that, not the police branch, not.....anywhere.

I go to .... Heaven to wait. Because they.....got nuclear exploded behind my chair, its just my desk below, its the sky below the world, so....I stay looking it down than behind me. 

oh ~ Dean is not the chemistry major, he was pre-med the kid's doctor, not the dentist. But they say that is the true love. I think the dentists is....its what I think like I say to the animal all parts. Not he is the true love, that major is the True Love.

No, you don't need to care about that Mean Girl's movie plot. Erhen? Aaron.

Regina, not Georgina. The House of Gucci. She kills her husband. 

To be honest, it should NEVER NEVER NEVER be a grape skin saying from the immigration bird telling me the Ancient Past - the Youngest Sister (TV or the Japanese comic book)

You mean the bf, parts right? The overall this TV individually film all that? I don't know.

Is that I get over Dean? I slam the door in front of the Bill's face, Dean was sitting next by Bill. Bill doesn't know. Tamang did to that girl, left the classroom. 

Like I said, I think...you were saying Japan court, right? From the Conan Detective, so the Japanese court room and the American court room, this heated air, I think its from the Sailor Moon mostly for the girls, they and the Ireland those girls are equally excited. The boybands are the stars, so those girls are real? Some of this TV inside human is real, that kinds. They are excited? I mean inside that comic book???? 

No, I don't know. I don't....feel a comic book was any part of the life since I immigrant and working in America, or has to after my mother was a single mother household. It will never be those comic book or the True love, other than just find a job, get on the invention, and works. 

Craig and Eben got excited too ! Those heated air, maybe behind they groups they themselves behind and talk about it. The social occasion, the conference people, or the conference style.

They are gays? I heard. The Sailor Moon inside its gays?

I seeing the people dead, I seeing the dream of the bloods, I seeing the sky is the blood color, and I seeing the massive humanity walking down the studio union that Capen straight road and turn right. (Left Wing)

I seeing....the long await of the dessert land, where the bare foot to take off the shoes to walk, like another normal day, everyone chatting, the Muslin, the regular people, no one knows each other, so its like when you are alive, and waiting the day time and the night time. That is Zawanna's foot.

Leave the things on the sand road, step on the concrete road. The morning sun is bright, the night sky was serene. And in that 3 days waiting, it will come to the....I cannot see anymore further down.

I also wish the court will compensate me, every horror that daunt on me. Every choice inside every mouth, leave the human, they are not worthy it to live or to breath, not anymore on this Earth.

Everyone is excited to go to Japan, that is good. The American hears a lot of the Japan, correct. I understand it now. Japan is known some of this Disney land culture. Its fun, its vibrant, its joyful, and some of this Zen and polite culture and all that, the nice Sakura sensation. They are polite and they are professional, correct. Yeah. I am happy that people get to travel and stay, or flying back and forth. Just remember to bring everything you suppose to go and arrive in Japan, they forget things to coming back and forth.

Next post- do you mean they stop calling Wil? His name is Will?

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