
You girls - hot.

You know what that means, or we never talk about it? You trust the sex toy those things. No. Its Harry Potter inside those, water and the fake locket, those.

The actual word when you reading them online, the climax? No, not having the sex with another guy, or kisses or hugging those. No. The girls are the different from the guys, but I don't know where you pick up a habitual to find a stone, or an egg to sit on. The "egg" bullet on those park site. The short. You get that hot below, that you feeling....something why you are hot all the time?

The words they describe to you, those read. Not the actual sex toy, no. But there are people buying them, but no. For the girls. Did you climb somewhere those egg shell up, or the stone up, the tilted anything up in the park, somewhere far away? In the wild, in the sunset, to feel relax, to run, to paint, to artistic wind air, all by yourself, to say Nature bless my soul, let that wind, sun, and worry be flew away, one of those?

Why don't you do exactly I told you tie yourself on the bed, never leave the room?

You don't have a bf to talk about this, touching yourself, or gf, other than alone running inside the forest? You trip your ankle at the tree branch, when the last time, nick found his sister, with Grace? She goes alone !!! No one was in the house.

1) The Anger Management

2) The lesbian club in NYC, the last time I wrote one time one article. When you go there, no one finds you out, and you love to keep traveling. You talk with your mouth opens to all of them.

Or you sit in those group session the anger management, there are the guys with the literacy, there are the lesbian club NYC Meet-Up, I said the last time. You all UB girls or near the guys those girls included. You join a group chat, everyone talk in a circle, tell them, ask them, and just be brave prepare that 30 second talking, you imagine you write it down, or just think with the head. You will never get bothered for the rest of your life.


I say the cold water, the warm water washing down there, you can see, you can feel, you feel disgust over the layers or the muscles, or the blood, or the fog steam on your eye glasses?

No you open up, or you get a towel, wiping it back and forth, especially the tip, where you urines goes out. That part, when you get hot / get wet, like you did watch a porn that is the tip, you get climax. 

No, not inside. 

You got itchy sometimes down there. You always always almost every day, you have time, or you smell yourself urine, or your under pants, you go inside the bath tubes, to go and washing washing washing.

Your underwear or the pads itchy you, sometimes. True. You use the cotton underwear, this nicky's color my mother bought? HERE the night market NOT those American where you purchase which underwear? 100% cotton.  I don't think that is 100% cotton. 

Amazon all those are wrong.

The 100% cotton, heavier thicker, warm. You pee a lot, if too thin, too irritate, on your bare skin, and you use those smaller pad other than the periods dates, those? You change that often? It needs to fit your pelvic, if you are thin, fit correctly its not to get cold. America is tooooooooo cold, your bedding too thin, not heavy enough, we got the geese those feather fill in, for your feet, and for your pelvic. I suffer a lot to go to the bathroom if my room is not warm enough. I cannot sleep, I have to go to the bathroom.

When you feel itchy, that is not when your body gets hot.

When you missing a guy, or somewhere, you know your body get hot, you had a sex, or you were being touched in your teens years, all that, or you trying to touch yourself. You ever succeeding touch yourself other than the egg shell?

The guys never miss it the points on themselves?!

You want to go to those group meeting and talk about it? You will feel a lot more supported, and not going through me. 

  1. You wear the tie tie tie tie jeans
  2. The sleep wear, tie tie tie tie yoga pants
Right? + those very no air long small pad for transparent things when you were younger, or after the teens age/ 

No, I don't, we dress the skirt here.

Correct, no air. Its tooooooooooooooooo cold in America.

You make it smell big, its no air, but only that, that's it. You change often, that's it.

Too fat

Some too many variable. Your down there emits the stuffs.

Stop calling me ......

Wash 3 times a day at least, your entire pelvic session, or every time you get home. Never stop washing, and goes without the pad, and put the long thin pads back, change often. If you don't have anything, don't use it.

Your bladder is very very sensitive, if that parts is cold, so when you don't use those thin long pads, you have to change your underwear, and keep down there warm. Your 2 feet and that underwear selection.

If you get your underwear a lot more my side, you don't need those tie jeans, nor pads. 

If you are too fat, your blood volume is full pack up that entire period pad, front and back you can see when you make a trash, that is only 5 days, where are the rest of the 23 days, the thin pads, you get your blood somehow in the 15th day? Those? No, you just wash it. Any emission, just keep washing it with the soap. Any those hand soap.

You buy those bottle to push? You can get the bottle to push, and the regular soap. Leave that on the containers, keep washing the underwear any time you seeing it, you go home and change it.

Keep losing weight, drink the correct water, endure your hunger or your temperament, so you can reach your toe nail whenever you gonna get aged, your mood will change for a lot better too. Shrink those weight down, down down down. 

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