
I am the Lords, so here is the things I want to see....starting this first life all inheritance to fix per intch square human trash barried.

No kids will have family will, today on.

All will will be taken of the last 100 years.

Until this planet per land used to plastic barried, to dig up, and re-sort, your first eternity, its only on waste land fix up....

All money goes to the eco, the water/ river, the animal, the air, the factory you all pretend not to stop it....all world zone suppose to move south, only China do that.....yeah?

All 100 years to the last 2000 EVERY will of the money, only re-changed to this plastic bottle, the plastic waste, every trash American doesn't imagine one Taipei, per trash perfect, so ....all the failure of the human crowd in money, you will spend the rest of your life in these trash barried land until all the trash be re-digged, be re-sort, be plastic, be paper, be per line, per waste, per stupidity things, that per household......dare to run....so this punishment will be very very severe today on, this first year, you wish you do perfect.

Triple for plastic cup used.....and if these cups distribution its like special, its 1000 slap on that brain to be dead, so harden in the face, it will be iiee ya iiee ya....and for the rest of that human, its the digging for barried land.

You find a way its manual, or you find a way to high tech sent to the sun. If one intch of the planet, its not perfect, per housing design in the Africa, or Ukraine bomb house not mud, or water line....

Your America supposed to be all moving to Asia, only the system matter, only here is the investment per 4 limbs move speed and velocity, you will lay on the bed only sleep for the rest of every eternity year. Sleeping beauty.

Kneeling cannot stop?!

For the rest of every eternity, there is no sppirituality seeking.

Just be as arrogance as the European and American air to nose, just like this Jordan bad luck and Prince all first life perfect to the second continue the curses.

The teacher's union only know this per church bell sound wishes, per church book opens and nice, balloon to say marriage, to say, great, to say, perfect in look, in talk, in disicpline, I want.....its just appearance to plastic all the eternity, its just knowledge makes the world function and capitalism required to vola tiny bit....continue to this pladge to American citeizen as the vowing wishes only, until ...these Congressman learn all that Sex was great language.....

Money its the man only words, never one girl required to worthy inside their eyes, no matter how that encouragement was a stingy none compassion reason.

Its the church tax reason.....its the brand new protocol.

You will not have one spirituality lineage on this whole planet, to other than

Sex, the movie, the sound music, and VOLA.

And digging the trash, and sleep 4 limbs in warming method.

Until the external someone came in to steal your WWII perfect herbs recipe ....

And make the whole cosmo the only New Age trend on their own initiative. 

You will eternity stare.....what it means you willing to sacrifice they take the lead. That's it. No New Age, no spirituality in it. You can meditate all that yoga pants, yeah...just not the lineage. 

Stare that one beginning, make the whole cosmo through someone else's hand.....

Its always zero means.


Start to suck up trash things from where? Somebody, the gravity wind changed.

Someone is slap Prince William's face 1000 times

And Prince Harry is on cup cup cup cup this plastic to that wooden table?

Okay...Take all these wooden table burn it right there, every table.

For the rest of everyone's life, its a lunch box you carried in your hands to eat. Whomever that is there.....you ask me per degree doing EVERY single time. 

And whom says Shane goes and get married to have the kids? England or Nicky?

That is 1000 whips on that one back starting...Is nicky were in the car accidents now? Severe? In Japan, or in where? The hand wraps the jaw wraps up those severe severe car accident?

Every table you Prince William will show up, on that every day the table cloth and the beautiful all scenery this Hugh arrives with those hollow waist line girls thin outfit, to dance and to twist.

Every world he shows up, that table and the table cloth will perform a Moon light, 

To burn indoor, and every table cloth and the table finished...those flame indoor indoor.

Then everyone sits down on their knees, all these girls must be circle together around that bum-fire seeing every scene.....until the fire was waitor's distinguished, you will all sitting it down with those skirts - remember only mini skirts with those waist line Eternity, every Eternity.

To have your food on your knees legs, to say prayers. Its Prince will lead on saying.

With the microphone that dedicate to the Lords on the "Bad luck....." its our the only says, every single time for the rest of this Prince William's life. Actually every Prince will sit in the circle. Only those will have the meal on the lunch box saying...the trash waste it again.

The girl is not the matter I know

The money is not an issue, I know

The fame and the price, is not great, I know

Every terms of one smile to that great success to that air every face is on slap, one dare ....act.

Humility never run thin, or deep..until this every face must be torn in the sorrow and solittude, its the Capitalism under......you will make a great saying of this society.

Unified through the Pc interface life.

