
Hugh, you find the apartment yet?

Its on the news, there are things to contact all that? 

You can go to Hola, Sogo, or Tom's world below has this Daiso and the furniture to sit down, one more below escalator, or you go to the Ice Rink, that IKea.


Hola 我要去內湖那邊Costco 旁邊有個 Hola, 這裡是 101 附近的哪邊有基隆路下去可以到內湖?

Hola, I want to go to "inner lake" that side of the Costco, next by its the Hola, this is 101 near by, which side has the 基隆路 going it down, and it can go to the Inner Lake?


我要去新的 Sogo 忠孝東路跟復興南路

I want to go to that new Sogo this two road meets. 忠孝東路 and 復興南路

My mother goes to the freezer, that means you go to where? Sogo freezer or A13 freezer, or A11 Tesla (news, behind those market, or 101 Mia C Bon freezer?

Or you want to get the vegan ice cream, you have a fridge, and the snack? That is at the end of the green line on the right side. Walk about 10 mins, but you don't know how to going about this maze down there and up there. Because...they design a lot of the shop there. No, its all underground. - The bread.

You don't get the Tesla, you are driving HERE? North, there is where all the cars used to Annca worked there. It is out of here....all the car company line up there. Your driver right?

2 side all the car branding in one road, all the way north from here.

Not now?

A11 that is where Tesla at the head, still very hot outside. They have the bread place on the B2 (twice the escalator down.)

I usually go to A8, there is a kid's ground up there, you can ask the receptionalist middle left side wall, not the middle lane, near the other side. You can go to the bathroom there, or seeing some....Hallo Kitty ! They have some home thing you can use this right below that floor, the escalator floor below that kid's floor. They have a design for that escalator, because the receptionalist, you ask her, that will be the elevator going up, the straight up. 

But when you coming it down, that escalator is ....changed, you look on the floor.

You know the bagel place, or the chocolate, that is B2, in that A9 ? The floor above, I think...some of the girl's more town boy's jeans or jacket, or the sports some....like cotton or the polyester mix. The luggage you seeing they sell there? 2 floor down, I usually say they are B2, so one floor up, the girl's more relax outfit, more the winter idea. The thicker material. Similar to Abercrombie those jackets. 

These mall, or Taipei station, or the next stop 新光三越, you always take the elevator, to the most top floor, and escalator you yourself down. Here...they are all more lower floors to shop. If you remember where is Net, next by is called the ATT, you walking at the traffic light turn right, and walking before next lane, you should see an ATT on the top, not Forever 21, that is too far already.

Inside, these are all the malls. There are the shopping some clothing place for the guy or for the girls too. Its called the ATT mall. 

They used to have the rabbit's palace, that facet doesn't have the water...until you use your finger to touch from "below", wipe...up. That is my mother says. I never did that.

I ....use the entrance door from the Net going right, pass the Mc Donald, immediately that door, the second door of the Mc Donald, they are small, that is where the escalator I use to going up. That is exactly the same ATT mall. 

I don't know what to tell you .... 

I think it was the 4th floor, they remove that already.  You are two people, you walk together.

There is a ......I think....not the owls things you learn it yet? All the photo I used to put 2018-2020 you ever seen the selection will not be those little girls very very thin, very very small a string necklace. I don't know....you two walk together, walking up, you find out per design.

You just ate? Sorry.

haha hahahahaha.....they used to put a ABC Mart there too, above it. near that necklace booth there. Right now so long I didn't check it.  4 color of the Harry Potter's night lamp. - That was the ABC Mart. No, not the Taipei Station selling the shoe, its the camping gears.

It was from 101 I coming out from the side door, I walking outside, seeing the building outside. = ABC Mart, so I decide to venture, and....I cross that big road, and its the chicken place first, and I go through the Mc Donald that door, and going up. I didn't learn the ATT that side of the entrance yet. Those were more the shopping clothes your first impression from A 11, I was using the outdoor. 

I did bought the chicken drum to.....the second time. I learn when I get there a more few times after, I happened to be in front of the 2 restaurant, I took a photo with that chicken drum. You have 2 choice, one is the Italian restaurant, like the menu says, the other is next by, the left side.

(Right side is the Italian.)  So...you look at the wall. 

You ate....oh ~ that is a quick meal you had.

