
Washington D.C

(Took a shower, my hair ~~ my hair band be washed. You all won't miss Taipei, so hot, my balcony the only drying hair band stuffs, every time I go out, this municipal pollutant basin at.) 

You just go and vent, its not the court show-up, you are fine.

... ... I cannot talk because its their "regent", no. Its me. I am the correct regent. The spirituality points? No, its ...on them, that's why monkhood, but its not all that fair, when they were the age 12 might be. 

Its about Westlife? 

Shane and Mark - Show me the Difference


I heard that several times, now. You want to know I feel about them? Shane ~~~~but there is....I think American and European might be a different culture, literally speaking. I straight things fast, when I am done. And I am already through, and now its....the details. Last year, its all done or this year after or before Toronto. Up to when the Earthquake happened.

You want to talk to them, or you just want to know how to talk to them, from me?

Love you ~~~Westlife, Love you ~~~ Shane !!!

Were you a fan?  Like the fan clubs those you calling them? No, do you go and be some kinds of the fan club, to s a solo artist or the whole group?  Have you read their news? Yeah, Ronan would be....a group, and then if he is the solo artists, they transform some kinds of the music business spreading out in Europe. They were not in America, its Ireland local. 

Do you know what a fan does? Not those you seeing from the TV, some kinds of the music fan? You tell them the current news, you wish the war to stop, one of those included. 

Yeah, one of the things you trust them, I trust them so I tell them. Not necessary to get together, and if I can trust them I tell them really, many other things. That is the fan does, I think.

So it would NEVER never be those UB they imagine, or Hailey they imaginer, those lover's game?

You never be a fan club before? I give them the flowers, or the gifts, it shows on their facebook I did visit, but I spread them 5. I think I talked to Shane, but....I know whom he is, but....there is something I used to remember. As a fan, because he got set back, and then the news, and then they tour again, you don't know what a fan supposes to do?  I would say Shane....because that was used to be, these people its you all staring at the movies, or the UB classmate, I kept quiet. I know what they gonna do to them. If I tell them, they do worse. 

The fan, the fan activities. 

The post office that video, right. Like Wallace, too. You can send them the cards, the flower, the mails, in the 90s, you know the catalogs you ordering stuffs, those forms? Today its all internet, or the email. You can send them the post cards, the letters, the hand-writing, yeah, all 5 of them, or Ronan Boyzone, or America would be Backstreet Boy, NSYNC or 98 Degree. I only say whom I listen to, but I didn't follow them attentively. I just know them.

Everyone gets old, so long ago.

No, its not limited to, but why you want to know? You want to pick one of the guy, or 5 to say the fan clubs? That would be Westlife, you buy their CD album or T-shirt. Their online that link. They used to its when they were on tour I think.... I never gone to the concert.

I had a sky issue, that time. 

You wish them well, you send them the balloons, the man's shampoo baskets, or the boy's balloon color, they used to be those sometimes you seeing it. What or where does the fan clubs know the things look like?

Do I contact UB to... 

Of course not. I am not in contact with for 20 years.

Do I talk about the UB those problems?

No! We talk some other stuffs, seriously. I know my words to say, its part of the fan, its part of the business, its part of get together to say get married. No, seriously. You imagine what to talk about it? 

The politeness would be the fan club, if that works out or don't work out. But too many boy bands, you count that you yourself?  I tell them all get out of my facebook, for now.

My TV and the lunch.

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