Then, this one person, in front of all Jewish investors, money bank account must be zero

All family be separate the last time you will see them,

All in FEMA camp.

Saying your prayers great......move to Lalla licking all circle Eben world, you will be licked none stop in NYC.

2 eyes, 4 limbs off, they all worship you, every conference new blood coming in. Statue behind their mouth opens per microphone. That is the only hotel conference.

Its charged special.

Westlife have something they do, I understand Shane.

That one door is forever 40 years, no one comes to visits, the legal sign. Anyone try, to enter by not knowing any routing service including that Kian and Nicky somewhere else this country.

Per person its 4 limbs off, 2 eyes off. Every routes, every back up, every known world, must workship this set up, they supposed to be all shipped it to South America.

Every women to near this Westlife, I want the most excoriating pain and sorrow, and screaming of every man fucking their best friend until they suicide, the most cruel methods of the humanity. 

I say first day, not 2 years ago, you all try...to keep it....low key.

My phone is the only phone, you want to keep saying free will.

You want people to bossing you.....this will pay dearly....

One attention is not on me, its per person charged. 

Zawanna says William lives in the dumpster for the rest of his life?

I saw that, he says to say that, oh?~ He doesn't create a perfect England 100 human require per line per height per chair per entry light to his Center of that Giant Room....table to stationary his every paper works + the printer from Adam Ella Enchanted.

Until you deliver a perfect paper works, to that every party crasher and the wedding....it will only be mini skirts of every youth tanning tone, hugging 100 mans there, to sit on the knees to eat the lunch box after the fire extinguish, that bun fire every table and table clothes, together you will all pray.....

This one life.....someone will waiting that room,

someone will waiting one desk

Per.....ink print out, per literacy, of that one desk. Per line dedicate, how much sincerity this England will change for the better.


Nick's only food will be

1) Spring roll, small like Wei Wei's special

2) Vietnamese spring and summer roll

As the only food for the rest of his life.

Remember this fucking schedule its tape, counts, and advertisig this Man...has how many billions sex as her, as him, as the kid's parents to this whole universe, how much that in and out, its....that Tina jojo's bank you all unwilling to flip the table make every window a scene,.....We will continue every 5 years until this Citi Bank means....that every wire is freeze...until this Tina Jojo so knoiwn so known ~~~~

American military will only have one mandatary food and the sex tape and league to their flag

Its these 2 spring rolls.

Until I die.....you wish.....something else, would be.

Blessing 2015 SMCH what a great Holy Tape, you all think?

They say its her whistle to the wind, that couch my mother jumping on the kids trembling playground. Is that true? 25 years? For aerobic breathing I assuming, her breast was too big, and keep jumping on the bouncing big ball.

Yes or no? The big ground, we did gone to as the kid's time here.

Irene looks more like a whistle blows to the wind...haha....is that Tina? I don't know for 25 years or 20 years? 

That at least its one human virtue ....you all willing for your own selfish motive to live and breath. That's fine. When I am not in the house.

At least one human cared for that one parenting, not watching it die at all, what a medical board willing and I am willing for their Capitalism all penis to make like my father, how far I will ever go. Its so legal and well preserve this socialism, the freedom to breath on every party crash car running games.

America, all small bomb tiny bolts India Apple all Indian must keep dying.零件

But then the car will start to that location where to be bomb all over the world with the accident, no more break in the car.

That is 20 bombs every car incident after you sent in. So find out, per factory. You have 20 days. No more Indian on this planet. All must die, and the rest will be in the excruciating torture, you pretend you didn't find them.

Eben and Lalla has 2 time a sex per day contract, yes?

All that indian investor will perform the sex great act with Lalla in front of Eben. and die.

And lalla will fuck the entire American coastline and Canadian coastline of every road block man watching by their wife and daughters

To that every conference this map will show as the only introduction how every business this Virgin Airline airplane drop.....per fuel as the bombs....its funny.

Every single life when she reborn. 

Remember, you will do all your might, she will never be......here. At all.

All these wife from Congress and the perfect daughters

UB 10,000 will half both of their parents legs. In this one lifetime, they will have no more obligation to the ugly and the aging, and you and your mother will be nothing but that Bad Luck and the trash dumpster prince - the only language will be....their food, their water, their temperature, their 4 limbs soaking the warm water, to their parents, for your staffs, for your military that very very special reason to kneel....because they are no longer require to say...why any friend will soon, knowing...per kneel drop per social

Why they UB not willinig to keep writing their big picture to tame that President of yours.