Unless you want to go back down....to the corner, the vendor's truck ends, that corner is the chicken or something sell you pay right there. That building top top top the external wall, written things like ABC Mart long time ago. But from that angle, you cannot see it. 

(Yeah, you use the Mc Donald that, keep going straight on your right, you reach til the building end, that corner, they sell the chicken drum. You check what they sell now. 

That corner, where is that? 101 is diagonal, and breeze is next by, and your hair cut, man's no wash, its straight up to your chicken places I think...Its a bridge connected to the 101 second floor go indoor. Its a.... contact lens, and the regular lens as the wallway indoor, cooler. 

If you get tired, you get back to 101 from that bridge, to the B1, you have a lot of the seats there. Its the week days, you have the places to sit, right. The elevator, you don't need to use the escalator, the immediate door on the right, that is the straight down elevator? 

See, I told you, I didn't go anywhere....seriously.

Its gap, on that 2nd floor. We have that branding, when we were small. Its GAP, all capital letter. When I was the teens, right now when I look back...they look like the teen's outfit. = that is the wallway, from one side, to another, all public uses to "go indoor". 

If you want to go home, you use the taxi from that side, not crossing it. The chicken drum corner that side, you tell him to turn left and turn left to 基隆路 get to the furniture street 文昌街, one of that turn left on the Peace Ann road 安和路 that will take you back to your hotel.

Right, you should be just here since 11 oclock, right?


Turn left on another left to the 基隆路 its at the right hand side after crossing the traffic light. We need to right turn on the furniture street, keep going, turn left on Peace Ann road. Keep going down to the hotel.

I change a bit instruction. Turn left and left again, but he needs to stays on the right side to cross that traffic big road. You turn right on the furniture street.

What is the chicken drum for? That wall. You use that chicken drum to pointing at the wall anything on it, and take a photo !!!

oh ~ you didn't go? So you would be still at Tesla? or what's the location wise? There is a Mango clothing shop if you go from ATT the entrance that Tesla side. I think its called the Mango, I don't remember ! 

The thunder came, it will rain. You just stay indoor. The second floor are all tunnel walkway, its covered, just outdoor until you get back in the 101, comfortable in there. No, not Typhoon, of course not. The summer, just too hot, the rains in the afternoon sometimes.

You go shopping, relax.....I didn't have all the money to shop, so I watch where to shop inside that Mango. Its the t-shirt with the mango logo, that is the cheapest. 

I usually eat the Mc Donald or the City Super or that is Jason that time, the chocolate milk. Man in Black that movies say the chocolate milk. I drank it.  That is fat....to be honest, the milk is fat, I walk the whole afternoon til the evening. 

The eye glasses place? The walkway, from the door, turn to your left, most people walking so fast, the moment they enter the air-con and keep staright, to walking out of that building, the moment you enter, on your left, is that saying what I used to see - the contact lens advertising? The rest of the counters those are the physical eye glasses. Do you see the model standing or the short paper? Either side.

You use your nose to breath, close your mouth, deep breath in, feel better? Straight your back spine to your neck. Your chin down.


No, that place...the only place to see was the Rabbit's palace, or any restaurant, you....want to pick left or right, like that Nicky - Rich or for Poor ( or that is Tickets to the Paradise), it looking the exactly the same. But here has a wall, I used to have a photo.

The next by Breeze, you going down escalator, should have an ATM, the food court some table seated area. (below the escalator) 

Or you take the elevator (not the escalator ) to the 7th floor, the Second Cafe, its nice, its all cubical area seated place. All the restaurant here are very nice seated places. All. (Breeze)

Second Floor 貳樓微風南山店

You..... right.

Just go in.

Keep walking, til you reach the window. Look up.

I know you just ate, these restaurant all, Hugh. ALL has the afternoon tea stuffs. The bubble tea, the black tea, the client meets, where you all sit down and drink the tea, or the coffee stuffs, all these districts. 

You seeing me left my computer yet? Not yet. I was outside....You find someone, whomever to be here, commanding these 194 countries and Asia pacific, anyone just when we going outside any place, hold it til. 

There is a chain, with 5 color strip, the tea, or the wine with a different color. Its 5 those long index card with the color or the menu selection.

