
Ola ...The system data outside the schoolmate.

Any artist making any money its their happy privacy life to that one company, in any world not limited to America.

When the normal kids going to the NY state school, to pay the college tuition through the parents and find a job, before another Master or Ph.D, that is not the students formats, where America has a lot more opportunity not to stay in the school to pile up the debts than in Asia any world.

You as a mild girl on your look, on your seen be other people perceiving, to keep doing the fake things in 3. If you want to push that 50 chat room boxes sound like less MAGIC reason and all you Ola court room paper are nothing but the right business format.

No one cared if any of that is legitimate business, because everyone always thought that was normal. Most people living in a normal society, will think of something as normal

This entire class I run my own facebook only I NEVER check anything around you, you saying I am the only person never stop saying you are a witch to that per statement, today or yesterday I told you, it was nothing on your court room paper.

  • You are fear of something.
  • That something is not on the painting from 500 years ago.
  • You pushing that 50 celebrity chat room boxes to say you are a society schooling girl whom can call a phone, dialogue a schemetic says, meaning its verbal, its not telepathy, its a constant communication, its visible seen you are in your location in America to calling them 50 chat rooms boxes as steady.
  • Look like Anna doing that to Ireland or Anna has that ability or she knew you used to have something telling her, or something magical aspect.
  • You believing in it, Pane Andov. NOT Rudof Raindo Raindeer.....or that is Gandulf. 
  • You had those crystal seen, the crystal necklace, everyone reading that Ice Skating comic book.
  • Everyone taken you are like that, because of my facebook on that 80s something or 90s someone is expedition on the crystal.
  • It was on Cayce Edgar, you went to finding it out the Atlantis, but Anna shut it off that fighting words with Dean or with Wing.
  • You keep silence.

Ola, you keep silence, keep silence, keep silence, keep silence of your normal everyday world if everyone sit in the same space, no one even think of it, why Anna keep proof reading or validating prove, she was doing that for 20 years on her facebook, they knew my personality is like that, you taken me = magic = you almost the identical to some story plot.

Its very very very near per story you thought, you went to deny, or you need that volume less, because that is a medical school, and I say that is the international medical school. MOST UB thought of...not they doubt WHY it cannot be an international medical school,  until Anna doing nothing but killing aspect from the power from the top, real or not real. You fear someone just hear about it. 

You didn't put your magic resume to the international medical school application. Did you open your mouth and say that to Dean or to Wing? 

You try to pretending you are me?

You fallen, fallen, fallen....with your eye glasses on, Ola. What did you have any conversation with your mother, you make her read your paper, or you mislead her to believe you are a witch or a medical student from the international medical school, next by Tamang. She literally reading with her eye glasses on, ANY paper inside your hand, you lie to her, or you writing a different thing only you know to the judge?

Did you check your real grade with Dr. T and UB honor class advisor, MCAT or the international medical school, from every step 1 to 10 until you get to the real Louisiana medical school.

Did you tell them, including ALL my facebook used to be MD 6, per contact you can get....you had a grade in the scores of, why you were on the movie, and what exactly per step or the meeting date in the court room session including if you got charged to every details of the last ten years, you done nothing but to report to them?

Did you report to the England medical school? 1-20 things here?

(tile my head)

If me and Dean and Wing has to argue, and Jonathon running to pretend that was not a piece of the gun on anywhere on the map, that is PER prove we doing this movie per image, they didn't ask me the funny words in "magic".....so on your proceeding hidden agenda USED to be, no one knows google+ it was you gone somewhere, and you went to someone....

IF we pretending to stand there talking, and YOU are shadowy away.....its WE intuitively know you were a medical failure student, the drop off student, the GPA pass grade students on venturing the magic or intend to jump the cliff, no one knows, or Dean never finds out per details. TODAY would be the first day other than before, you Ola never DARE to check your own grade if they slip you in? In the sequence of your last 20 years, you shuffle yourself in life to imagine something bigger?

Hira knows that, Dean knows that, or WHOM knows that, the medical school, or the pharmacy school, WE knew the word in MAGIC will never happen ?

"You try to hide it so hard"  - Ella Enchanted, "Where is my purse?" 

If you burn the bridge, that is the War from Ancient Chinese stories, so you are listening....but no guys from UB cared about that details, Anna I put them their mind on the textbook and the patient cares, everyone knew that to get through their VITA review.

(From the ancient Chinese, from the Red River Manga, from the Lords of Rings, it was 868% error from Anna and Lee's CADS students)

Are we shared the same organic chemistry students? 

You never go and hiding a 868% percentage error, and you were all on my website, that one site made, UB they all visited I bet. Any movie inside, its the FIRST hour you heard, you hear, you knew....YOU do not hire like those people they might have the condition or they might already being honest ! 

You have to be very very clear on every medical school terms and conditions. 

You imagine to take on 50 chat room boxes?! 

You want to look like you know what you are doing? 

With the movie to dictate to the medical profile? That none of them were your patients.

But "I try anyway."

Everyone put an eye glasses on, right side look in the mirror, left side look in the mirror.

With your lip in smile with the 2 eyes squeeze "I try anyway", say it until you understand it.

Its the licking the penis to say squandle the criminal on trying a sheep like you to get rapes. Its the profanity its the zizzling you touching your thigh down line to your vegina....Say it.

To rape with the magic, its not as the words saying it, and literally using it your hands, now....there are the hair belongs to your meals, to cat dance, ola, down there? The hair? Its the period blood on the new moon or the full moon? Not anything else this SMCH how much can damage me with these penis?

They mix up the standard, must per word saying it loud to me in front of my faces without me begging them, to imagine, its per second late since yesterday, they dare to...

I dare even more....

Then remember, its 100 9-11, the human life to my 1 second the mind in rest...its nothing of this Cosmo Heart.

Until every world, none stop crying, none stop shouting, none stop suiciding, none stop bombing, none stop, I say none stop. The court room never arrives here...none stop. Its just words to argue, its just none sense, its all wrong, so wait.....every second doesn't mean to them.

Anyone translate, what does that mean?

I SAY 1000 worlds fire


Next one on nuclear bomb, 1000 worlds, you dare to input the fake youtube per notice, 

One more time. Noticed. 

I say per fucking man Vietanman be clear, that is 1000 new girls on her fronts SMCH fucking with 1000 back leash in nothing but the flesh and bloods, until we settle this 1 eye per human per hand, on this write up.......you pretend we fake, we pretend this movie industry its the money all made of.

Remember every penis less to every border to air the eternity, its her and nick merits, you don't tell lie, you don't need to hurt, you don't need to hide, every new classmate re-make this Flower thousand Bone to for fucking scene and the greed to money,

This time....you have no more chances.


Until every world, none stop crying, none stop shouting, none stop suiciding, none stop bombing, none stop, I say none stop


Again Youtube

You have 5 mins.

You have one more chance, I cannot hear you.

Starting every Galaxy hitting each other, you don't hear me, well...America.

1000 slap today on her skull, starting now, if one more not clear, like this image, her weak brain wave.

I will make everyone weak brain, I cannot hear you.



BEE my love

Russ on drunk

That is jewelry?

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