
Earth is a planet ~ the otters are extinct species !!

The air in all your combination hurting message, I will conclude its the Sailor Moon, necessary Iron Man, or Avenger, or its Simon, Obama.

Or Shane / Westlife all Boyband Ireland to America. I noticed.

You as the girls need to be free when you rising all the way on the top. Its very hard for me, to understand these movies. The gesture, the words, and listening...and the eye squeezing this movie inside exactly the plot. 

Only Shane will listen to me what I sing on those Mark's chorus.....How about that answer !

What did I hear ...You want to mass extinguish the human race ? Someone doesn't go your way, you just curls your finger and doing the wrong things in commanding, I want to know whom?  Very extreme.

Do you all put together these groups and someone shows up as the giant classroom ?

  • Any side
  • Any where
  • Any countries, not limited to UB in America.

That is not Shane or me fault but you pointing at the people in front of anyway, we even know that was putting up together as your individual worlds, together?  ( The birds know on the kitchen side. )

What I do, is not what you do, so I talked to Shane genuinely....something. He doesn't know that is dangerous ?! 

Why I cannot use this horizontal bar, many many days now? 

I cannot talk to the otters, neither. 

I think its Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynold are the two main character. Maybe its Hugh Jackman - the X Man. The movie company or the franchised in so many other movie production worlds, you seeing their commodity sale, or the DVD sale, or the talk in the media press. 

I ...have a little bit bigger world + the heaven reason, the rest those American have their Congress takes care of everything with their President, I can live my life while breathing some air out of these. 

I called Shane ~~~~

Most you I assuming you didn't do what Ola did, having the 50 chat room facebook opens, they say 26 or 27, one of those to equalize the enemy without telling them ?! So did she confess yesterday to some of the guys or the girls, or the Japan police on the West side.

Justin Bieber, Grey....

No, not our hospital here. I cannot understand it.

Ola just not comfortable those palace drama like those China Tina's TV with Annca. She carried some of those Catholics practices, and so when I did tell her something, she is not comfortable, she will go and tell a certain guy. I am not sure exactly whom she went to call, but that is what I heard. She might call more on her phone, she cannot keep swaying, that is what I mean - the religious practice.

Why I cannot "dash"? The facet engine?  My head hurts. 

The hospital maps, or the evil inside the hospital? No, when that person talks, Annca gets up and go near that one handicap girls and asked her. I said, "He doesn't need to go near, she cannot see whom is talking in these entire classroom."

Why can Annca go near? These handicap can have some ability except the education. When they got inquisitive, they blame someone, or they lie about, or they are not very very sure, so they say "that guy came near me." = that is what I hear. She didn't even know Annca going near to her as a taller guy, if she just senses someone near.

The Hospital Map

Someone got sent to the hospitals?  That is a mountain behind, its very stiff going up like a hill. Normally taking a taxi is good, but we can walk with our ages. That behind is a hiking trail.

Me have anything to do with this map? The 2 side birds + a dog, someone outside taken the photo in the sky? I cannot move.

We are the modern society here, to be honest, you imagine we are Thailand to inquisitive about these maps? Any time I Anna gone to somewhere, that entire map is taken by me?  I told them already.

Walking with the sandal


They don't use these system talk for another 500 years, they will NOT be using that before......THESE right side, left side....interface all worlds to flip up your theory. 

You use the high school world in everything you hear, you make a big deal of everything on that. Its not as big as you imagine anything. People can just do the youtuber living as long as they can sustain their lifestyle. It intriguing you, but that is not the next biggest things (engine on), or for your own agenda reason. 

The theory they told me....its either Thor telling me, or it will never coming out from your brain, at all. 

(cover my mouth)

There is .....a way written that. Starting with Tamang. 

I need to switch my peripheral.

(You all App your phone....)

The birds talk.

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