
Fijan is not 福建 ( 上一個颱風 the last typhoon )

Brook Fraser


She was singing that King of Kings song. The hillsongs.  Her father is of FijianPortuguese, and Scottish descent

福建 is across us. Its a ......Fijan sounding all right, but their local language all around here = the local here Taiwanese langauge.

  • 在中國大陸被認定為漢語方言之一,稱為閩南話或閩南方言,在香港、新加坡、馬來西亞及南洋一帶,則稱之為福建話或鶴佬話(亦稱福佬話)。 在臺灣最常用臺語或閩南語稱呼,少部分人則稱為河洛話,而居住在東南亞的海外華語使用者稱之為福建話。

Its one of those "square local lan (language" known as the Milan Painting, or Milan Square Lan, in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, or south ocean that side, known as the fijan painting (language)

洛河東 ( Flower Thousand Bone), Number 1 his Master.
Opposite the river words "River front, fallen, language"

"Fallen River Language"

The birds say they also know how to outside my balcony. 

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