Every big pictures is wrong on those social reason, for this is the first warning, to say the court room floor to meet, per word opens to talk, per text to message

I want the total count per years since 2008. On this girls and friend of Dean and Wing, they will be back leash with the blood and flesh renew and repair, until that 1 billion text per word, not per alphabet...to see how their lips will be saw and eye lid to plastic sewing.

This 1 eye....

The only Power forever will be

Every single life, they dare to come back.

AS the parents will be half

As the friend will be the only look

Everywhere every world, every scenery.

One more word talked, to....

If you all continue as the UB 100, doing on purpose as your IQ low like that Ola, as low as you could chop off your hands or your tongue, to imagine you keep doing it on purpose the low IQ LOW IQ, I have every example supposed to be the only thing, until all truth be find, you keep lying about it....

Its the only copy and paste, to make every word correct and sound.

Not...imagine you are ever right again.

I want to see crying loud voice, as these so precious human, hurt, tears, vent, so lonely, and resilliance, as this One Earth eternity, classroom lesson starting young, to that pledge to America. To that textbook memorize how the heart be pull and pushing......this England one side, to Congress 2 legs SMCH, and Lalla and Eben...coastline per map illustrate, how willing you all say UB parents per legs chop, their per phone text count.....and the pope side.

All staying on this Earth and reborn to learn every language can only be English will be subjected to this punishment eternity, only the tear, the laugh, the vent, the flow, the sadness of every human samara is a giant big laugh...how low the IQ will be and hiding, and how soon your heart cannot be tear, to be warning, your only true reality show of this TV commodity is the same. Just K1-K12 makes it perfect.

Korea boyband and the Taiwan number 1 super model, is your manager my mother's classmate on running?

She needs to be jump on that 6 F 1000 time like that Eben 1000 time for Lalla on 101.

Bounce trembling, and for the eternity year, this Citi bank..and this one lifetime, per month, one day, its all of them going in, punch that desk, beat up their head, and tie up their hands.

If next month they no longer be there, its the 2 legs first, then 2 arms next, then 2 eyes, then the tongue. Whatever this Tina legal to-do, all the judge and lawyers stand there for month and witness, this must be eternity, both the customers and the desk.

Anyone just random 2 legs, then 2 arms, then 2 eyes....its the customers base.

Because you all dare....anyway, its passive to watching someone die, or keep dying.

I want to see nothing but cruelty on this planet, and this per border the whole universe will be 10 PC monitor on every moving in travelers, all their Airplane Virgin airlines, all airline, must be none stop these sex acts as the only Bible things to the eternity of every eternity to this one planet.

Its eeel ya....eellll ya.....makes a great sense.....you all just never passive enough, and we will make 10 times 100 times worse of your heart, from the high tech, every romance story ends as the drama clubs, make push and heart wish and want, no words to verbalize, because this EF, DOESN'T DO enough.

And America, this one 411.... 407, 401...you all dare...anyway, your entire American one lifetime its none stop driving from Buffalo to Moskoka, Friday night and Monday return. 

One lifetime, and those KY, its every eternity, driving from KY to WV, to Canadian boarder, and return, every weekend like Carla never quit 8 years how great this duaghter and tony should be.

This one period of time, when things be sexual, I want the whole humanity die in horror and in the most excutiating pain, you tell  me whom he is, you use me whom I am, and you keep just watching me die.

And for the rest of this Canada border, since you insist it will never open but Mexico.

You will bomb unlimited life to every border cross other than this One TOO big of deal Buffalo to QUEENEY, spell it right.


Until All mankind must be in the most horror dying wish to their face and soul

I will make every Cosmo your only eternity sin karma for every suffering you dare to make me see, through, hear, witness, AND TEST DRIVE.


Do you have 5 or 6 striving for the bigger plans FRIEND? Tilt your head like William?

Remember, they will be joining some torture, because you dare to make one contact...and when I finish these 10-20 best friends, you will no longer have one human face other than the sexual pulling 1 billions per acts airing every airports as the Bible is the only end time, too great too listen. Your driving will not stop, but your seeing will never be a human, you can type to email, but no longer a tilted head.

Or else, that spine of the every maid and caretaker, or the police like this time...

Its 45 degree left or right or front bent....for this every eternity, no more second life.

Any human let me see....this you tilt your head as the best friend, together......because its so easy....this whole cosmo, you will all have one eternity hell forever. 

Together anyway. Find them.

Its the greater works, everyone will applause, except these. Together you will make a strong photo frame, every world witness ! What the best reason for every reason to look like the end of Bible, for a religion to great of La la la. Funny !!!!

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