
Ola, you finish confessing?

No, just tell Shane. 

You are swaying, you gonna tell me?! No, they did delusion you to believe a certain thing, but that will not be making it the medical school, at all. As the civilian, no, they swirl your fantasy. The license board can kill both the doctors and the lawyers for their jobs to deliver.

No, you didn't get the argument right, and you didn't think its always the medical board wins all the time when it comes to their own people if they put that in your studying plans.

So 2009, that is where we are. 

When was Mat plays his way dump you, that kiss, Joy had? We talked about it. You were in the dorm every 9 oclock, or you tell me it was everyday on the phone, all that. So how is Mat?UB many were on my facebook, I finish that year in the end of the 2009. I didn't go to those giant intern, so....I went home next Feb 2010, to China expo all those photo album, every UB saw it. I got back 10/10, all flags up holiday here. My FASFA finished the week after for my graduate school. 

Where is that international school, no one knows, other than I say where Tamang was. And you gone to Louisiana, that is our cafe here and where Rebecca from (Becky) in the Full House. Scott's mother, she had a lung cancer, too much stress, too much smoke. My 3000 dollars that family the pop corn money.

No, every year ....tell me. One Mat, you drop out of the honor program that time? You doing good in organic test I remembered with Dr. Chambler. I told Dean I wasn't doing well.  Next year was the Bio 403. Until now I realize, that was one side Jonathon's their 205, we were in Bio 403?!  Your braid your hair at night time, the first day in class. The UB south campus. That will be Tamang and his date, that taller older guy trying to go to the medical school, they partner together with these? He found that one guy? How to police the entire America? 

We did walk in the UB South Campus, you suppose to be going the physiology class, we depart each and every time. That was in 2005, before Dean got back loads problems in 2006 summer. The winter, its me and Tamang depart for good. 2005. I was preaching him SMCH, to where he used to preach me this Declaration of the Independence by memory or that Bible Solomon in Psalm verse.- Its pursuing the human happiness.....OU langauge has that and those word in it. It sounds funny to me, correct. No Halo. Gazillion Tun, 疼 (already pained)

The birds are calling me, none stop.

The military ladies, 

Everything that 101, next by and behind (Breeze, A13, A11, A9, A8, A4) they don't open until 11:00 every morning !

Why I cannot do a horizontal bar =  <hr> ?

So, when you saying that per yearly how you dropping out of your mind with that Mat, then before 2014, you were where? To keep dropping that Mat, at home? Rochester has a Kodak other than, but they are famous in Rochester? The glasses technology or Kodak. 

This would be One Direction, not one of those Simon's company name Syco? I took it off from my facebook, I never think. No, I haven't asked. S y c o.  oh ~ Yeah, that is why Simon was extreme I assuming, that is a green card with Lauren, the Common-in-Law? I don't know. The US doesn't have? I never check those things. I never thought about his company, he makes that, right?  Maybe he does what I say last night everything, he will sound like the American TV broadcasting station....FOX, those ABC Family, all that was in his book he would meant he knew those floating in America all those years, right? He doesn't check his memory, I have to? 

Me and Melinda, she especially was on the television never ends, similar to like Kian. What should I cook for Kian for dinner, so he uses his remote controller that straight ahead of his food and to his TV !  No, its...not Simon related. But usually these American TV, you never watch that time? They have a logo, when me and Melinda somewhat watching that TV? She was. We lunch together, the Sailor Moon, we eat together sometimes

Simon becoming a TV executive like that Brat Pitt behind becoming the movie producer.  

No, there is a reason I told him, but he doesn't need to check those trivial things I guess. 

You know how that Honey and Blood wall comes to Dream Exchange Games, that one photo? His ex wife had a documentary to the human cruelty, that ends....at Dr. Janes's every known works. My hearting only required once. 

This TV on my side (a movie): Hairspray, was a One Fine Day, I wasn't talking to my EX TV, King their side. Its...a production all run about not just the front, the behind, you can see that movie other than that that that that that, because America is political debate to that TALK show every 11 oclock at night. Taiwan, we had a similar structure. My mother she watches that, or my grandmom, they love that. Normally its the madarin we speak, but they are the local slang world.

So..... Mat like Westlife's music?

I think ....you watching all these MV playlist together, they exhausted 20 years all those years, moving, keep moving on the broadcasting networks, each of them. You can tell they all have a new assign season TV shows to air, they cannot be home doing nothing?! 

Everyone does their jobs, the world is perfect in itself?

UB MD is not supposed to be my words vs their words, how they finding things out, and doing what a license supposes using their brain to making it, right? 

They are the guy's structure, so can keep doing this jumping all around, those age.

The playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l4goDjj6nA&list=RD3l4goDjj6nA&index=1

I think that is their stories. Seriously, Shane only know how to do that.  Just look at him....

They are close as the friends they have to work together as a company logo, that doesn't mean they keep doing that.

A slow cooker, the ground beef, or the vegan ground beef ( Leonardo Da Capri with Bill Gates their company), in 2014, they start to carry that in the Northern part of California. I was in South of CA in their Whole Food.

The rest is the diced tomato, the thousand island dressing vegan (not as fat), the washed olives. If its simple, its not as bothering the mind....Shane is one of those, the food has to be ALL on his front. Him, I notice that. 

Yeah, I was talking about him Last March, they left here the second immediate day, the end of that weekend, Friday....I saying I used to have a played team. But then Nicky....right, Shane keep doing this, because I start putting the food on the website. I notice once, twice, three time....and Nicky didn't show up correctly what breakfast?! So I wait .....but it is tiring to talk to this Nicky. He is a sticky thing....

The home food means.....you can have so many assorted because I can afford now? 

They may not be always eating ALL that, in case they stay indoor, and just losing the weight by instinct by now.  The guys are not as resourceful to say, if I Anna do the shopping, "Put all these in at your cabin, Nicky." - here is the list, the isle flow chart.

  1. The rice, assorted cook by itself
  2. The marinated rosemary potato, its taken out from the fridge to oven baked by itself.
  3. The chip is by itself
  4. The vegan ground beef doesn't need the red wine to wash it, by itself in the slow cooker.
  5. Just the night before those veggie washed the whole sink water.
  6. You dice the tomato and washed the olives.

Nick retired, so those schedule is not like Shane. 

With Shane has to be...probably print out per menu, and glue in the pasted copy book (the girl's those books like the Mean Girls), and each different dishes, Shane keep flipping every day, he says he wants, or just the fridge inside whatever we got !

Being a doctor means you access the situation, and you diagnosis or evaluate all situation...if they don't, they got killed or die. No funny things as a real doctor. The early assurance doesn't make them compete in the national just as it can last as the best they can ever get in that location until they got trained.

Simon, Harry, Tina wants everyone bloody, torture, and ink in everyone's eye lash could blink per second, they loving that, they sizzling of their inner core, to the whole universe, not just on Earth, they need that they truely needs those sizzling of the alcohol to put more fire on it, wind wind wind spalsh until everyone's face was full of the bloods.

Have fun? With Keanu + SMCH ? Until the whole humanity to the exact statistic knowing per body counts per blood because of me, they willing to keep betting, I doing it for fun, anyway...eternity time, they won't even know about it, right?

Too good of the faces, too good of the image talk, too good to find out behind, or near by....it means anything?  Shane is not the whole American executive producers networks, isn't that strange? He cannot see, but I am sure its a lot more easier at the name.

He doesn't need to see, he just waits !!


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