
The legal idea where you all enter the court room. Anna I say: the half Cosmo ruined.

The only thing that really happened its the court room shut off your case. No more proceeding. That is what I told you, true. That's it.

Can you file another new lawsuit (outside in the Cosmo or here), the money the family? Of course. Yes, you can get to a new lawsuit of a different nature other than me. But my side, that one movie is close off, whatever you presented. That is only that close off. 

So why the half Cosmo is ruined? Or why we aren't jailed just close off?

Right, that is what I said, correct. I didn't lie to you, if that is what you mean unless you go and harming that judge, you get jailed because you harming that person right in the court room. Here or out there, that is a physical assault.

So its ruined?


But not the anything else to the personal life?

No. You just didn't proceed that case. You hate that process so much or what you hear, so you just don't go back, not even the future anything else related to the court room justice, until your parents run that, or until ....you just hate that feeling, so you don't go back.

That is not ruined, that is we get mad (laughed).

Ruined. No more discussion. That's it.

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