

I got toooooooo many complains here. Kail or Zawanna makes my life very miserable + the birds, how the guys beating up each other those. This morning changes, now. You all want to maid someone all around you in life? You are at your jobs after UB or the graduate school, or imagine you are the princess those?


It means, one girl me 

                                                                  Vicky      Peyton

Shane (Ireland)                                                               Tamang

Nicky/ Kian                                                                                    Wing

                                        Justin / Brian / Bieber otters              Dean


2 Panda, that is a red Paddington, probably.

1 girl if you just leash the map ....right. The cooking, not the drugs. The news, not the bank. The Olympia, not the hidden room agenda. You understand? 

You literally yell at the guys, or your work place makes you mild, and cautious what you say, because you have a pay check? Your real work right now, and you don't see your parents anymore, so no more yelling that type. My mother knows I yelling all the time. The normal person does with all of these. 

You went to yell at the judges.

You care about the image on the first train. Loving the Silent Tear, the witness program +-500 with Dean or Emily as the representative icons. Re-write that books.

I haven't seen a real guy or a girl in front of my face other than my mother. Not the human-to-human near to my face and having their breath talking to me, or "affecting" me since 20 years ago? You were all the facebook, to say in love to each other just fishy at the facebook will do, right?

The judge or Shane will be the first human face I see in front of my personal faces, funny...if that is sitting across my table. Whom is the last person sitting across my table? No, the students mostly were the girls. The guys seeing the channel is up, they just rely on the channel easy, I can tell you that, not the real show up anymore.

(Why is the birds say blue, and Zawanna say red here? My head....)

The human means to you, that will be the animals saying that to you?

Eric is the last one sitting across me? 

I went to sleep, my head hurts.

This is what you are all saying? 

A MD + A PHD peer review journal. UB has many south campus offices, you finding a flyer, or sit in to listen. You cannot become, at least pretend to be, how to walk, sit, listen, analyze, comprehensive "English", you are the first generation other than your parents to go to the college, or they remember when they got married. What's wrong my mother keeps her memory in her wedding? Without me and Shane? That is my problem?

A lot of these video, the parrots, the animals, probably you mean the saints mean to you.

How people seeing you ....I pass so long so long so long ago, seriously. How the Taipei property laws to keep the sticks on the ground without the shed on the top? uhm?

"That is not the reasons I want her in thousand pieces, I get used to it."

I didn't know I have to read that line again. Interesting perspective? Since the 90s, so where were you since the 90s? And what is this Taipei property laws, or we are the roof, we are not the birds, and near all these neighborhood watch, or the senior citizen to get a free blood test with the regional, or the smaller unit in our address to say "chef of this town," "the chef of these ally", "the chef of this village" I don't know how to translate to you. 

How is this Tree so big ( other than that property was before this and that, cut in half to becoming the parking lot ), oh ~ that was in the cartoon.

Or, how is this land to where the birds say hallo, renewal, not yet, so right next by this cut in half parking lot? 

So, this birds on the top roof near by them saying the accent Chinese to me, I say "Where you from?" 

Tell me where I coming home "from where"?

My hobby, has to be on the lane, valley, road name, village you cannot register this address where we used here. Every section of this address in the number filling has a chef !!!!

The post office new location, within the years, they disappear to make across, so that section was all gone and in waiting. Then, there is a city mayor on the building that 40 years no one tearing them down, so there is a signature on the top of the building.

You want to ask me what else is across them or diagonal on the top of the building, those birds fly? They can fly, I have to WALK?

You want me to talk serious with you, this is the real life?

Mably those, or Princess all of them, you go through APO leadership to becoming the regional or the National Chapter advisor, or their own very leadership saying Ivy League, and somehow you transfer you yourself from the DC area, where in Japan, you seeing all these people without the food, to imagine if Hugh got the call, or Princess them get the call to "go" anywhere.

Taipei, will NEVER becoming Tokyo, or Wall Street that way, NYC.

This is my grandmom they used to keep the property, so when the brown line METRO came, not when SMCH their center shows up, I know everything around this block since 2010, WHEN JC Always that vidoe, I look so blacken.

Our luxury shopping supermarket (we called them the supermarket here), you all I don't know which words anymore other than the Tops or the Wagman, or the Walgreen Pharmacy store. In Canada is Fargo, or Rolf. All these name inside those TV doesn't mean a thing to me.

I have these paper I pick up, the street human given to me, the unlimited flyers or the name cards in this one giant city. WHEN Hugh decides what he gonna do with his life, stay, or going back, come back next time, or Japan....that is his freedom.