No ! Because ~~~Asian doesn't know those English that well. The black organization in Conan Detective are all those English words name. When I grew up, ....

(I am looking at the photo ....what?)

Those are all very very very fat food. I have never eaten anymore one meal like those looking. Mc Donald the full kid's meal I have ate it.  YES, I can order it. Its a......

a kid box....red color top with the Mc Donald those ears up. M.

They have a book in the high tech wall selection inside those boxes ! I didn't have all my time to doing this they told me to eat the Mc Donald all the time. 

Yes, you can go there now, you done in 10 mins, tired...you both just walk next by outside that Mc Donald door, to the 7th floor up, the elevator. Its the afternoon tea time ! 

You go home? Tesla that side? I never enter from there before, not as familiar. 

The ice cream, the key chain, the drink menu.....its that chicken with little bit french fries.

The next available floor is at  46/47/48


Here says 12, you want to tell your sister?

i-Ride TAIPEI 5D

Below you + that Thai restaurant you know already.

20 meter giant ball. The wind, dew, fragment air to enjoy this 5D. They take you to the south Taiwan, East Taiwan and Taipei.

"Flying Broadway", that is in Chinese. 


oh ~ That looks like your Ender's Game, Hugh ! Your movie ~~~~!

okay okay okay, stop stop.

You never shop? You have a shirt tag on the price tag, or the washing detergent tag.

You as a guy, you looking for the cotton kinds, you sweat, every most normal man's side. You are not a kid anymore. These kinds of every fibric, when they manufacture making it these clothing line, its a bit mix with the polyester, or some other content, not necessary its all cotton made. They tell you that is 100% cotton, you will know how it feels like, that clothing is purely cotton. The winter internal thermal clothing I used to get, a lot more cotton.

America was TOOOO cold, I got that from the pharmacy store.

When you deciding these label, you buying these for real, its how you feel when the texture touch your body, you don't have a chest, the women we have the breast. That is the front area. So when you saying behind your giant height, your behind, someone your height Olivia, its get a shirt, 2 side shoulder to your 2 side shoulder back. That's about right. And you go and try on in the fitting room, or right there, you put it on. 

You want to try, pick one shirt, on her back?

You finish paying yet? 

Usually when you just ate, your afternoon, you don't feel to close your eyes for 5 mins? You can lay down those table 5 mins on your eyes, I think.  The Second Cafe. The chair is back against to lean on. Usually I go alone too many times, I need my eyes close for 5 mins, but I usually don't eat anything too much. I get outside, drank the milk and keep walking

What? My facebook.

You know the father's day is coming. 

But Olympia news after....like every morning without any of you Western world, we used to...I used to reading the newspaper. Its the lunar calendar year in July

3 more days its the calendar times day in our lunar calendar year.

But....this month is the Ghost Gate opens.

Look:  七夕幾月今年

Its the Valentines day this weekend. 


No, sometimes you go by your liking.  I will get told, right, but....my life is in horror already. Eat per spoon, drink per whole cup, or just that, not that, eat this, not that..... there is not one thing I was comfortable. 

You have a business, your father? on my news. To the military, yeah, I saw.

That turn left, its a winding down stair, to the hot dog, first truck. The American hot dog, only there has one cart, and somewhere else. No, I know its fat, I am not talking about the eating.

You have the 2 friends coming today with you, 3 people? Or you communicate? To substitute here? Anyone is good. Learning some Mandarin, other than the eating, communicating, a dialogue those? 

You set....a blogger those timer, 10 posts, no one even know you disappeared. 

1 soup, 3 guys beat up each other. That is 4, Hugh. That is not Shane?~~~ The Panda's father? Kung Fu Panda?

This is a horrible news!!! 

A baby's head in between father's 2 legs hanging without touching the ground, and crying, ....I think Shane talks about Nicky ~~~

Then the food poison restaurant, how many people got poisoned. 150+, 200+....people apologize.

I was just laying down resting. 1 limb

f u gi tive....they jump, or climb somewhere to jump,

u like v

f   u  giti   v    e

The girls lost the limb.

They...climb an egg, to touch below.  Their bike, but here the bike is all too tall.

Maybe I change a post to talk about, Hugh.

You guys go and have fun ~~~~ Eating the afternoon tea, and flying in 5D.

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