
What? American medical board....it was 7:48 last night post.

My mother says she sleeps at 9, meaning I was later? I told her it was 7:48.

She says she remembers....I say I sleep by 9 ....makes me believe I sleep at 10??

She opens her mouth to talk the first thing, it will never be 9.

I woke up earlier 1 hour. 10111212345=8 hours. I used to sleep 4 hours, but....its gradually longer and longer. I got no naps, just whenever I lay down and close my eyes. Their guards here needs those nap time I wake up. The American guard for England in America ...its one of those contempt their respect.....must be something also I need to wake up (last night).  Its not those night market vendor food? Japan and Korea is probably better. They do on purpose here. They cut down the night market hour, so.....its not over mid-night.

I need to sleep ~~~ so I slept !!! No more Ireland time or England time, I am happy !  And no night time telephone calls, of course I am happy ! 1 hour inches to my sleep.

The birds quack on those kitchen all these inside wall. Maybe I thought about touch or not touching, and just move the entire kitchen it down, no more kitchen here. What you think? That entire wall inside. The simple plot in, the slow cooker those. We have a table and make those table just all cross, and my mother's that side bathroom storage room, no more bathroom. Toooooo small. You want to do something here the firelane on the sky?

That is called the fire lane. America has those structure......here. We don't use those bridge concept, but it will be bigger of course. The ligation by the imagination.....its that simple?! 

2 days ago...I never imagine those things, neighbor, that those neighbors? They live here~~ those neighbors. Some people live here forever.  And why not behind that neighbor to the castle side too?


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