I HAVE a mon-fri, I saying the city errand human does ~~~ The taxi, or the bus, to walk because eating too much, people whom retired, CAN DO ANYTHING they ever liking its to speaking in the Taiwanese of getting a motorcycle OR JUST THE driver.

We have a vegetarian cake places !!!! The bus going, and the taxi back, my two hands too full.

And these animals do eat the chicken...THEY eating it, not ME cooking it.

We have this Yahoo.com.tw news since 20 years ago when I was still in UB, I getting the news around here all the time that time in the school, Later, no. That is the project camelot.  But right now, I tend to know all the news from the TV, the Olympia, or the stock market, or the NAVIDA, or when they all retired, they coming back to Taipei and step on these every ladders stairs.

Step, step, step, step...to go to the post office, and when the flower market comes on the weekend, that is every weekend, the intersection walking.

We the same Mon-Fri, and I can run 10 things in one morning and the afternoon.

1. The post office, 2 the pharmacy store next by 3. 7-11 Money order + where is my other stuffs arrive from the facebook. 4 The Italian pizza thin. 5. I want to reservation he vegan banquet circle round table, all first floor. 6. I need these air-con name card. 7. Here the breakfast again.

Do you get any other where the electrician, your office here, or this is it? Shabby looking?

I walk pass the school, that is the artisan bread and Hugh's Thai restaurant, "take out"? You done, when is the reservation we can make the last time I called? 

Then Mia C Bon, my water, then all these small tiny store, 1 and 2 and 3....its the toilet formula from Japan. 

That day comes, I AM NOT HERE !!!!!

Westlife - Still Here


Sometimes being a student leaderships it means the family the entire paper works to take to one governmental building, other than my mother and my health cards....she processing long time now. When I gonna learn this thing?

You know, these hospital, are the high tech screen I told you....everything this city built is moving to that sense, EXCEPT in America. So, I care about it what the TV meant, that is the UPS store or the physical mall. I know what it means, that sense is to me. - SO ...this health cards, its everyone in this city part of our identity, and everyone knows that.

In America, you using a different thing, your driving license card. We have to input this health cards stuffs, and some other things, every appointment I book, this every doctor's office, I have to know what the health cards, or the health package all the time.

ON the news, or FROM the news, or the TV, or the saying. Its our small tiny world, in this city, or this country the small tiny news channel, that has only 5 English speaking channel, or combine to 10, let's say TLC those.

I don't have a lot of this CNN news to say I LIVE in my city, I AM HAPPY ~~~~~ I am not the birds? whatever this SMCH any material, you all enchanting to imagine, I am not interested. 

When all of our same age moving to our 40 -45 (Westlife age bracket), I am 41? I think....Probably, they meant no one learning this paperworks, like you all impatient with your own family members, not listening, not sit down and hearing, its always about this Zawanna.

Taipei, I grew up from this city

Since 80s.....so anything inside that cartoon, or the TV, or the map, or the lanes, or the oral folktale, or oral saying, its between the kids-to-kids, you have any? We have. Its to get up your butt, and move it to see, to hear, to know, to find out, and I am very sure I make my sense very clear to the public. That is....not the 24 hours computer anymore.

I think....

You didn't realize I say Taipei, Taiwan (or China, Korea, or Japan)

Each of them, have to figure it out how to land in Washington D.C? Their flag?

This is UN, not UNISEF, on Climate Change, its on the local culture I speaking in Taiwanese, you all have a problem if I grew up listening to it? I don't speak it. So how is this MD +PhD one paper coming along?

A method and a funding? 

You get your logic, right? You get your sequence, correctly on your thinking pattern? Do you even know why there is a scientific .....what's the words all in it, to describe what you intend to tell me, how I will explain to you, you are not getting the things clear at all? 

====> you need to get to your conclusion FIRST.

So you can engineering the sequence !

It doesn't matter which subjects, in the laws, or in the sociology, or in the social workers, or in the statistic, or in the microeconomic, or the macro. Any one of this UB department has a Director of the sociology. You need to generate that Ph.D a paper, or a MD + PhD paper. You start to acting like that, the sooner the better you treating your own course work in front of you.

If all of your UB 100, be that 1 MD + 1 PhD to finish that 1 paper, just to pretend you are that type of the UB south campus....You can add your sibling, or your cousin, or your relative all community cross. How to behave like one of those people, seriously. Aim high.

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