
If I am not in Taiwan .....you mean your annual summer typhoon season (to the global warming all these).

You mean you all imagine you will be ? Why don't you finish you all school first, plan that. And you don't make some friends with those whom enter where about that science museum, John Hopkin those IQ why that kinds of the structure looks like Boss & Me?

Shane is on his own doing his own dishes with 4 other bandmates, or that Ronan's groups, because that supposes to be Gately's. My mother is fixing today the outside window net, its broken with the hole in it. With the older people, they are not watchful, they might die by the accident.

Where they go, where they been, what they do.....she is one of those very very handicap.

and this  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PC3Ic052lZM

They might be so handicap, I just sent them all the animal video. I am not sure what happened...so today she was 2 days ago on the phone fixing these windows net, the mosquito coming in before the winter. Right now, its summer. 

Taipei is not Tokyo, there are a lot of these local residence, and around these Hugh doesn't leave area.....that I didn't tell them yet. There is a what northern star. The local residence means they all know what is all around here. The home where defines the home is. 

(Why is my photo has to be on the left, I say....the blogger probably best to put on the right, align right. )

She has a particular talent about all the TV star, the soccer, the movie star, the vampire stars. They are remote controller her brain on the per word speaking methods, because she had no memory. The Miss China (Taiwan time like 40 years ago), those cases.....her age time, whom she was.

There is a difference that kind of the handicap without a memory, its easier without a word to input, I am not sure which case is true. The other people put inside her brain, and telling me. She says...which one of those days when I talk to Shane seriously....

I asked my mother, "You really like to watch TV, why don't you go to sleep? You really like to go out, its so hot outside." I asked her more than once. So each conversation is different....she really like that Netflix boxes, and she really like to go out, walking all around. 

You know how these otters talk, or hold hand coming out.....so okay, those people she knew.

These geography, has been none stop. She hasn't said much where she been, but we gone out, like I told everyone. She chooses the place we gone by, right. 

The Stage of my mother's age, and my father's age

They don't need me anymore. The older they get, they slip away to their attention whom they depend on.  So there are the stage for doing that, and moving into Shane's side, or he moving temporarily on this side. Someone has to go and imagine that Ronan. I have not much to say about some of that. Its a buffer time.

The weather ....

Ronan has the freedom the whole wide worlds opens ~~~~

So me and Shane shrinks back to a corner of which right side eye, or left side corner top corner. There is those saying in Chinese. Meaning we are living and breathing fine in one space, no one knows what we do indoor, 2 people's life.

You all suppose to be here Taipei or Japan, not coming here and then going to Brazil I used to get those video very very often. 

Is Panda his stuffs? 12?


I just realize, when you say 12, is that a clock indicates?

So you going to Ireland the court room, or here Taipei's court room?

I am not going to the court room.

Did you say you are not going to Washington DC's court room?

No, I am not going.

Shane knows what you are deciding to do, or you imagine what you are doing?

You mean the day I was in the empty bench all room, he will get a call? I decide anything I tell my mother first and tell Shane, right. He didn't get one phone call yet. He is inside his happy concert. 

Am I planning to join his any occasion in Ireland those pursue, dress up, Hugh those things?

Definitely not. That is his job, he goes out, and come back home. He has those TV wife Ireland version. 

So he goes home....

The food is made on the table, the water, the shower...all that. 

Did you used to go anywhere other than home?

No. He is a handicap, and he retired. 

You and Shane talked about it? 

I have a 200 countries on the UN map.....he has a phone internet access including all his Westlife. They might be similar to America, or he lives ever in America?! Those Amazon...or he comes here we stay here, or again we both have to go to Japan one of those days?

Is there a reason I would be in Japan.....I am not sure. I saw something, so I wait. Here in Taipei is fine. 

Do you two ever talked about it?


Do you and Ronan ever talk about it?


Do you talk about the typhoon with Shane or Ronan?


You ever tell them about the geography or the otters doing all that?



All these animal combine...Tim Cook 74, the red Paddington + the weather Thor + Babaji + the celestial heaven.

I becoming unusually cold, cool, no talking, seriously, out of my mouth. 

Everyone can tell they all screw it up with Elsa !

The animal kingdom is not agreeing with any of you.

The sky upper doesn't agree with any of you.

The leadership is not stable.

Maybe Babaji + all heaven, its just 1 Babaji now, doesn't agree with any of them and any of YOU all.

How about I told Shane, I buy a house right next by you.

This solve the problems?

Me and nick

or me and my mother had a daily schedule, she only knew that schedule, called the afternoon nap. I have no more nap, its she has the nap, and the morning going out and coming back. Tina and Pang one of them living here?!

When the things becoming real.....Shane knows that is a schedule the first month or the first 6 months. The 3 meals, or the cleaning or I nap, or  I sleep.....every mail is Amazon mail deliver to the door. 

My 2 hands, 2 feet, the hair cut on myself, or Shane look behind, if he just trims at it. 

The slow cooker, the rice cooker, the soup pot. That is 24 hour he has the food, eat and go to sleep. He gets those plastic container because....its for the recycle reason on the table. Its lid on the top, your sushi means. You can see, and its covered (without the dust). 

We imagine to talk about on the website, right now my mother is the maid. 

Because too many video, or too many people? 

20 years, we have never talked ! You want to group all that into a circle ~~~~ its just one UB group activities, if the UK copies at it. There were people gone to UK, but did they graduate I have zero idea. 

No phone, no text, no AOL. 

You don't cook at home, and prepare 2 weeks or 2 days only stuffs, how does Shane eat? 

If I never talked to them for the 20th years .....and?

( laugh )

I pretend I have the family from Taiwan to America west coastline to east coastline and the middle line and Canada. That's about right. It was only nick and my mother. 

Do I know if they were in the jail?

Might be the soft jail, this is the 20th years, they all coming out, for sure, I run away ~~~~~

Do you know for sure? NO!

You don't care to find out? Definitely not. 

Do they know between each other/ I don't know, I keep running. I made that video.

Do you ever believe in magic?  NO!

You never look at those magician? The TV yes, and Karen the girls gone to the restaurant, seen it a magic quick hands.

So you will never put through those TV says claim? Definitely not. 

Do they go to jail with it, if they were co-incide the story? I think its the drugs, and whomever done that and be found, they lost half of the business + millions dollars like I found out here.

So you just keep running away? Yes ! I stay home, no more running....here is the population places. I just settle some of this saying from Youtube, so I say Shane.

The birds say you believe in magic ?!

All right.

Am I talking to Brian, Justin or Nick those from America?

The Earthquake still shaking this morning, NO.

Do you know them?


Do you know England any people


Are you going to talk to them?

NO! Their parents, the uncle, the aunt all together talking to them + the animals are talking.

And is this Shane goes to talk to all of them?


This looks normal to you?

There is a real life, there is a real life space, and there is a voice issue, and there is my brain switch when they all treating me like a maid. At least I have that sense, not to do that.

If I work on the internet, the Youtube, I have those normal voice. I know that, the organic.

If I am inside my space and time, because ....I just realize last year I called Westlife? I have never talked ! If its inside my space and time, that is the birds those at....

(The thundering started) 

They gonna get to heaven by themselves? 

They go to jail by themselves. 

Next - Earth Celestial

Sorry, Hugh ( or anything England ) you are on your own.

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